WWE SmackDown Live Results June 27th 2017, Latest SmackDown Live winners and video highlights

Was Carmella able to reclaim the MITB briefcase without James Ellsworth?

SmackDown Live had a stacked show from top to bottom, featuring a #1 contenders match, a Women’s Championship match, a Women’s MITB match, and more! See what the blue brand had in store.

Daniel Bryan ejects James Ellsworth from the building

Daniel Bryan took extra measures to ensure Ellsworth didn’t interfere in the main event

The SmackDown Live General manager kicked off the night saying that he was proud of the women's evolution. He began talking about the Women’s MITB rematch but was cut by Carmella, who said that SmackDown Live was the land of injustice. She justified her win at Money In The Bank, stating the clear rules that there is no disqualification. After continuing to justify her win, Daniel Bryan said he made his decision.

James Ellsworth cut him off and dissed the crowd and was met with “Ellsworth sucks” chants. He said that he used to look up to Bryan, then dissed him and said that he made up a “hokey” injury because he didn’t have the “grapefruits” to mix it up in the ring.

Bryan said that he wasn’t going to ban Ellsworth from ringside for the match, but would ban him from the entire arena. He called security, and Ellsworth had a hilarious run from the security but was eventually caught. Bryan then wished Carmella good luck for her match.


The Hype Bros vs The Usos(#1 Contenders match)

The Hype Bros attempted to reclaim their #1 contenders spot

The Hype Bros started with the momentum. Back after the commercial break, Jimmy Uso hit a frog splash on Zack Ryder and won in quick fashion. Unless you watched from USA Network, you would have missed the entire match.

The Usos defeated The Hype Bros

Right after, The New Day came out and challenged The Usos for the Tag Titles at Battleground. The Usos accepted their challenge. Kofi then spewed a few rhymes to take a shot at The Usos. The Champions then walked away.


Yet another hilarious episode of Fashion Vice featuring the Ascension.


Naomi(c) vs Lana – SmackDown Women’s Championship”

Lana was once again frustrated in an attempt to become Women’s Champion

Lana jumped Naomi before the bell rang, and had the advantage. Naomi countered with a kick to the head and followed it up with a springboard moonsault for a surprisingly quick win.

Naomi defeated Lana

After the match, Lana was visibly frustrated in the ring.


Becky Lynch was interviewed backstage, and she was happy about the MITB rematch and vowed to become the first woman to legitimately win the Women’s MITB match.

Randy Orton upstages Aiden English and demands Jinder Mahal

Randy Orton demanded Jinder Mahal

The spotlight was on Aiden English, who was singing but got cut off by the former WWE champion Randy Orton. Orton demanded Aiden get out of the ring, and then RKO’d him. He was sitting on the same chair Aiden was, and said that he wasn’t leaving until he got what he wanted.

Orton demanded a rematch against Jinder Mahal for the WWE Championship. He vowed to continually beat the holy hell out of Jinder. After no response, he was about to leave to go back and search for Jinder. As he exited the ring, Shane McMahon came out.

Shane said that he couldn’t go around beating up the WWE Championship. Randy said that even if he was fired he would buy a ticket to every show that Jinder Mahal would be in. Shane said that he never saw that fire in Randy’s eyes, and granted him a WWE title rematch at Battleground. But he said that Jinder would be able to choose the stipulation.

This led Jinder out. He said that Randy wasn’t deserving of a title match. He then said it would be a Punjabi Prison match.

Backstage, AJ Styles was talking to Bryan about Kevin Owens’ “open challenge” for the US title. Bryan then said that there would be an Independence Day Battle Royal next week on the 4th of July, with the winner becoming #1 contender for the US title.


Sami Zayn vs Baron Corbin

Was Baron Corbin finally able to get one over Sami Zayn?

Maria and Mike Kanellis debuted on SmackDown Live and were introducing themselves, only to be cut off by Sami Zayn. Absolutely hilarious, and even better reaction from Mike and Maria.

Sami started off dominant until he threw himself out onto Corbin but was caught. Corbin then slammed him against the barricade. Back after the commercial, Sami got the offence in on Corbin, getting a near fall with a crossbody.

Corbin struck Zayn twice, who sold it and made it look a million bucks. Corbin caught Zayn out if nowhere with the End Of Days, finally picking up the win over Zayn.

Baron Corbin defeated Sami Zayn

After the match, Dasha Fuentes interviewed Shinsuke Nakamura backstage, saying that everyone wanted to see a match between him and Corbin. Nakamura said that Corbin was scared of what he could do to the MITB winner.


Women’s Money In The Bank rematch

Who became the definitive Ms. Money In The Bank?

The action went outside quickly, and Carmella was inside the ring, looking to climb and finish things fast. Every woman noticed and went inside the ring and took Carmella out. The action continued on as Tamina attempted to ascend the ladder. After Becky threw Tamina out of the ring, Natalya and Charlotte tried to suplex Becky, but Becky took them both out with a Bexplex.

Tamina returned to the ring to stop Becky ascending the ladder and hit her with a Samoan drop followed by a Superfly Splash. After the break, Charlotte and Natalya were battling inside the ring. Charlotte threw Nattie outside, who was caught by Becky, who then Bexplexed her outside.

Charlotte and Tamina had a battle of power that saw Becky nearly grab the briefcase. Things broke down and the action started getting more intense. However, there were a few blips with the timing. However, after Tamina speared Becky out of nowhere, the crowd chanted “This is awesome!”

After the break, four of the women were on the ladder and they seemingly all slipped off as the ladder fell by itself. Carmella took advantage and almost got the briefcase, but all other women came back in the ring and lifted the ladder away from her reach. Carmella then jumped onto Becky and Natalya.

Charlotte was the next to make the ascent but was stopped by Carmella. Tamina, who was below the ladder, powered it up and pushed the two superstars out. Tamina then superkicked Charlotte and began the ascent, only to be stopped by Natalya and Becky. The two then power bombed Tamina, and Natalya power bombed Becky after that. She applied the sharpshooter on Carmella, but it was broken up by Charlotte.

Charlotte and Natalya brawled outside the ring and went over the barricade. Ellsworth returned to the ring, but this time Becky came in and kicked Carmella out of the ring and pushed Ellsworth, and he was caught in the middle rope between his legs.

Carmella then returned to the ring and hit Becky with the steel chair, climbed the ladder and this time won fair and square.

Carmella won to become Ms. Money In The Bank


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