WWE RAW: Live Results and Coverage, August 12, 2013

cena vs bryan epi

This week’s episode of RAW came to us live from Sacramento, California and the show kicked off with Daniel Bryan to a huge ‘Yes’ chant! They showed a replay of Bryan shaving Barrett’s beard off last week on RAW and their match on Smackdown! It was announced that Barrett would face Daniel Bryan in a rematch and Maddox was announced as the special guest referee.

Daniel Bryan vs Wade Barrett with Brad Maddox as the special guest referee

Bryan started aggressively and the crowd was firmly behind Bryan. Barrett came back with a big boot to take control of the match. Loud ‘Let’s go Bryan’ chant started as Barrett worked on Bryan. Barrett threw Bryan into the announcer’s table and into the steel steps to loud jeers from the crowd. The crowd went wild as Bryan came back with his offense. Bryan went for kicks to the chest but Barrett rolled him up and Maddox did a fast 3 count to give Barrett the victory at the 6 minute mark. Post match, Bryan wanted to get his hands on Maddox but Maddox escaped, as Bryan led the crowd in a “No” chant.

Winner: Wade Barrett

Rating: * ¾

Analysis: That was a fun little match to kick off the show. Bryan was on fire, and the crowd absolutely loves him. With the fans firmly behind Bryan, everything he does seems to be perfect. The end puts Bryan in the all too familiar predicament of “overcoming the odds” on Sunday. Although Bryan lost, he had the upper hand for most of the match. That was a fun 5 minute match that shows just how much the crowd loves Bryan. Is that the end of the night for Bryan? I highly doubt it.

Damien Sandow made his way out with his new briefcase as Cody was on commentary. Sandow chained his briefcase to the turnbuckle. His opponent Randy Orton made his way out with his brief case to a big pop.

Randy Orton vs Damien Sandow

Cody mentioned how Sandow’s briefcase looked like chocolate. Orton and Sandow exchanged moves before Orton took control of the match. During the match, a huge ‘Cody’s moustache’ chant started. Cody was more over than both the performers just by being on commentary! Sandow took control of the match, and delivered the Elbow of Disdain for a close 2 count. Orton delivered the second rope DDT, but Sandow escaped and had words with Cody. Action spilled back in the ring and Cody distracted Sandow, enabling Orton to RKO Sandow for the pinfall victory at the 14 minute mark.

Winner: Randy Orton

Rating: ** ½

Analysis: Cody will face Sandow at SummerSlam as predicted, but not for the briefcase. It was a fun match that received about 15 minutes. Orton won, no surprises there, but it also pushes the Cody – Sandow feud.

Backstage, The Shield delivered yet another promo, and called themselves the leaders of the next generation. Rollins and Reigns challenged any team to step up, while Dean Ambrose talked about the 20 man battle royal to determine the new number one contender for the US title later on the show.

WWE aired Brock’s promo from last week about his match with CM Punk. Good promo by Lesnar, who demeaned Punk’s accomplishments in the WWE.

Josh Mathews interviewed CM Punk. Punk said Heyman isn’t stupid enough to face Punk alone. Punk said he knows he can expect Lesnar during his bout. Punk warned Lesnar, and said he’d see him this Sunday. Punk said “The best is the best”. Good promo by Punk, as it puts over the seriousness of the feud going into their major bout at SummerSlam.

Khali and Natalya (With Hornswoggle) vs Big E Langston and AJ Lee in a mixed tag team match

Big E had a pre taped promo where he said Ziggler used to beg him to be at ringside. Bout started with AJ slapping Khali, but Natalya took her down. AJ then came back and took control of the match, but Hornswoggle distracted AJ and Natalya locked in the Sharpshooter. AJ tapped out, but there was some confusion and Natalya locked in the Sharpshooter once again, with AJ tapping out one more. That looked like a botched finish, and post match, Big E attacked Khali and Hornswoggle, but Khali delivered a big chop to send Big E out of the ring. The match lasted for just over 3 minutes.

Winner (s): Khali and Natalya

Rating: *

Analysis: There was confusion towards the end, as AJ tapped out without Natalya locking the Sharpshooter properly. They re – did the finish and AJ tapped out. It was a short, decent match, and it looks like Natalya will be the new number one contender for the Divas title. Finally!

Vince McMahon was shown walking backstage, making his way to the ring.

Vince wanted an explanation for Brad’s actions when he fast counted Daniel Bryan. Brad said he was a bit excited, and didn’t intend to do a fast count. Brad asked for a second chance, to be the guest referee in the Cena – Bryan match at SummerSlam, which received a loud “No” chant from the crowd. Vince made Brad promise to be impartial, and announced him as the special guest referee! That brought out the COO of the WWE, Triple H, and the crowd started a huge “Triple H” chant. Sacramento crowd was red hot. Triple H said he agreed with Vince, that they need someone who’d take control and call it down the middle at SummerSlam. Triple H said he was not referring to Brad, but to himself and laid Maddox out with a Pedigree. Vince stormed out of the ring as the crowd erupted.

Analysis: That was an interesting segment. It’s something that happened during the Corporation storyline and when Shane turned on Vince back in the Attitude Era. It looks like Triple H will be the guest referee for the Cena – Bryan match at SummerSlam. It’ll be interesting to see what transpires.

Kane vs Titus O’Neil (With Darren Young)

WWE aired a promo for the Kane – Bray Wyatt match at SummerSlam. Kane worked over Titus to start things off and ended things within 2 minutes with a chokeslam. Post match, the lights went off as Bray Wyatt and his followers made their way to the ring. When the lights came on, Kane wasn’t in the ring, as he was behind Bray Wyatt. Kane then signaled for the pyros to go off as Bray Wyatt had a sadistic smile on his face.

Winner: Kane

Rating: ½ *

Analysis: Kane – Bray Wyatt feud would’ve been interesting if they gave it a longer duration to play out. Kane will leave WWE after SummerSlam to film the sequel of See No Evil, so it’s pretty clear that Bray Wyatt will pick up the win. It’ll be an interesting bout never the less.

Backstage, the Bellas talked about Natalya, and Natalya showed up and challenged Brie to a match at SummerSlam. Brie agreed, and apparently, her sister and Eva will be at her ringside while the Funkadactyles will be in Natalya’s corner. The segment ended when Brie slapped Natalya. Painful acting by the Bellas and Eva.

Alberto Del Rio vs Kofi Kingston

The world champion went on the offensive early, while Kofi tried to make a comeback. Del Rio kicked out of the SOS and locked in the cross arm breaker to pick up the victory in just under 5 minutes.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

Rating: * ½

Analysis: Kofi had his moments in the match, but Del Rio came out of it looking strong. One has to wonder if Ricardo will have a role to play come Sunday when Del Rio takes on Christian for the World title.

WWE then aired a video package looking back at Christian’s career. Christian was then interviewed by Renee, and Christian said all he needed was one more chance, and at SummerSlam, he will win the World championship. Alberto Del Rio came from behind and mocked Christian to end the segment.

Analysis: I love Christian. He’s one of my all time favorites, and WWE as always did a splendid job putting together the video. I want Christian to win the title and have a long run as the World Heavyweight champion, and it looks like a possibility.

The Real Americans made their way out with Zeb Colter. Colter then cut a heel promo, telling the Sacramento crowd that they let illegal immigrants occupy the country.

The Real Americans (With Zeb Colter) vs The Usos

Swagger started things off and gained the upper hand. Cesaro tagged himself in and came down with a double foot stomp as the crowd started chanting for The Usos. The Real Americans controlled the pace of the match, double teaming Jey Uso. Jey then went for the hot tag to Jimmy, and he cleared the ring. The Usos then delivered a double dive over the top rope, and Jey made the blind tag to roll Swagger up for the pinfall victory in just under the 7 minute mark.

Winner (s): The Usos

Rating: * ¾

Miz TV segment

Time for the Miz TV segment, and his guests are the WWE champion, John Cena and the number one contender, Daniel Bryan. Bryan came out to a loud “Yes” chant, while Cena came out to a very mixed reaction. The crowd started the dueling “Let’s go Cena/Cena sucks” chants. Miz asked why the rivalry escalated last week. Cena said it was nothing personal, and it was only for the WWE championship. Miz tried to play up the rivalry, saying Cena doesn’t think Bryan could win. Bryan warned Miz to shut up, or he would knock him out. Bryan then told Cena that everyone talks to him like he’d lose at SummerSlam. Bryan cut Cena off and said Cena was in it only for the fame and glory, and not for wrestling. Bryan said Cena was a parody of wrestling, and that he wanted to be WWE champion, not for the fame or glory, but for the business. Cena said he was in the business for the fans, and that he would perform for the fans even with a broken neck. Cena said he performed for all the kids and Dakota, a 7 year old patient who only wanted to meet Cena. Cena said Bryan didn’t belong in the class of Triple H, Shawn Michaels, CM Punk, Orton and The Rock. Cena said Bryan would get his respect if he beats him at SummerSlam. Bryan said Cena can’t understand what he’s going through, and SummerSlam will be the biggest match of his life! Bryan said in Japan, there’s a tradition of wrestlers slapping each other to pump themselves up. Bryan said he wouldn’t slap Cena because he wasn’t a wrestler. Cena slapped Bryan, and pleaded him to strike back, but Bryan said he didn’t deserve it. This brought out Triple H and Randy Orton to calm things down, and Orton stared at both the competitors to end the segment.

Analysis: Now that is how you build up the main event of a major PPV. Although Cena saying he was a wrestler, and wrestled all over the world and against the biggest names was not completely true. Cena is a performer and an entertainer. Bryan was in his element, and he showed fire and desire in his promo. Fantastic build up going into SummerSlam, with both the competitors nearly getting physical with each other. I am excited to see if Bryan wins the bout at SummerSlam.

Fandango (With Summer Rae) vs R – Truth

Fandango and R – Truth decided to have a dance off before the bout, and Fandango attacked R – Truth from behind, but Truth came back to send Fandango out of the ring. Fandango then headed to the back with Summer.

Winnner: N/A

Analysis: That was weird. It’s likely that Fandango will face R – Truth on Smackdown! or at SummerSlam. Nothing more to add to it.

Backstage, Heyman told Axel he was having second thoughts about facing Punk.

20 man battle royal to find the number 1 contender for the WWE United States championship

The winner of the battle royal will face Dean Ambrose at SummerSlam, during the pre – show match. Mark Henry was the last entrant in the battle royal. Ryback eliminated three participants in quick succession and R – Truth eliminated Fandango. Fandango then came in and threw R – Truth out, eliminating him in the process. There was an amazing spot when Kofi held on to Cesaro on the apron, avoiding elimination. He was however eliminated by Swagger, as the crowd cheered on for Rob Van Dam. Henry eliminated The Real Americans, and it came down to RVD, Henry and Ryback. Ryback was eliminated by Henry as the crowd erupted. RVD and Henry sized up each other, and RVD ducked a charging Henry to send him out of the ring and pick up the victory!

Winner: Rob Van Dam

Rating: ***

Analysis: That was a great near 30 minute battle royal! The crowd was amazing, and made it all the more memorable. When Henry eliminated Ryback, the crowd went wild! They were firmly behind RVD who ended up winning the match. RVD will now face Dean Ambrose at SummerSlam for the WWE United States Heavyweight championship.

Post match, Henry came into the ring and fist bumped RVD. The Shield then made their way out, as Henry stood ground with RVD. The trio circled the ring, and this brought out The Big Show! The crowd erupted as the giant made his way to the ring. This sent The Shield packing, as Show stood in the ring with RVD and Henry.

Analysis: We’ve been hearing rumours about Show coming back, and he finally made his return this week. This will likely lead to a tag team match between Rollins and Reigns against the team of Henry and Show at SummerSlam for the tag team championships.

Time for CM Punk vs Paul Heyman. Heyman cut a promo before the match, saying the fans took CM Punk away from Heyman. Heyman said Punk used to live for his adulation, but now lives for the fans’ acceptance. He said he would take away Punk from the fans, and confessed to the fans that his match with Punk was indeed a trap. He said he was in cahoots with Brock Lesnar, as Lesnar made his way out. Heyman then showed a video package of Lesnar assaulting Punk in the past few weeks.

Heyman then laid out his plan, saying Punk had a choice. Either he could face Heyman and Lesnar in a 2 on 1 handicap match, or he could walk away and fight Lesnar at SummerSlam. Punk attacked Lesnar from behind with a camera, and drilled into Lesnar with a couple of hard chair shots. He then chased Heyman, but was cut off by Axel. Punk then delivered a GTS to Axel and closed the show staring down Lesnar, screaming he was the best in the world.

Analysis: That was an excellent way to close the show. This showed Punk out smarted Heyman, the evil genius! Punk – Lesnar feud has been outstanding, and with Punk finally getting the upper hand a week before SummerSlam, things can go either way this Sunday. Punk couldn’t get his hands on Heyman, as it will most likely happen at SummerSlam. A great “Go home” show of RAW, as Cena – Bryan promo was amazing, and the show ended with Punk holding his own against the beast!

Over – all rating: *** ½ (Out of 5 stars)

There were a couple of good matches, but nothing outstanding. Still, this RAW was all about furthering angles, and that’s exactly what happened. This show was successful in building interest for this Sunday, and we’re just one episode away from the biggest party of the summer! We now have to wait and see what unfolds this Sunday, as WWE rolls out the second biggest PPV of the year, SummerSlam!

Ex WWE writer blasts Liv Morgan HERE