WWE Extreme Rules 2019 Results, July 14th: Extreme Rules Winners, Grades, Video Highlights


Extreme Rules kicked off with one of the biggest matches of the night, Roman Reigns & The Undertaker vs. Shane McMahon & Drew McIntyre. The kickoff show saw Shinsuke Nakamura defeat Finn Balor while Drew Gulak defeated Tony Nese to retain his Championship.

Roman Reigns & The Undertaker vs. Shane McMahon & Drew McIntyre - No Holds Barred match


Roman Reigns and Drew McIntyre began the match. Shane came in early but Roman was able to fend both of them off and tagged the Undertaker in. The Undertaker tried to go Old School, but Shane brought him down.

Taker was getting ready for a Tombstone on the announce table when Elias attacked him from behind with a guitar. Roman came to help Elias and McIntyre took him out before setting Taker up on the table. Shane hit the Elbow Drop sending Taker through the table.

The match returned to the ring and Shane brought trashcan and hit a Coast to Coast on The Undertaker with the help of Elias. Taker just shrugged it off and went for a chokeslam on Elias and another on Shane before Drew crept up behind him. Roman hit a spear, taking out McIntyre and then handed Shane to Taker who hit the Tombstone Piledriver on McMahon for the three-count.

Result: Roman Reigns & The Undertaker def. Shane McMahon & Drew McIntyre

Match rating: A

The Revival (c) vs. The Usos - RAW Tag Team Title match


Jey Uso and Scott Dawson started us off and Jey had control early on. He tagged in Jimmy who hit a splash in the corner. Dash Wilder was trapped by a double team from the Usos. The Usos tried stereo Superkicks, but they missed. The Revival came back into the ring with right hooks.

Scott Dawson tried to get the Superplex on Jey, but after a headbutt, they both went down. Jey managed to tag in Jimmy and Wilder tagged Dawson. Jimmy hit a Crossbody for a nearfall. He hit Samoan Drops on Scott and Dash.

Jey Uso went after Wilder but Dawson broke it up. All four men entered the ring and faced off. Jey hit both men with Superkicks.Dawson tagged in and they hit the Shatter Machine for the win.

Result: The Revival def. The Usos to retain the RAW Tag Team Titles

Match rating: B

See WWE Extreme Rules Results, Highlights of event, & more on WWE Extreme Rules Results page

Aleister Black vs. Cesaro


Cesaro hit Black with a Backdrop and tried the Neutralizer early, but Black threw him off. Cesaro landed on his feet and sat in the middle of the ring to mock him. Aleister Black tried to hit the Moonsault on Cesaro but he caught him.

The kicks that both men were hitting on each other ended up tiring them out. Cesaro seemed to be hurting a lot. Aleister tried for the Double Knees dive, but Cesaro caught him, threw him up and hit an Uppercut for a near fall.

Cesaro tried for the Neutralizer, but Black avoided it, hitting the Black Mass and getting the win.

Result: Aleister Black def. Cesaro

Match rating: B

Backstage, R-Truth was looking for Drake Maverick and we saw Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross who decided to be co-champions once they won. The Street Profits seemed to find that extremely hilarious.

Bayley (c) vs. Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross - SmackDown Women's Title match


Nikki started off against Bayley and tagged in Alexa Bliss after taking her first punch. Alexa kept the upper hand early on, sending the champ outside early on. Bayley was first caught in the apron and then upside down on the turnbuckles as Alexa mercilessly wailed on her.

The Champ took some control back with a clothesline and then a huge dive to Nikki on the outside. Back in the ring, she tried to catch both opponents in a submission at the same time. Cross hit a Tornado DDT but it was a two-count.

Bayley countered top rope moves from both opponents and hit an elbow drop of her own to get the pin on Nikki.

Result: Bayley def. Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross to retain the SmackDown Women's Title

Match rating: A

Up next was a Last Man Standing match between Braun Strowman and Bobby Lashley.

Braun Strowman vs. Bobby Lashley - Last Man Standing match


The two couldn't even wait to finish their entrances and broke into a brawl as soon as they laid eyes on each other. The match went all around the ring and all the way to the stands and around the arena. Bobby Lashley drove Braun Strowman through a barricade, smashing through and reaching back to the ringside arena.

Strowman was sent over the German announce table and Lashley buried him in the wreckage but Braun still got up. Braun then sent Lashley into the tables, finally getting control of the match. Lashley took shot after shot but refused to stay down. The two made their way up the stairs and Braun hit a powerslam from up high, making sure Lashley doesn't get up while he himself broke through the set.

Result: Braun Strowman def. Bobby Lashley

Match rating: A+

They New Day came out next for the triple threat tag team title match.

Daniel Bryan & Rowan (c) vs. The New Day vs. Heavy Machinery - SmackDown Tag Team Title match


Xavier Woods and Daniel Bryan kicked things off but then Tucker came in. Tucker displayed his athleticism as he avoided Woods with a Cartwheel. Woods hit Tucker with a Hurricanrana.

Otis and Tucker hit a Slingshot Sidewalk Slam for a near fall. Tucker went for a suplex but Bryan tagged in Big E. E came in and hit a Belly to Belly Suplex. Otis and Big E faced each other and Otis picked up Big E in a Suplex and Tucker hit the Splash Suplex on Big E. Rowan broke it up and Bryan and Rowan hit the Crossbody and the Double Knees on Woods on the outside. Big E took Rowan outside and hit a Spear through the ropes on Bryan. Otis pretended to hit the Plancha but then walked out and hit a dive on them. Tucker hit the Crossbody on Rowan and Bryan.

Bryan tried to make Big E kick out but he fought on. Big E was taking the attacks from Bryan in his stride and hit their combined finisher to get the pin.

Result: The New Day def. Daniel Bryan & Rowan, Heavy Machinery and are the new SmackDown Tag Team champions

Match rating: A

Ricochet (c) vs. AJ Styles - United States Championship match


Before the match could even start, the Club attacked Ricochet and punched him down. AJ Styles lined up Ricochet for the Phenomenal Forearm but Ricochet avoided it. He then sized Ricochet up for a Styles Clash, but Ricochet rolled him up for another near fall.

Styles and Ricochet went to the top rope, but Ricochet knocked Styles down. Ricochet hung Styles up on the rope He hit a Shooting Star off the rope for a near fall. Anderson dragged Styles' leg under the ropes.

Ricochet was hung up on the ropes by Gallows while Anderson was distracting the referee. Styles hit the Styles Clash from the top rope and it was over.

Result: AJ Styles def. Ricochet and won the United States Championship

Match rating: A

Kevin Owens vs. Dolph Ziggler


KO came into the match with a a stunner and got the pin right away, making this on e of the quickest matches in history.

Result: Kevin Owens def. Dolph Ziggler

Match rating: C

Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Samoa Joe - WWE Championship match

Samoa Joe took control of the match early on and kept the pressure on the champ. Joe used the steel steps to damage Kofi's hand by crushing it.

Joe tried to go for a powerbomb but settled on the STF. Kofi's foot found the ropes and the hold was broken. Kofi sneaked in a Trouble in Paradise to get the win.

Result: Kofi Kingston def. Samoa Joe to retain the WWE Championship

Match rating: B

Seth Rollins & Becky Lynch vs. Baron Corbin & Lacey Evans - Winner Takes All match

The Women kicked off the match and Becky had control early on. Baron and Rollins were tagged in and Rollins hit a sling blade. Lacey used a kendo stick but Becky and Rollins used sticks of their own to take out the competition.

Two tables were set up and Rollins and Becky lay Corbin and Lacey on them. Becky went to the second rope and Rollins to the top. Becky put Lacey through the table with a Leg Drop and Seth hit the Frog Splash on Corbin through the table.

Becky dumped Lacey to the outside, Corbin hit Becky with the End of Days. Seth lost it, destroying the Kendo Stick on Corbin. He then destroyed a chair, hitting a stomp. His glare sent Evans running. A cuple ofstomps later, the match was over.

Results: Seth Rollins & Becky Lynch def. Baron Corbin & Lacey Evans

Match rating: A

Brock Lesnar decided to cash in his Money in the Bank contract.

Seth Rollins (c) vs. Brock Lesnar

Lesnar hit Rollins with the F5 and covered him. Lesnar became the new WWE Universal Champion.

Results: Brock Lesnar def. Seth Rollins to win the WWE Universal Championship.

Match rating: C

PPV rating: A

WWE should've saved the best matches for later in the show.

Ex WWE writer blasts Liv Morgan HERE

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