WWE SummerSlam Results August 20th 2017, Full Show Match Updates and Video Highlights

SummerSlam took place at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, NY again and the show was really good overall. One complaint we had was that the SmackDown Tag-Team Title match should really have been on the main card.

Every title in WWE's main roster was defended with the exception of the Intercontinental Championship. Without further ado, let's head straight to the results.


Jason Jordan and The Hardys vs The Miztourage

Jordan started us off, facing Curtis Axel who soon tagged in Bo Dallas. Jordan hit Bo with elbows and followed it up with a dropkick before tagging in Matt Hardy. The babyfaces werein complete control as we headed to commercial.

Jeff Hardy and Curtis Axel were at it when we got back. Jeff tagged in Matt who cleared house. Matt Hardy went to hit Miz with a Twist Of Fate but he almost countered it with a Skull Crushing Finale. He then hit a DDT instead for a 2-count.

Miz then hit the “Yes” kicks but Matt countered the last one and hit a bodyslam. He then tagged in Jason Jordan who suplex Bo into Curtis Axel.

Things broke down at this point. Jordan and Axel weree left inside the ring. Jordan almost landed a suplex but got tagged in subtly by The Miz. Jordan didn't realize that The A-Lister was tagged in, and the Intercontinental Champion landed a skull-crushing finale onto Angle's son for the win.

Miztourage def. Jason Jordan and The Hardys

Akira Tozawa (C) vs Neville (for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship)

Neville started off aggressively and pushed Tozawa down, telling him that the ring was his. Neville showed off his athletic prowess but got dropkicked out of the ring.

When Neville came back in the ring, he eats a boot to the face and once again clears the ring. The champion attempts a suicide dive but gets caught by the King Of The Cruiserweights, who shoves his head into the ropes.

After the break, Neville hit a dropkick from the top rope before Tozawa hit a suicide dive through the ropes. After recovering, Neville started to work on Tozawa’s injured shoulder. Tozawa hit back with a brutal knee strike. Tozawa then attempted to hit a Senton from the top rope but Neville got the knees up.

Neville then hit the Red Arrow and we had a new WWE Cruiserweight Champion.

Neville def. Akira Tozawa.

The New Day (C) vs The Usos

Big E and Xavier Woods wrestled for tonight against the Usos. Woods and Jimmy Uso started us off and Woods came flying out of the blocks, outpacing Jimmy Uso with a flurry of elbows.

When we came back from commercial, Jimmy Uso was in control. A dropkick by Xavier gets him back in action, but as he tries to tag in BIg E, the muscle of New Day was pulled from under the ring. The distraction gets the former champions in complete control out of the ring. Xavier tries to fight back but he was outnumbered.

Big E finally got the tag. In an insane moment, Woods lifted E onto his shoulders and tossed him into Jey Uso. The Usos hit Big E with a double spinebuster. Big E was almost about to get hit with a running knee but Xavier quickly tagged in and struck Jimmy with a Superkick.

The two of them went at it, striking each other. Jey had already tagged in at that point but was met with a knee. Outside the ring, Jey came out of nowhere with a knee to Xavier. Big E was about to dive but was caught by a kick outside. He was hit with a BRUTAL drop in the mid-ropes while Xavier got hit with a Frog Splash. No luck as he kicked out at 2.

Woods then had Jey in a submission and Jimmy gets caught by Big E outside the ring. Jey almost countered it into a pin but got struck by a shining wizard for another nearfall.

Jimmy Uso then threw Xavier Woods onto Jey outside, which was an insane spot. He then slammed Kofi onto the steel steps. Big E replied with a suicide dive onto Jey.

Big E then got hit by multiple superkicks before he got hit by a double Frog Splash. And, that was it. The Usos covered him for the pinfall.

The Usos def. The New Day


John Cena vs Baron Corbin

The leader of the Cenation kicks off SummerSlam. It truly wouldn't be SummerSlam without Big Match John. But he's gone 6 straight years of SummerSlam defeats. Was 2017 the year the streak ended?

The crowd started taunting Corbin by chanting "Let's go briefcase". Cena slid out of the ring and talked to JBL and told him that "the kid is shook". He put on his cowboy hat to a huge pop. The crowd was in full "Let's go Cena, Cena sucks" mode. Corbin slid under the ring ropes and quickly around the ring followed by a great clothesline to the Sixteen-time World Champion. Corbin was completely angry and completely frustrated and he did a good job of selling that.

He slowed down the pace when he started shouting at the crowd. The crowd responded with chants of "Let's go briefcase". Cena started firing back but missed his five knuckle shuffle. Corbin hit a chokeslam-like maneuver but the back lands on the knee, a very impressive news. The leader of the Cenation battled Corbin on the top turnbuckle and knocked him down, landing a jumping DDT. He landed the five-knuckle shuffle the second time around but failed to hit the AA as Corbin countered with a deep six.

Corbin attempted a 3rd baseball slide around the ringpost but was met with a strong clothesline. John Cena then hit the AA and won. His 6-year SummerSlam losing streak is finally over.

John Cena def. Baron Corbin

Naomi (C) vs Natalya (for the SmackDown Women’s Championship)

Naomi came into the match with momentum behind her and she started off strong. She struck Natalya across the face, sending her rolling out of the ring. She followed Nattie out and rolled her back inside the ring and continued the onslaught.

Natalya regrouped and hit a Michinoku Driver before locking in a modified Octopus Hold. Naomi broke free with a couple of elbow strikes but got taken down again with a Discus Clothesline. Naomi replied with a Russian Legsweep off the middle rope. Both women stayed down as Naomi had a chance to regroup. She went for the cover instead and it was for a 2-count.

Naomi got back to her feet first and hit back, sending Natalya face-first into the mat. Naomi followed it up with a springboard legdrop but Natalya kicked out at 2. Natalya locked in a Sharpshooter after this but Naomi reached the ropes after desperately dragging herself across the ring. Natalya then locked in the Sharpshooter again and Naomi tapped out.

Natalya is our new SmackDown Women’s Champion.

Natalya def. Naomi

Even more surprisingly, there was no cash-in after the match.

Big Cass vs Big Show (with Enzo in the Shark Cage)

Enzo, predictably, came out first and cut a promo on the mic. I won’t go into the details of his promo. I didn’t really get into it. Enzo’s promo was interrupted midway by Big Cass’s music and the 7-footer came out to crickets from the audience. He was followed out by Big Show.

Show started strong, taking Cass down with right hands before hitting chops in the corner. Enzo screamed from the shark cage for almost the entire time and it was pretty unbearable.

Show then hit a Side Slam and ended up injuring his already hurt right hand. Big Show still managed to hit Cass with a KO punch but Cass kicked out at 2.

Things turned around at this point as Cass started to work on Big Show’s arm. ‘Boring’ chants started soon after and even though show regrouped briefly. At this point, we saw Enzo trying to squeeze through the bars of the shark cage. Enzo took off his clothes and oiled himself before he managed to squeeze out.

However, as soon as Enzo got down, Cass took him out with a big boot. Cass followed it up with two big boots and an Empire Elbow to Big Cass for the win.

Big Cass def. Big Show

Randy Orton vs Rusev

Rusev jumped Randy Orton as he entered the ring. He caught Orton off guard and hit a Fallaway Slam against the barricade before rolling him back in.

As soon as the bell rang, Orton hit Rusev with the RKO and pinned him. WWE buried Rusev. What a shame.

Randy Orton def. Rusev

Alexa Bliss (C) vs Sasha Banks (for the RAW Tag-Team Championships)

Sasha and Alexa started off their match at a fairly brisk pace before slowing down later on. Alexa got in some nice moves, sending Sasha face-first into the mat after she got caught up in the middle rope. Alexa also hit a double-knees from the top rope but Sasha wouldn’t stay down.

Sasha hit back with a brutal Alabama Slam right into the middle turnbuckle. She then locked in the Banks Statement but Alexa managed to roll out of the ring. The Boss looked to hit the double knees off the apron but Alexa pulled the ring skirt and Sasha crashed and burned. Alexa rolled Sasha back into the ring before tossing her out again disrespectfully.

Alexa followed it up with a Twisted Bliss from the top rope but Sasha managed to kick out. Sasha then managed to lock in a Banks Statement out of nowhere. Alexa managed to break out the first time and tried to pin Sasha but she locked in the Banks Statement again. This time Alexa tapped out, to the surprise of fans in attendance.

Sasha Banks def. Alexa Bliss

Sasha Banks is now a 4-time RAW Women’s Champion.

Bray Wyatt vs Finn Balor

The Demon King turned on the mind games tonight. He was in complete control of the opening stages and Bray Wyatt looked visibly shaken. Bray left the ring to buy himself some time but Finn launched himself over the top rope to take out Bray.

Finn rolled Bray back into the room and headed to the top rope, looking for the Coup De Grace but Bray rolled out once again. He caught Finn with a cheapshot when Finn went to leave the ring as chants of “Let’s go Balor” filled up the Barclays Center. Bray locked in a headlock but Balor broke out. Wyatt then attempted a Sister Abigail but Balor blocked it and hit a double stomp. Balor followed it up with a Baseball Slide dropkick to Wyatt who was at ringside. One Penalty Kick later, Balor hit a double stomp from the apron before rolling Bray back into the ring.

Finn went for the Coup de Grace but Bray caught Balor with a kick to the head. Wyatt then hit the Uranage Slam as he looked like he had complete control. Wyatt then went to the middle rope but Finn caught him with an enziguiri.

Bray rolled out of the ring once again and Finn followed him out and hit a running dropkick. When the action headed back into the ring, Bray took Finn down with a nasty clothesline.

Finn got back up and hit Wyatt with a Slingblade before hitting Bray with a running dropkick. With Wyatt down, Bray headed to the top rope and hit the Coup de Grace for the win. The demon is back.

Finn Balor def. Bray Wyatt

Cesaro and Sheamus (C) vs Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins

Rollins and Ambrose were back together as a team and the started off really strong. They didn’t look like they hadn’t teamed up in years and looked to be on the same page. They cleared the ring soon and Sheamus and Cesaro were forced to regroup.

Sheamus hit Ambrose with a Brogue Kick at ringside. Rollins tried to hit a double suicide dive on both Sheamus and Cesaro but they caught him in midair and planted him on the floor. Cesaro and Sheamus were in control now but Seth soon hit a jawbreaker to take control. Seth hit Cesaro with a Blockbuster and went for the tag but Ambrose was still down at ringside.

Sheamus got tagged in and he hit Rollins with the 10-count chops against the ropes as Cesaro charged into the crowd and destroyed a beach volleyball fans were playing with.

Cesaro got tagged in again as he locked in a submission hold on Rollins. Rollins made his way back to his feet and Cesaro looked to hit him with a back suplex. Seth landed on his feet and tossed Cesaro out of the ring. Seth himself got dragged out of the ring as Cesaro and Sheamus looked to double-team him. Ambrose hit an elbow off the turnbuckle, almost taking out his own partner in the process.

He then rolled Seth into the ring and got into position for a tag. Rollins got the tag in soon after and Ambrose burst out of the blocks taking both men down. Rollins and Ambrose then cleared the ring and hit stereo suicide dives. Ambrose then rolled Cesaro in and tagged in Rollins. The hit Cesaro with a double-team elevated Slingblade.

Ambrose got tagged in again and he countered an attempted neutralizer from Cesaro, taking him down with a clothesline. Ambrose then hit Sheamus with a Superplex and Rollins followed it up with a Frog Splash. Rollins almost got the 3-count but Cesaro broke up the cover.

Rollins and Ambrose then went for a double-Powerbomb but Cesaro came in and prevented it. Rollins got dumped out of the ring as Sheamus hit Ambrose with a Tilt-A-Whirl Slam. Cesaro got tagged in and he hit a Crossbody from the top rope before locking in a Sharpshooter. As Ambrose got close to the ropes, Cesaro transitioned into a Crossface. Ambrose broke out and Cesaro and Sheamus double-teamed him with a Tower Of Doom-like clothesline from the top rope.

It looked all over for Rollins and Ambrose as Sheamus had Ambrose in the White Noise position as Cesaro headed to the top rope for the double-team. Rollins came charging in at this point and hit a springboard hurracanrana launching Cesaro into Sheamus. He then came in and superkicked both men. Rollins then hit Sheamus with a Rain Trigger and Ambrose followed it up with a Dirty Deeds and it was all over.

Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose are the new RAW Tag-Team Champions.

Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose def. Cesaro and Sheamus

AJ Styles (C) vs Kevin Owens (for the WWE US Championship)

Owens and Styles started brawling as soon as Styles entered the ring. Shane separated the two of them before the match could officially begin.

The two pulled off a flurry of moves as the match officially began. KO looked like he had Styles where he wanted him as he hit a Cannonball followed soon after with a modified neckbreaker.

The two men then traded slaps and punches before Styles hit a facebuster. Styles then springboarded off the ropes and landed on his feet after Owens moved away but KO immediately hit a Superkick. Owens then went for the pop-up Powerbomb but Styles reversed it with an Ushi Goroshi. Styles then went to the top rope but Owens ran into the ropes causing him to lose his footing.

Styles replied by planting Owens and he then went to hit a 450 Splash. However, Owens pulled Shane onto him as he hit the 450 Splash. As Shane was still down, Owens hit the Pop-Up Powerbomb but only managed to get a nearfall because Shane took a little while to recover and start the count.

As KO berated Shane, Styles locked in a Calf Crusher. Owens managed to break out after striking Aj across the face. Owens then kicked Styles into Shane who crashed out of the ring. Styles then locked in another Calf Crusher and Owens tapped this time but Shane was outside the ring.

Styles was livid when Shane got back into the ring and they started to shove each other. Owens rolled Styles up as Shane shoved him but it was only a nearfall. Owens then hit a Fisherman Suplex from the top rope after reversing a hurracanrana for another nearfall.

Styles then hit a Styles Clash on Owens and Owens kicked out. Styles then went for a Phenomenal Forearm but Owens dodged it and hit a Pop-Up Powerbomb. Styles got his foot on the rope as soon as Owens went for the cover but Shane still counted till 3. He realized his mistake and told Owens who was livid. Owens and Shane then went nose-to-nose and Shane pushed KO who was rolled up by Styles for a nearfall. Styles then hit Owens with a Pele Kick and followed it up with a Phenomenal Forearm and a Styles Clash to retain the US Championship.

AJ Styles def. Kevin Owens

Jinder Mahal (C) vs Shinsuke Nakamura (for the WWE Championship)

Shinsuke Nakamura was the clear fan favourite going in. He hit Jinder with a low kick after intimating that he was looking to lock up. He then put Jinder off his game with his trademark taunt when he rested his head against Jinder's midsection leading Jinder to push him away. Jinder took back control after a cheap shot and locked in a headlock, slowing Nakamura down.

Nakamura burst out of the corner and hit Jinder with a knee strike to the midsection and followed it up with a spinning wheel kick. He followed it up with a single legged dropkick and then hit a Buzzsaw Kick. The Artist then put Jinder Mahal on the top rope and hit a running knee to the midsection.

Nakamura looked to follow it up with an Exploder Suplex but Jinder powered out of it. Nakamura managed to transition Jinder's reversal into a Triangle Choke but Jinder reached the ropes. Nakamura then went for a Kinshasa but he hit the turnbuckle instead and Jinder rolled him up. Jinder followed it up with a running knee strike.

Jinder looked to follow it up with another running strike in the corner but Nakamura sidestepped him. Nakamura followed it up with Kinshasa to the back of the head.

The Singh Brothers interfered at this point. Nakamura took them both out but Jinder hit him with a Khallas and pinned him. Jinder retains again.

Jinder Mahal def. Shinsuke Nakamura

Brock Lesnar (C) vs Braun Strowman vs Roman Reigns vs Samoa Joe (for the WWE Universal Championships)

Brock showed the other 4 stars his title belt before the bell rang and the match started. Joe went right after Lesnar and Roman went right after Braun Strowman.

Lesnar hit Joe with a belly-to-belly suplex as Roman smashed Strowman into the ringpost. Lesnar and Reigns then faced off inside the ring. Lesnar immediately hit Reigns with a German Suplex and followed up with another to Joe.

Strowman then came in and the crowd erupted as the two behemoths faced off. Joe and Reigns came in at this point but Lesnar and Strowman tossed them out. Strowman then manhandles Lesnar and tossed him out of the ring. Reigns looked to clothesline Strowman but the big man just swatted him away like a fly.

Joe tried to take Lesnar down with a Coquina Clutch at ringside. Reigns came in at this point and Joe moves away as Lesnar got Speared Lesnar through the barricade. Braun sent Lesnar through an announcer's table with a running powerslam.

Joe then hit Reigns with a suicide dive before Strowman tossed a chair at Joe and Reigns. He then sent Strowman through another table. Incredible.

Strowman then literally ripped the last announcer's table off the ground and tossed it onto Lesnar. Paramedics came out to check on Lesnar as Heyman sat next to Lesnar, screaming in agony. The fans chanted "Hey, hey goodbye" at Lesnar as he got stretchered out.

Strowman then slammed the steel steps into Joe and then Reigns. The action then spread back into the ring as Reigns hit Strowman with the steel steps, repeatedly. Joe then came in and rolled Reigns up from behind for a nearfall and then hit a Senton.

Joe went for the Uranage but Reigns countered with a Samoan Drop. Roman went for the Superman Punch but Joe countered with a Coqunia Clutch. Strowman came in at this point and hit a double chokeslam. The following cover only got a nearfall.

Lesnar came back at this point. He took out all three men including Strowman before Reigns hit Lesnar with a Spear for a nearfall. Joe came in and locked in a Coquina Clutch on Reigns from behind but Strowman broke it up with a dropkick. He then hit Joe with a running Powerslam for a nearfall which only got broken up after Brock pulled the referee out.

Inside the ring, Reigns hit Strowman with a Superman Punch after which Strowman caught Reigns with a boot and hit a running Powerslam. Brock broke up the count just in time.

Joe then came in and Locked the Coquina Clutch on Brock who reversed it and hit an F5. Reigns broke up the count at the last second.

Reigns then looked to Spear Lesnar but Brock caught him mid-Spear and hit an F5 to pin him for the 3-count.

Brock Lesnar def. Roman Reigns, Samoa Joe and Braun Strowman

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