PPV Review: Summerslam 2018

RAW is clearly the priority
RAW is clearly the priority

Pure art is such a rare thing, that the beauty of it comes in wanting to enjoy it and consume it rather than try to analyze every instinctive minute detail. That sort of pure art doesn't need an analysis, it doesn't deserve one. It just deserves a watch.

Don't worry that's not what Summerslam was, rather that is what NXT Takeover: Brooklyn IV was. One then has to wonder where is WWE going wrong? Because despite a lethargic pace, Summerslam featured some great moments.

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Then it all fell flat from time to time. Booking needs to step up their game, writing needs to step up their game because the wrestlers stole the show.

So what stood head and shoulders at Summerslam, we've got to analyze this to find out the answer.

Kick-Off Show

B Team Needs to Evolve or Be Gone
B Team Needs to Evolve or Be Gone

You have to give it to WWE, say what you will about match quality but they know just how to set a match card. With the arena just about filling up, fans got treated to an early Rusev Day. Rusev and Lana versus Almas and Vega began with some fire between the men, hilariously leading to a Lana hot tag. The match itself entertaining, but nothing much else.

Vega takes a rope to assist a pin on Lana for Almas/Vega to win. Rating 2/5

The second match saw the Cruiserweight championship on the line, Cedric Alexander defending against Drew Gulak. Give it up for Gulak, not only did her smartly enter the ring as a politically charged character in American flag gear; he also stole the show by leading Alexander to a counter based contest.

A slight botch aside, the match saw Alexander sneak away with the win over Drew Gulak thus continuing this feud. Thus Cedric Alexander retains the WWE Cruiserweight Championship. Rating 3/5

Up next was the RAW Tag Team Championship contest between the Revival and the B Team. The B Team is over, but they're not funny; falling into a victory seems to do no favors to them or their opponents The Revival. There's a story worth telling here and hope WWE realizes it sooner, rather than later.

The B Team get another silly win over The Revival and retain the WWE RAW Tag Team Championships. Rating 1/5.


A Psycho and A Lunatic Walk Into A Fight

Not just his look or size, but it seems like the Lunatic has also upgraded his level of madness
Not just his look or size, but it seems like the Lunatic has also upgraded his level of madness

For the WWE Intercontinental Championship: Dolph Ziggler (c)/w Drew McIntyre vs. Seth Rollins/w Dean Ambrose

Coming off the mood to not only silence those fans who disturbed their iron man contest. Seth Rollins and Dolph Ziggler promised an epic with an intriguing story to tell. Expectations were high for Dean Ambrose to turn heel, and that along with the constant threat of interference; crafted a tense atmosphere.

It stalled the contest for a bit, but then once the two men got going, they were like a house on fire. From a set of reversals by the ropes leading to a fall on the ring edge to a reverse suplex from the top ropes.

Eventually, Dean Ambrose and Drew McIntyre had to get involved in a stellar bout and it was perfect, keeping in line with the story. Just as an unstable Ambrose got back up from a McIntyre beat down, the Scotsman was up to the same tricks. Only this time, Ambrose acted as a neutralizer.

This allowed Seth to win and smartly nothing happened between the two brothers post-match. That is saved for later, this no-nonsense unhinged Ambrose is playing the long game. It's sure to pay off!

Dean Ambrose dirty deeds Drew McIntyre allowing Seth Rollins to stomp Dolph Ziggler with a win and become the NEW Intercontinental Champion!


4 stars out of 5
4 stars out of 5


Blood in the Water

Far from bludgeoned
Far from bludgeoned

For the WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championships: Bludgeon Brothers (c) vs. The New Day

Despite their immense talent, Bludgeon Brothers aren't setting the house on fire. It's mostly due to the hokey outdated characters they play, rather than their dwindling skills or opportunities.

However, up against the New Day, they managed to make something just a bit exciting. Sure once again the match ran to a lethargic pace despite the four men's efforts. The real taste came towards the end with New Day showing such a fire, it seemed like we might finally get new champions worth celebrating.

Instead, the Bludgeoners opted for a disqualification, with a hammer bludgeoning of their opponents. Just when it seemed that they might be vulnerable, contrary to what they claimed. It's an intriguing story that could lead them better places if that is the plan despite claims of Erick Rowan being injured.

The only gripe, having faced the New Day before; this angle might have done better with a new tag team in their place. Perhaps we could have seen The Bar or Sanity be the ones to take down these monsters. After all, it's fire that beats fire.

Bludgeon Brothers cause the DQ, to lose but still retain their Smackdown Tag Team Titles


1 star out of 5
1 star out of 5


Get That Briefcase

Literal and Metaphorical Squash!
Literal and Metaphorical Squash!

For the Money in The Bank Briefcase: Braun Strowman vs. Kevin Owens, If Braun is Disqualified or Counted Out He Loses his Contract!

What is happening to Kevin Owens? I thought he was smarter than this. His tactics against Goldberg were a refreshing delight, especially knowing that the megastar wouldn't dare chase him around the ring. Of course, Jericho spoiled that!

Coming into the match Owens had the advantages of a lifetime. The deck was stacked against an already on-the-edge Braun Strowman, giving Owens more than a fighting chance. WWE subverted these expectations of Strowman falling to his rage and did right by having him keep his calm and be the wrecking ball he is.

He decimated Kevin Owens en route to a glorious squash victory on the night. The misuse of Kevin Owens is clear, but the hints to something far bigger for Strowman to do this night seemed laid out. Sadly any goodwill from this match got wasted later on.

In retrospect and even somewhat without it, this becomes another meaningless contest for WWE's most over competitor in a long time, at a Big 4 PPV. Braun's not the guy to hold the heat for too long, pull the trigger now or see him falter and he already is.

Braun Strowman destroys Kevin Owens to win and retain his Money in the Bank Contract.


1 star out of 5
1 star out of 5


Who Needs Enemies?

You Deserve It!
You Deserve It!

For the WWE Smackdown Women's Championship: Carmella (c) vs. Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte

...When you've got a friend like this?

The adage proves true perfectly for both Charlotte and Becky Lynch. To pardon the pun, Lynch came in like straight fire into a single match she had earned after toiling away playing backup to others especially Charlotte.

The Queen waltzed in through sheer presence alone, winning one important bout to solidify her spot. When she won the title she did so by knocking over her best friend and pinning her. A fair result no doubt, but Brooklyn didn't see it that. way. Neither did an incensed Becky, who took out her frustrations on her now ex-Best friend.

Sure WWE's desperately trying to position Lynch as the heel, but if they were smart they'd lean into their greatest arc of this generation (The SHIELD breakup and the Redemption of Rollins) to take these two characters and make them as layered as they are, instead of making it all about good versus evil. No one is going to really love Charlotte after all most of us have been there; in the shadow of a best friend.

This one's about hard work versus talent. While Carmella may lack the latter, she definitely put in the former in a balanced three-way match somewhat ruined by her screeching and the childish nature with which Becky and Charlotte's tensions began. Even then this was a solid bout (despite few botches) leading to an explosive confrontation. The evolution of the women of Smackdown continues and how?!

Charlotte knocks Becky Lynch's disarm-her attempt to pin her and win to become the NEW Smackdown Women's Champion!


3 stars out of 5
3 stars out of 5


Who's Your Daddy?!


For the WWE World Championship: AJ Styles (c) vs. Samoa Joe

At one point in time it felt that much like Styles' anticipated contest with Nakamura at Wrestlemania 34, this one might just never go beyond the first gear. Then these two men dug deep into the well of their past and produced an ongoing instant classic. Joe even dangerously teased the muscle buster, while Styles just about hit a Styles Clash, he just couldn't hook his legs in properly.

Either way, both men traded vicious strikes en route to a contest marred by disqualification. Just look at the smarts of Samoa Joe. Not only did he lean into the presence of Styles wife before the match started, he did so midway when it seemed like he could lose.

With a bleeding Styles there to hear Joe make a vulgar taunt at his wife, all hell broke loose. Styles opted for the disqualification most likely giving Joe a second fresh chance and letting him sink his claws into his mind. Between all that was a riveting contest reminding us why TNA was once WWE's biggest competitor since the Attitude Era.

If only we can get Christopher Daniels for the next one. Make it happen, WWE.

AJ Styles hits a chair shot on Samoa Joe to get disqualified and lose but retains the WWE World Heavyweight Championship!


4 stars out of 5
4 stars out of 5


Talking Smack!

Two sides of the same coin
Two sides of the same coin

The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan

If Joe and Styles were trading strikes, then Miz and Daniel Bryan were trading bombs. Not many seemed too impressed with their efforts though. There was admittedly a lull at some points, but all in all this first match between the two men proved to be a masterful piece of storytelling.

Leaning into their shared history, the two men specifically manipulated the essence of their talking smack points and brought it to life in the ring. Bryan, ever the stubborn goat, took many a risk but also proved why he couldn't just walk away from WWE; the audiences drive his passion.

Equally, The Miz, livid at Bryan's sentiments since the infamous talk show, has grown his game tenfold. Here he held on with every blow that came his way, dishing out his own a few times. This has earned him a modicum of respect among fans, enough so that the once Bryan loving crowd was shockingly partisan through the night.

Miz resorted to what he does best, cheating to win. This one is just getting started and there's a lot more hatred to mine from it.

The Miz uses a foreign object to beat Daniel Bryan and win the bragging rights!


4 stars out of 5
4 stars out of 5


What's With The Demon?

Balor just tapped into his dark side, but what for?
Balor just tapped into his dark side, but what for?

Finn 'The Demon' Balor vs. Baron Corbin

The idea is that Demon Balor is a different entity from Finn Balor. If that is the case, the Demon needs a bit more definition as a character, explaining why it is that Balor doesn't tap into him too often.

Though it might have made some sense to return to the Demon's old stomping grounds, from two years back where he won the Universal championship. In a match against the lowly Baron Corbin, it just doesn't fly, especially when he's been harping on Balor's shortcomings.

Nonetheless, this was a short squash, somewhat allowing Corbin to save face and Balor to dominate. Yet that huge plot hole persists and until WWE knows what to really do with the Demon and Finn Balor, he'll continue coasting aimlessly.

Demon Balor hits the Coup De Grace to squash Baron Corbin and win!


2 stars out of 5
2 stars out of 5 (1 for the Demon)


Running Through the Motions

2019 is not too far for that Nakamura reunion tour of New Japan!
2019 is not too far for that Nakamura reunion tour of New Japan!

For the WWE United States Championship: Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs. Jeff Hardy

Apart from Jeff Hardy literally putting his body on the line, despite rumours of back injuries, this match had nothing going for it.

There was some fun early psychological banter, but even Nakamura was off his game. Or more like it, he just doesn't seem to care. This is the Nakamura that appears when no big matches are on his plate in New Japan. It's a sign that he doesn't feel motivated in the WWE.

Neither he nor Jeff is up to putting a classic any longer and it shows. Whatever little steam this feud might have had is gone. One can't blame them, with the Orton controversies fresh this might have been an off the fly contest with a triple threat scrapped. Regardless, it acted at bes,t as a much-needed cool down.

Shinsuke Nakamura stuns Jeff Hardy and pins him to win and retain the WWE United States Championship!


1 star out of 5
1 star out of 5



The girlhood dream!
The girlhood dream!

For the WWE RAW Women's Championship: Alexa Bliss (c) vs. Ronda Rousey

They already pulled off the Celebrity Sports Entertainer (Wrestlemania 34) and the Hoss Battle (Money in the Bank 2018). Along with the standard RAW Debut squash versus Alicia Fox. So it was interesting to see what genre WWE might pick into for their next Ronda Rousey bout.

Going into a championship bout with the diminutive Alexa Bliss it seemed hard to imagine it not being a squash. Yet Bliss has always been a well-protected competitor, despite her flaws. So while yes, the match was an extended squash it was the kind known as when the chicken s**t heel gets their just desserts.

Everything about Alexa's reign from victory to defense has been unbecoming of a champion. As such the Rowdy challenger leaned into this, calling out an escaping Alexa mid-match and even letting Alexa try to take her down. Equal parts fury and equal parts zen, Ronda gained another stellar victory. Now her real challenge comes, being a consistent champion!

Ronda Rousey obliterates Alexa Bliss and pins her to win, becoming the NEW RAW Women's Champion!


3 stars out of 5
3 stars out of 5


The Greatest Trolls

Eyes on the Prize
Eyes on the Prize

For the WWE Universal Championship: Brock Lesnar (c)/w Paul Heyman vs. Roman Reigns

You have to give it up for WWE. They gave the audience the hint that Paul Heyman might be a factor; it didn't happen. They added a twist in the form of Braun Strowman cashing in like a man after the match; it didn't happen. That led to an opening fury by Roman Reigns heading to a squash; it didn't happen.

Instead what did happen was that not only does Brock Lesnar look dumb or scared, maybe even both for trying to neutralize Braun Strowman. But Strowman also looks dumb for being so close to the action. At the end who else but Roman Reigns benefits from this?

Maybe the fans, because the championship is finally on RAW every night. The WWE pulled off a beautiful troll job. The only problem is they might not ever have had to, had they done right by Roman or even Braun. All in all, this is smart, fun but it feels like four years could have come earlier.

Roman Reigns pins a distracted Brock Lesnar and wins, he is now the NEW WWE Universal Champion!


<p>Enter caption</p><p>2
2 stars out of 5


In Conclusion


Overall, Summerslam felt like a mixed bag, which has been the case with WWE Pay Per Views for far too long. What the show effectively tells me though, with some great nuances are that WWE's roster needs a bit more leeway to do what they want. They are capable of far more.

With new champions set, specifically all Babyfaces; RAW can hit the reset button for every division from top to bottom. Already Roman feels like a fighting champion and the challengers waiting in the wings are plenty. Braun Strowman will have his day, hopefully before his luster fades.

The Smackdown side of things is far more interesting. They head towards a bit of repeat value with feuds, but feuds that truly do have value to carry over. The three main contests proved there's a lot of bad blood left to excavate. That creates for great drama, high stakes and a lot of masterful storytelling.

Overall Rating:

2 stars out of 5 (2.5 if we're being technical)
2 stars out of 5 (2.5 if we're being technical)


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