WWE RAW Results November 5th 2018, latest Monday Night Raw winners, video highlights

Acting Raw General Manager Baron Corbin kicks off Monday Night Raw.

RAW in Manchester began with the entire red brand roster standing on the ramp. There was security outside the ring, seemingly for protection from Braun Strowman as Acting RAW General Manager made his way to the ring.

Corbin welcomed the crowd to RAW, who booed the living daylights out of him. He told them not to be alarmed by the security, as someone as high profile as him needs it. He began to hype Survivor Series. He announced the two traditional 5-on-5 Survivor Series matches for men and women. He added that the World Cup controversy will be addressed by Stephanie McMahon next week. He then declared himself as the team leader for Survivor Series and said that due to his managerial duties, he can't compete.

Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre were announced as the first two members of Team RAW. Corbin said that Braun Strowman will also be a part of it, and said that while he understood that Strowman may be upset at him, but he needed to learn to accept authority.

As for the RAW Women's team, Alexa Bliss was announced as team captain. Bliss said she could get used to her business attire and started to boss around the women, saying that the Riott Squad would face Natalya, Sasha Banks & Bayley up next.

Alexa Bliss continued to talk but got interrupted by RAW GM Kurt Angle! Kurt Angle says competing the World Cup lit a fire under him. He provoked Corbin, saying that he wanted everyone to step up but he never did. He challenged him to a match, with the winner being team Captain. Angle, unlike Corbin, wanted to actually compete.

Angle departed and Alexa Bliss was about to say "And the match starts NO-" before being interrupted by Braun Strowman. The Monster Among Men furiously marched to the ring, taking down the security before Corbin ran away to the back. The roster tried to stop Strowman but got into a brawl themselves. Charly Caruso interviewed Natalya, Bayley and Sasha Banks. Natalya paid tribute to her dad, wearing Jim Neidhart's sunglasses.


Sasha Banks, Bayley & Natalya vs The Riott Squad

Sasha and Bayley comfort Natalya as The Riott Squad make their exit.

The Riott Squad attacked the trio from behind, with Ruby Riott starting the match with Natalya. They started quickly tagging one another in, focusing only on isolating Natalya. Liv Morgan prevented Natalya from making the tag but she finally managed to tag Sasha Banks in. She started attacking Liv Morgan and even locked in the Bank Statement but Ruby Riott broke it up. Bayley tagged in and she and Sasha showed some incredible teamwork. She hit a knee to Riott and pushed Sasha into Riott to hit the double knee.

Bayley hit an incredible suicide dive to the outside. Natalya made the crowd rally for Bayley but Sarah Logan was the one who began to get the better of The Hugger. She whiplashed the former Women's champ onto the middle rope. Morgan got tagged in and she hit a jumping facebuster. She failed to get the pin but threw Bayley outside the ring.

Bayley managed to tag Natalya in and the rest of the team cleaned house. Natalya had Logan in a sharpshooter but Ruby Riott stood outside holding Jim Neidhart's sunglasses, threatening to snap it. Natalya, shocked, left the sharpshooter and looked at Riott, who snapped it in half. The Riott Squad left, while Natalya held the sunglasses and started crying.

Sasha Banks, Bayley & Natalya vs The Riott Squad ended in a no contest


Backstage, Braun Strowman was still searching for Corbin. He kicked the door of the bathroom and some poor guy had to run out

Jinder Mahal vs Apollo Crews

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Jinder started off with an Irish whip. Apollo Crews hit his flips and gorilla presses on Jinder Mahal before hitting a standing moonsault. With that Apollo Crews pinned a former WWE Champion!

Result: Apollo Crews def. Jinder Mahal


Seth Rollins was out and the crowd chanted "Burn It Down". He was disappointed at not winning the World Cup. He was disgusted at the fact that Corbin helped Brock Lesnar, of all people, win the title. He said that he took everything Roman Reigns worked so hard for. The crowd cheered him on. He said he'd tell it to Lesnar's face but Lesnar wasn't there tonight.

He then shifted the topic to Dean Ambrose and said that he was there tonight. He said that unfortunately, he didn't think he'll be able to defend both titles at one night. Baron Corbin appeared on the Titantron, barricaded somewhere. He said that Rollins was going to defend the RAW Tag Team Championships right then against AOP.

Seth Rollins vs Authors Of Pain - 2-on-1 handicap match for the RAW Tag Team titles

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Seth Rollins tried to start strong but AoP had power on their side and outmuscled The Architect. They had him down and the tag team titles were on the line. AoP was in complete control. They were systematically tearing Rollins down.

Rollins gained some momentum and hit a double suicide dive onto Akam and Rezar. Rollins showed heart and got back in control. He launched himself off the top rope and went ar Akam. He hits a blockbuster but it wasn't enough. Seth Rollins got ready for the stomp. Drake Maverick distracted the referee and Rezar pulled Rollins' legs from underneath, halting any momentum. He somehow superkicked both of them and was still in it.

He went to the top rope and hit the frog splash. Rollins went for the stomp and got caught in a powerbomb. AoP hit the double team move and hit a power-bomb, pinning Rollins.

Result: AoP def. Seth Rollins to become the new RAW Tag Team Champions


It looks like AoP vs The Bar is official for Survivor Series.


Dolph Ziggler was out to talk about his unfortunate loss at the WWE World Cup. Elias interfered with a song. It was the main riff to Seven Nation Army and the Manchester crowd loved it. He then sang a small diss track over some Tom Petty chords and Dolph invited him to the ring for a match.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Elias

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The match began during the commercials and we returned to see Dolph hit a huge dropkick to Elias. Elias caught Ziggler in a headlock but Dolph replied with a chin lock. Elias hit a top rope elbow drop but Ziggler rolled out of the way as we broke for commercials again.

Ziggler headbutted Elias and went for the Zig Zag but Elias clung on to the rope. Elias missed a knee and Ziggler hit a Zig Zag but Elias had his foot on the rope. Elias countered him and hit the swinging reverse neckbreaker. He pinned the team RAW member for the win.

Result: Elias def. Dolph Ziggler


Ronda Rousey responds to Becky Lynch

The RAW Women's Champion was out to address Becky Lynch. The crowd chanted for Becky and she acknowledged them too. She praised Becky Lynch and said that a change of attitude wasn't going to be enough to beat her.

Ronda Rousey cut a pretty intense promo but the delivery wasn't on point. But she did a good enough job for the crowd to cheer her. She was set to leave and was interrupted by Nia Jax, her next title challenger. Jax told her that she knows Ronda won't let the red brand down. Ember Moon's music hit and it seemed like she's set to face Ember Moon, again.


Nia Jax vs. Ember Moon

 A heel turn and a new alliance has been formed!
A heel turn and a new alliance
been formed!

Nia hit Ember with a big forearm before dropping her face first on the turnbuckles. Jax then went for the leg drop but Ember rolled out of the way. Ember hit a spin kick and then a crossbody from the ropes to regain some momentum. Ember hit a forearm for a near fall but Nia was still not done.

Ember went for a DDT off the top rope but Nia reversed it. Jax hit her finisher for the easy victory. After the match, Tamina made her entrance and then hit a Samoan Drop on a fallen Ember. She then locked in the Boston Crab while Jax hit elbow drops. The two finally hugged and celebrated leaving Ember in the ring.

Result: Nia Jax def. Ember Moon

A huge heel turn from Nia Jax.


Baron Corbin left the arena in his rental car after announcing that he will not be facing Kurt Angle in the main event as planned. Angle will be facing Drew McIntyre instead.

Finn Balor vs. Bobby Lashley

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Finn Balor was about to hit a suicide dive but Lio Rush pulled his feet out from under him while the referee wasn't looking. Lashley took control with his throws and submission moves before hitting a neckbreaker.

Balor reversed a powerbomb into a sunset flip but failed to capitalize. A slingblade from the Demon was followed by a clothesline from Lashley. Bobby hit the vertical suplex but Finn kicked out. Lio tried to interfere but Finn took him out. He was about to hit Rush with a finisher when he was caught by Lashley for a Gut Wrench Suplex in the ring leading to the pinfall.

Result: Bobby Lashley def. Finn Balor

Drew McIntyre vs. Kurt Angle

Angle taps out...

McIntyre made his entrance right after the last match ended not giving Lashley or Rush any time to celebrate. The two big men stared each other down before Lashley walked away. McIntyre helped Balor up and then hit a Claymore kick.

Kurt Angle started off with full steam but McIntyre hit the Glasgow Kiss to take him down. Drew locked in the armbar before hitting a neckbreaker. Angle returned with the Angle slam but McIntyre rolled out of the ring as we headed into another commercial break.

During the break, McIntyre sent Angle into the steel steps and hit a huge suplex in the ring followed by a neck breaker for a near fall. Angle broke out of another resthold and Drew hit a belly-to-belly suplex. Kurt Angle hit three German Suplexes but took a Claymore kick just as he was starting to gain back momentum.

Drew toyed with his opponent, offering up his leg for the submission. McIntyre caught Angle and kept attacking him even though the Olympic Gold medallist was down. He taunted Angle till the Legend locked in the Anklelock but McIntyre fought out of it. Drew hit an Angle slam on Kurt and then the Anklelock. Angle tapped out and that was it.

Result: Drew McIntyre def. Kurt Angle


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