WWE RAW Results – February 9, 2015: Roman fires the first shot, Sting accepts Triple H's challenge, more

The opening segment of RAW

This week’s RAW came to us live from Columbus, Ohio as WWE Fast Lane approaches.

Opening segment with Roman Reigns, Daniel Bryan and The Authority

Roman Reigns made his way out as the arena burst into boos and jeers, and Roman showed replays of what happened last week. He then talked about winning the Royal Rumble and earning the right to face Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania, and said The Authority wanted to strip him off that right. He then said that he would beat Bryan and whoever The Authority put in his way, and then win the WWE World Heavyweight championship at WrestleMania, as Daniel Bryan made his way out to “Yes” chants.

Bryan thanked Roman for helping him last week, as the crowd was firmly behind Bryan. He said he might not be stronger or bigger than Roman, but he is the better wrestler. He said he would beat Roman at WWE Fast Lane and face Lesnar at WrestleMania, as The Authority made their way out.

The Authority expressed their anger and frustration, as Triple H called Sting out. He gave Sting till the end of the night to answer his challenge to face him in the ring at WWE Fast Lane, and said Bryan and Roman had caused them a lot of pain. They then made a tag team match between Roman/Bryan and Kane/Big Show.

Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns vs. Kane and Big Show

Kane and Big Show dominated in the early going against Roman, but Bryan came in with a head of steam, which was stopped by the heels. Show and Kane then took control of the match, but Bryan managed to lock Kane in the LaBelle lock, as Show dragged him out causing a DQ.

Winners by DQ: Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns

Rating: **

Show and Kane tried to attack Bryan and Roman, as Show struck Roman with a couple of chair shots. Roman turned things around with a Superman punch and chair shots to knock him out of the ring. Kane then tried to attack Roman as Bryan tried to make the save, but inadvertently dropkicked Roman. Roman then shoved Bryan as Triple H made a tag team match in the main event between the two and Kane, Show, J & J security and Seth Rollins.

Seth Rollins (With J & J security) vs. Ryback

Seth was in control for most of the match, but as Ryback turned things around, J & J security came in to cause the DQ, resulting in Seth drilling the big guy with the Curb Stomp.

Winner by DQ: Ryback

Rating: *

Paige vs. Brie Bella (With Nikki)

Paige started off aggressively, but was stopped by Brie. Paige then came back to hit Rampaige on Brie to pick up the victory, after ramming Brie into Nikki as she tried to cause an interference.

Winner: Paige

Rating: ½ *


Segment with Lana, Rusev and Cena

Rusev and Lana made their way out and aired a video package mocking Cena. Rusev then went on about beating Cena and humiliating him, and said he will put him down, as John Cena made his way out.

Cena cut a promo about getting beaten down, and getting back up every time. He then mocked Rusev, and said that at WWE Fast Lane, he will adjust his attitude. Rusev then told Cena that he would crush him, as Cena said Lana had the balls among the two. This led to Rusev attacking Cena, and poked Cena in the bad eye, ramming him into the screen at the entrance area as the referees broke up the brawl.

Bray Wyatt vs. Dolph Ziggler

Good back and forth action between the two superstars, as the crowd started a dueling “Let’s go Wyatt/Let’s go Ziggler” chant. Ziggler almost picked up the victory with a fame asser – superkick combination, but Wyatt kicked out at the last second. Wyatt clotheslined Ziggler out of the ring, turning the tide as Bray hit Sister Abigail to pick up the victory.

Winner: Bray Wyatt

Rating: ***

Post match, Bray tried to attack Ziggler, but the referees managed to stop him.

WWE then celebrated Junk Yard Dog’s career during the Black History Month.


Segment with Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman

Heyman made his way out along with Brock Lesnar, and cut a promo about Bryan and Roman Reigns lying to themselves and everybody else. He cut an intense promo about Brock beating any man who dares to face Brock at WrestleMania, and tries to take away the WWE World Heavyweight championship away from the beast incarnate. Heyman concluded his promo by putting Lesnar over, and said it doesn’t matter who wins at WWE Fast Lane, as Lesnar will walk out of WrestleMania as still the reigning, defending, undisputed WWE World Heavyweight champion.

Goldust and Stardust vs. Big E and Kofi Kingston (With Xavier Woods)

Stardust kicked things off with Kofi, and tagged in his brother. Stardust then walked out on his brother, as Goldust was distracted, leading to Kofi backsliding him into a pinning predicament to pick up the easy victory.

Winners: The New Day

Rating: Dud

Backstage, Renee interviewed Daniel, who said he understood why Roman was ticked off. Roman joined Bryan and said they can work together, as they have a common enemy. Roman then said he’d meet Bryan in the ring later in the night.

Backstage, Stardust pushed Goldust away when Goldust tried to talk to his brother, Cody, and told him to never call him that again.

In – ring segment with Triple H

Triple H made his way out to the ring, and said he was responsible for WCW going out of business, and the face of WCW took a decade and half to do something about it. Triple H then called Sting out, and said that he would put him out of his misery if he ever showed up in WWE again. He said he would let him be if he never shows up again, as the lights went out. Sting then played mind games on Triple H, and the graphic on the giant screen showed Sting accepting Triple H’s challenge.


The Usos (With Naomi) vs. Tyson Kidd and Cesaro (With Natalya)

Kidd and Cesaro started things off positively, with the duo working in tandem and keeping the champions down on the mat. The Usos tried to fight their way back, but Cesaro and Kidd worked in tandem to knock the champions off, as Kidd covered Jey to pick up the victory for his team.

Winners: Cesaro and Tyson Kidd

Rating: **

WWE then announced Rikishi as the newest inductee into the Hall of Fame class of 2015.

Damien Mizdow (With The Miz) vs. Sin Cara

The fans started a “Let’s go Mizdow” chant as Mizdow took control, but The Miz started barking orders in the middle of the match, leading to Sin Cara taking control. Mizdow turned things around and was about to go for the figure four, but Miz stopped him and asked him to get his own move set. This led to Sin Cara trapping Mizdow in the inside cradle to pick up the victory.

Winner: Sin Cara

Rating: *

Bray Wyatt cut yet another promo, sending a cryptic message.

Dean Ambrose vs. Curtis Axel

Axel made his way out and asked the fans to keep the “Axelmania” alive, and claimed he never lost the Rumble match. Ambrose then made his way out and made short work of Axel, and drilled him with Dirty Deeds to pick up the victory.

Winner: Dean Ambrose

Rating: * ½

Post match, Ambrose challenged Bad News Barrett once again for a shot at the WWE IC title, and BNB appeared on screen, and said that Ambrose doesn’t get a shot just because he wants one.

Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan vs. Seth Rollins, J & J security, Big Show and Kane

The Authority attacked Roman and Bryan before the match even began, and Bryan started the match hurt. Bryan got the upper hand, but the numbers game proved too much as The Authority once again took control. Show knocked Roman out as Seth tried to put Bryan away.

Ziggler, Rowan and Ryback came down to even the odds and Bryan took care of J & J security. Bryan was about to finish things off as Roman tagged himself in and speared Joey to pick up the victory for his team.

Winners: Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns

Rating: **


Post match, Bryan confronted Roman and shoved him, leading to Roman taking Bryan out with a spear. The Authority watched backstage smiling as Roman walked to the back while Bryan was left in the ring, as the show faded.

Over – all rating of the show: *** ¼ (Out of 5 stars)

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