WWE Raw Results 5th December 2016, Latest Monday Night Raw winners and video highlights

The two best friends did not get along this week either

Right before the show, a highlight of the past two weeks was shown, where the narrator said that “the legitimacy of the Universal Champion was questioned”. They also show the assault of Rollins on Jericho, and the subsequent Roman Reigns vs Kevin Owens match, which Reigns won.

Seth Rollins calls out his mentor

Seth Rollins said he wanted Triple H, but knew what it took to get him out

The show kicked off with Seth Rollins. He says that he wants Triple H. And talked about choices he made, and referred to his making the Shield, and dismantling it when he had to. He then also said he learned the consequences of the choices and showed anger towards Triple H betting against him and anointing Kevin Owens as his new golden boy. He called out Triple H but said that he knew it doesn’t work that way. He needs to beat Kevin Owens, but in order to do that, needs to get through Chris Jericho first.

Kevin Owens then came out. Seth Rollins asked him how Jericho is, and how Owens’ friendship with Jericho is. Owens called out Rollins referring to his stabbing his Shield brothers in the back and said that best friends have fights, but they make up. Owens said that while Jericho was recuperating, Owens got him 3 gifts for the holiday season. Rollins asked him if that compensated for all the times that Chris Jericho handed him the Universal Champion. Owens got outraged about people saying he’s not a fighting champion. Rollins then asked him to defend the title against him right then, but Owens said that he was going to face Sami Zayn in the night.

He then revealed his 3 presents – Firstly, he said that Jericho was going to get a United States Championship match against Roman Reigns. Secondly, Seth Rollins is going to face Chris Jericho at Roadblock: End Of The Line, and thirdly, he revealed Rollins opponent that he was going to face right away – The Big Show.

This was the Big Show’s first appearance since the end of May. The Big Show came out to a great response, and he looks like an entirely different person with all the weight lost. He is still a babyface.

Seth Rollins vs The Big Show

The World’s Largest Athlete returned to action after over half a year

The Big Show started off dominant. Owens seemed amused watching The Architect getting squashed by The World’s Largest Athlete. Michael Cole acknowledges the shape that The Big Show is in, Rollins got a slight advantage by getting his legs from underneath. When he tried to hit him with a suicide dive, The Big Show caught him and hit him down. While Owens was getting excited watching, The Big Show told him to calm down. Rollins in the ring got some offense on The Big Show and pinned him for the two count. The power of The Big Show’s kick out sent him flying out. Rollins still managed to get some more offense hitting him with three back to back flying knees to get the giant down. Rollins tried to get a pedigree, and while Owens distracted the referee, The Big Show managed to escape. Owens started taunting The Big Show from ringside telling him to finish him. The Big Show then chokeslammed Owens into the ring, indicating to Rollins that Owens “was all his”. The Big Show then walks out and high fives the fans, seeming rather happy to with the way things went down. After Rollins was announced as the winner by count out, Rollins hit Owens with a pedigree.

Seth Rollins defeated The Big Show by count out


A video package showcasing The Extraordinary Gentleman Jack Gallagher plays, and Gallagher talks about how 205 Live gives him the opportunity to right his failure in the Cruiserweight Classic. His Raw debut was announced as next


Jack Gallagher vs Ariya Daivari

Ariya Daivari wanted none of Gallagher’s sportsmanship

A rematch from 205 Live and Corey Graves putting over Gallagher. Daivari put him in a headlock, and Gallagher did a handstand escape, similar to the spot on 205 Live. Daivari got in some offense and Gallagher made another counter. The crowd was still silent as they usually are for Cruiserweight matches. Gallagher hit Daivari with a headbutt and then gave him a running dropkick, to pin him and get the victory.

Jack Gallagher defeated Ariya Daivari

After the match, Gallagher offered his hand to shake, and Daivari shook his hand and then attacked his leg and went after it again, and finished it off by stomping him.


The commentators announced that Sheamus & Cesaro would be facing Gallows & Anderson to become the Number One Contenders to The New Day next week on Raw.

It then cut to backstage where Titus O’ Neil was handing out flyers to people.

Backstage, Owens told Mick Foley that he shouldn’t be competing against Sami Zayn, and then runs into Jericho and asked him about whether he heard about the gifts he got him. Jericho said he just got there and did not hear about it. When Owens told him about his “gifts”, he asks him if “they’re good”, and Jericho says they’re not and walks away.

It cut to another segment backstage with Enzo & Cass watching Rusev and Lana arguing, Enzo wanted to butt in, but Cass told him it’s none of his business. Enzo decided to get in anyway and Rusev told Enzo it’s none of his business, and Lana defended Enzo saying that he was just trying to help. Rusev called Lana pathetic for standing up for the “worm”(pointing at Enzo). Lana then took out her ring and told Rusev that the ring meant that he was the only one that could have her, and then threw it on Rusev, who stormed away. Enzo then told Cass that he “got this” and then tried to console Lana, asking her “How are you doing?” unlike the usual “How You Doin’?

Enzo did his best to console Lana

Lana opened up to Enzo about how Rusev took her for granted and told Enzo that maybe if Rusev saw how another man treated her, he wouldn’t take her for granted. She then invited Enzo to her hotel room, much to the delight of The Certified G.


Kevin Owens vs Sami Zayn

Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens had yet another must-watch match

The two former best friend start off how they usually do, with each getting their turns at a Suicide Dive on each other. While locked in a chin lock for a bit, Zayn managed to escape and get his offense on the Universal Champion. Zayn hit Owens with a DDT onto the ring apron. He followed it up with his famous flying DDT through the ring posts. The crowd was more in favour of the babyface Sami Zayn. Owens was able to counter in the ring from the top of the ropes and hit a vicious suplex on Zayn. The momentum fell towards the Universal champion, who hit Zayn with a cannonball. Zayn once more countered and hit him with a DDT from the top ropes. When he tried to go for the Helluva kick, Owens hit him with a kick and then tried to hit Zayn with the pop-up powerbomb, but Zayn jumped over Owens’ head. Zayn then hit him with an exploder suplex followed by a blue thunder bomb.After a series of attacks, Zayn was out of the ring, and when he came back in, Owens hit him with a pop-up powerbomb out of the blue, getting the win over his former best friend.

Kevin Owens defeated Sami Zayn


Sasha Banks was announced for the next segment. A highlight of last week’s main event is shown. Charly Caruso interviewed Sasha Banks backstage and Sasha Banks spoke about how Charlotte and her made history again. When asked about celebrating with Ric Flair, Sasha said that Charlotte does not deserve to live off of Ric Flair’s legacy. Sasha said that Charlotte as a competitor brings the best out of her. Sasha then challenged Charlotte to an Iron Man match at Roadblock.


A recap of the post-Extreme Rules Raw on May is shown when Charlotte turned on her father Ric Flair.

Rich Swann vs TJ Perkins

The Cruiserweight Champion overcame the first Cruiserweight Champion

The new Cruiserweight Champion Rich Swann made his entrance. A video package of Rich Swann talking about how wrestling saved his life is shown, followed by a recap of his 205 Live match with The Brian Kendrick, and his victory to become the new Cruiserweight Champion. They exchange offense and TJP even did a dab when Swann is down. Swann got his comeuppance and managed to do the dab on TJP as well. A lot of back and forth in the friendly bout. TJP put the knee bar on Swann but Swann countered with a roll-up pin, but TJP escaped. The momentum seemed to be on TJP’s favour, but just as he jumped from the top rope, Swann caught him with a superkick and pinned him.

A rematch between The Brian Kendrick and Rich Swann was announced for the upcoming 205 Live

Rich Swann defeated TJ Perkins


Backstage, Bayley is seen giving out “Bayley bears”

Bayley vs Alicia Fox

Bayley defeated Alicia Fox in quick fashion

Bayely and Alicia Fox seemed o have a one night feud. On the pre-show, Bayley gave Cedric Alexander, Alicia Fox’s crush a Bayley bear, with Fox getting jealous. Bayley was working a kayfabe back injury. At first, Fox got some offense in, but the match ended very quickly with Bayley hitting Fox with a Bayley-to-Belly.

Bayley defeated Alicia Fox


The camera cut to backstage with Big Cass telling Enzo that Lana is trouble. Enzo then revealed a text that he just got a got a text from Lana, which happens to be a beautiful selfie of her. Enzo was overjoyed and ran off. Rusev was then searching for Lana and asked Big Cass where she was. Big Cass told her that it’s none of his business, and then Rusev nudged Cass, who told him that he might have lost his wife, but he lost his mind putting his hands on Cass. Rusev said that he will find Lana later, but he would immediately go to Foley to set up a match between them for the night.

A big tease between the two big men

Mark Henry vs Titus O’ Neil was advertised for a match right after, in a match known as Tussle In Texas

Emmalina makes her official return next week

Mark Henry vs Titus O’ Neil – Tussle in Texas

The shortest tussle ever

Mark Henry got a great reception from his home state crowd. The match ends in seconds when Mark Henry hits Titus with the world’s strongest slam.


Mark Henry defeated Titus O’ Neil

Enzo was backstage trying to get his Uber driver. A limousine comes in and Ric Flair comes out and embraces Enzo. Enzo tells him about how he has a “foreign” girl in a hotel room but his ride hasn’t come yet. Flair told him that he should be a Kiss stealin’, wheelin’ dealin, limousine ridin’ son of a gun, and offers Enzo his limo.

Roman Reigns vs Chris Jericho was announced as next

Roman Reigns vs Chris Jericho – United States Championship Match

Y2J nearly captured the one title that has eluded him his whole career

Reigns entered to a sea of boos as usual. Backstage before he enters, Kevin Owens tries to give Jericho motivational talk, and Jericho tells him bluntly that he didn’t want Owens, nor did he need him to go out and win the United States Championship.


The crowd was far more in favour of Y2J. Jericho got offense initially but Roman then shoved him into the turnbuckles, lifted him up and slammed him down for a two count. While Reigns looked to end it early with a superman punch but Jericho countered with a dropkick.

A lot of back and forth offense between the two, followed by dueling “Let’s go Roman! Y2J!” chants. Then came “Let’s go Roman! Roman Sucks” chants. Reigns tried to hit a spear but was met by Jericho’s kick. Jericho then went for the code breaker but was caught by Reigns who turned it into a power bomb. Jericho managed to get the Walls of Jericho onto Reigns. Owens came out and kicked Reigns, and Jericho then hit Reigns with a code breaker and got a near fall on Reigns. Jericho noticed Owens and then started quarreling with him, telling Owens to get out. Reigns hit one spear that missed and then hit another spear to pin Jericho and successfully retain.

Roman Reigns defeated Chris Jericho to retain the United States Champion

Another recap is shown of the episode of Raw six months ago when Charlotte turned on Ric Flair.

Big Cass vs Rusev

Rusev laid a non-PG beatdown on Enzo Amore

Big Cass entered the ring, and Rusev’s music hit but he didn’t show up. Big Cass then called Enzo, who is in the hotel. He ignored Cass’ call and is received by Lana.

Enzo told Lana that it isn’t a good idea, and Lana seemed distraught. Enzo went in to try to console her and she then tried to seemingly seduce him and offer him a glass of champagne. While Enzo tried to leave, Lana then rips up his shirt and then Lana continued to seduce him. Lana reveals that she tricked Enzo and called Rusev, who proceeded to beat down Enzo in the hotel room while Lana encouraged him on. He broke objects, including a flower vase onto Enzo and The Certified G was knocked out outside, while Lana promptly put a “Do Not Disturb” sign outside her door.


The Club vs Sheamus & Cesaro

Both teams were screwed out of winning the championship in the previous weeks

The New Day were ringside to see who becomes Number One Contender. Sheamus and Cesaro got the initial advantage over Karl Anderson, who is now wearing pants and not trunks. The New Day start laughing at Gallows & Anderson by the side, which allowed Sheamus and Cesaro to attack them. Cesaro & Sheamus had momentum in their favour getting lots of offense on the world renowned tag team. Cesaro began doing what he did best, the uppercuts and high flying style.

The action went outside and The New Day then attacked both teams, causing a double disqualification. Cesaro and Sheamus caught Kofi Kingston and threw him against Big E and Xavier Woods to stand tall

Match ended in double disqualification


A triple threat tag team match was announced for next week’s Raw for the tag team championships

Charlotte apologizes to Ric Flair

The three-time Women's Champion continued to show her viciousness

Charlotte said she made the biggest mistake of her life many months ago in disowning her father and called herself a “bit*h of a daughter”. She then replayed the moment where she disowned Ric Flair. She said that when she lost last week, the hardest thing to watch was her father go in and lift Sasha’ hand. She showcased a lot of jealousy. She then said that all she wanted was for her dad to be proud of her. An emotional Charlotte called her father out, who appeared. She then apologized to Ric Flair and then hugged him., but Flair, who initially looked reluctant decided to embrace and forgive her, but Charlotte then slapped her father, calling him a “son of a b*tch”. Sasha Banks came out for the save but Charlotte started beating her down. She then slammed Sasha against the post and told Flair “I’m the woman”, while her father was begging her to stop.

She then placed the beaten down Sasha in front of her father telling him “that’s your trophy” and rejoiced as the show went off the air.


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