WWE Raw Results, 3rd October 2016, Full Show Match Updates and Video Highlights

Your new Women’s Champion!

After last week’s dismal RAW that saw the ratings plummet to an all-time low due to the Presidential election debate, WWE had to put out a strong show for the WWE Universe. With a huge Women’s Championship main event between Sasha Banks and Charlotte, a Cruiserweight match with major implications and some worthy segments to look forward to, WWE RAW was billed to be a solid show. And yes, it did deliver the goods!

So let’s delve into the results of RAW for 3rd October 2016 Note:

Opening Segment


WWE United States Champion Roman Reigns opens this week’s RAW from Los Angeles and unsurprisingly, gets mixed reactions. It’s painfully obvious now that Reigns is officially John Cena 2.0, but the promising sign is that the boos weren’t as prominent as earlier. Vince McMahon's dream coming to fruition? We’ll have to wait and watch.

Roman takes to the mic and begins his promo talking about how he's the first person in his bloodline to win the US Championships and that's because he's "The Guy".

Lana's music hits and she makes her way out to "negotiate: with Roman. She tells Roman that Rusev is challenging him for another shot at the US Championship. Lana berates Roman for disrespecting her husband and tells Roman to wipe the smile off his face and calls him a stupid boy which gets a huge pop.

He tells Lana to go to the back and to give him his manhood back. An enraged Rusev makes his way out and Roman and Rusev brawl in the aisle. Reigns ends the segment in predictable fashion as he stood tall over Rusev’s lifeless body.

Backstage segment Sasha Banks and Bayley

Perennial rivals Bayley and Sasha are seen backstage while the Boss prepares for her Championship main event. Bayley congratulates Sasha on being in the main event of RAW that is reminiscent of the Trish Stratus-Lita glory days.


TJ Perkins vs Brian Kendrick (Non-Title Match)


The Cruiserweight take centre stage on RAW. Both the men make their way to the ring and the ref calls for the bell. Kendrick offers the handshake, but Perkins sees right through the con, shakes his hand and sends Kendrick flying to the outside with a dropkick.

He fakes a suicide dive and looks pumped up. The Champion amps up the pace in the early goings with a springboard crossbody and corkkscrew shoulder tackle to Kendrick on the outside. The fans are loving every bit of the action unfolding in front of their eyes. Perkins gets Kendrick into the ring but gets a big boot in his face from Kendrick as he ran towards him. Kendrick takes Perkins's hand and tries to get it caught up in the ring-post holder as we head into the break.

Back from the commercial, Kendrick is on the top rope, but Perkins gets up top in a flash and executes a sweet Hurricanrana. Perkins gets control again with a spin kick and atomic drop, following it with another Hurricanrana. Perkins goes for the kneebar but Kendrick makes it to the rope. Kendrick shows some veteran instincts to ram Perkins’s head into the turnbuckle, followed by a Sliced Bread. Pin, 1-2, kick out! He goes for the Captain’s Hook but Perkins reverses into the knee bar. Kendrick fights out of it but Perkins takes him up into the fireman’s carry position.

An eye rake was all it took for Kendrick to take control and lock the Captain’s Hook in again. Perkins hangs on for a couple of seconds before tapping out in sheer pain. A big win for Brian Kendrick that guarantees a title shot at the upcoming Hell In The Cell PPV. Great start to the in-ring proceedings on RAW. The fans also seemed invested in the match, unlike last week's RAW that was just downright disrespectful.

Brian Kendrick def. TJ Perkins in a non-title match via submission

Braun Strowman vs Chase Silver


It’s Squash time folks. This week’s sacrificial lamb, Chase Silver says he got a dream last night in the city where dreams come true, which was all about beating Strowman up. Byron Saxton knows it ain’t happening and exits the ring for the decimation to begin.

Silver kicks Strowman in the knee and runs at Strowman who swats him away like a fly and smashes him into the turnbuckle before hitting a devastating corner splash before knocking him off his feet with a shoulder tackle. He then takes Silver out with an impressive modified Pumphandle slam.

Braun Strowman def. Chase Silver via pinfall

Post-match, Saxton asks Strowman about his victory and he says what every fan wants to hear. Strowman demands some real competition and not the jobbers that have been fed to him. He warns Foley that if he didn’t get what he wanted, there won’t be ‘any next week’.

Kevin Owens comes out to address the WWE Universe and Seth Rollins


Chris Jericho accompanies Owens as they make their way out to the ring. The duo look pretty dapper in their suits but Jericho really needs to end the scarf gimmick. Jericho also has a clipboard with him so his list is clearly still incomplete.

Owens says that he just saw Rollins' interview with Michael Cole. Owens calls Rollins a stupid idiot for not sitting on the sideline while injured and demanding another title shot.

Owens also tells Rollins that if he wanted to see who beat him at Clash of Champions, he needs to look no further than Owens himself. Owens also tells the crowd that Jericho is standing next to him because of how close they are.

KO says that if Rollins manages to weasel himself into another title match then the guest referee should be Chris Jericho. Jericho says that after they beat Enzo and Cass last week, he thinks that they should challenge New Day for the Raw Tag-Team Championships.

Owens thinks that's a good idea but he laments the fact that Cesaro and Sheamus already have a title shot. When Owens plays down the idea, Jericho hints that he wants a shot at Owens' Universal Title. At this point, Owens finally agrees to face the New Day.

New Day's music hit and the threesome comes out to address JeriKO. Kofi says that Owens and Jericho might brag about their friendship but the New Day has the best friendship in the WWE. Jericho is incensed at this and adds Kofi to the list.

Big E adds that they've taken their challenge to account and will think about it in a champions huddle where Jericho isn't invited. At this point, both Big E and Xavier Woods get added to Jericho's list.

Xavier Woods accepts JeriKO's challenge on New Day's behalf.

JeriKo vs New Day for the tag titles announced for RAW

Sami Zayn vs Titus O’Neil


The Underdog from the Underground takes on the founder of the debuting Titus Brand, Titus O’Neil. The match kicks off with Zayn taking it to O’Neil but the towering heel gets control and takes over. He rag dolls Zayn around as the fans are right behind Zayn. O’Neil is playing up to the crowd and is getting the necessary heat in the process.

O’Neil with a looks to put Zayn to sleep with a sleeper hold followed by a sit out backbreaker. O’Neil hops around the ring like a 12-year old girl and that’s the cue for the momentum to shift. Zayn catches O’Neil with a stiff clothesline and an insane snap exploder suplex in the corner.

You know comes next! A Helluva Kick, pinfall, 1-2-3! Sami Zayn picks up the win and continues to while away his time in the mid-card.

Sami Zayn def. Titus O’Neil via pinfall


Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows vs The Golden Truth


Golden Truth are in control early in this match as they work on Karl Anderson before Anderson powers Goldust into their corner and just kicks him in the head before tagging Gallows in. The big man has Goldust in a headlock before driving him into a corner and delivering a powerslam as Anderson and Truth get tagged in.

Truth comes in with speed and delivers a censor kick for the nearfall but Gallows comes in and kicks Goldust off the apron and away as The Club set Truth up and hit him with the Magic Killer. Game Over.

The Club def. The Golden Truth

Enzo And Cass Promote the fight against Breast Cancer


The certified Gs did a commendable job of putting over the strong women who overcame the battle against cancer with Sarah G Comen. The fans were at their raucous best in a powerful segment. Evryone was a bonafine winner here.


The New Day vs Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens


The tag team titles are on the line with Ashton Kutcher and Danny Masterson on commentary. The match kicks off with Jericho and Woods. The heels dominate in the early goings and exchange a couple of tags while Saxton and the celebrities rant about friendship and plug their Netflix show. They aren’t calling the match and Corey Graves bashes Saxton for it. Thank you, Graves!

Jericho wearing down Big E by shoving his leg into his throat in the corner. He tags KO in and out comes a pop-worthy cannonball. Jericho likes what he sees and so do the fans. KO acknowledges with a bow and gets back to inflicting pain on Big E with a senton.

Big E tags Xavier Woods as we come back from commercial. Woods comes in with fire and hits Owens with a running knee and a clothesline before taking out Jericho. Owens catches woods and delivers a modified gutbuster before mocking Woods.

Woods gets some momentary relief with a crossbody lateral press for a two count, but KO shuts him in his tracks. Just as KO looked to wrap things up, guess who turns up? Seth Rollin's music hits and out comes the Architect. The distraction leads to KO getting caught by an Enziguiri from Woods. Woods tags Big E in while Jericho comes in for KO. Big E goes on a rampage with a couple of clotheslines to lay Jericho out. He looks to flatten out Jericho with a monstrous splash but gets caught by KO with a superkick.

KO is taken out by Woods, who pops the crowd with a jaw-dropping somersault on the Universal Champion. Jericho locks the Walls of Jericho, but Rollins comes to the apron and causes a distraction. The New Day take advantage and lay Y2J out with the Midnight Hour. 1-2-3! New Day retain the tag team titles!

Seth Rollins makes a statement with a pedigree on a lifeless Jericho as a retreating KO watches on. And just like that, the seeds of the KO-Y2J feud have been planted.The New Day def. Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens via pinfall to retain the tag team titles

Rich Swann vs Tony Nese


More cruiserweight division action and this match should be great. Rich Swann takes on the 'Premier Athlete' Tony Nese as Swann toys with Nese in the opening stages. Nese hits back with a devastating combo of knees and strikes.

Swann Irish whips Swann into the corner before the referee asks him to back off from Nese. Nese takes advantage and kicks Swann in the back of the head, nearly knocking him out.

Nese tries multiple pins on Swann who kicks out before going to the top rope but Swann hits back with a sweet hurracanrana. As Swann went for a springboard stunner on Nese, the Premier Athlete catches Swann in mid air and lands him in a guillotine drop on the top rope.Nese goes for the pin! 1-2-3! Nese wins!Tony Nese def. Rich Swann via pinfall

Emma's returned announced


Cesaro and Sheamus vs Enhancement Talent


Cesaro and Sheamus take on enhancement talents again and the duo look like a fantastic team even if they don't get along. They just can't stop arguing but their opponents are no match for them.

This storyline looks awesome. The duo fight amongst each other, try to outshine each other and still take it to their opponents. The spot at the end with Cesaro stepping on Sheamus' back to jump over him and deliver a DDT was beautiful. Sheamus followed it up with a Brogue Kick for an easy victory. Very impressive.

Cesaro and Sheamus def. Enhancement talent via pinfall


Charlotte vs Sasha Banks for the Women’s Championship


This feels like a legit PPV quality main event and the feeling of a major swerve lingers, making it better. The talented women make their way to the ring and after the introductions, the match kicks off in explosive fashion as The Boss takes Charlotte out. Tope Suicida from the Boss that looks to have transitioned into the crossbody. Nevertheless, an epic start as RAW goes into a break.

Back from the break, Charlotte is on top after Sasha went neck first into the top turnbuckle. The Champion is all over Sasha, working on the injured back of the Boss. The Boss goes for the Clothesline but Charlotte catches her with a backbreaker. Woooo! The iconic Flair chops hit the chest of Sasha. Sasha blocks and unleashes a flurry of her own awkward chops or whatever you call want to term these strikes.

The Boss takes Charlotte down with the double knees for a two count. Some great back and forth action follows which ends in Charlotte putting a stop to Sasha’s momentum with a Bog Boot. Pinfall, 1-2-kickout! Charlotte puts on a shocked face and looks to finish things up by talking Sasha up top for a suplex. Sasha shoves her down and connects with the double knees for a another close near fall.

What follows is a legit Holy Sh** moment! Charlotte floors Sasha with a corkscrew moonsault from the top rope to the outside on Sasha. What a move! Charlotte gets her back in the ring and executes the Natural Selection. Sasha kicks out at 2 and a half yet again! What a match! Breathtaking stuff!

Charlotte's getting more and more frustrated and she repeatedly slaps Sasha. Charlotte then Irish Whip's Banks into the ropes and Banks counters with a hurracanrana into a Banks Statement! Will Charlotte tap? Charlotte rolls over for the pin attempt but Sasha converts that into another Banks Statement.

Charlotte Taps out and we have a new champion! Sasha Banks is your new WWE Raw Women's Champion!

A five-star match to end a solid show.

Sasha Banks def. Charlotte via pinfall to become the new Women’s Champion

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