Ronda Rousey vs Sasha Banks: A case for and against Sasha Banks | WWE Royal Rumble 2019

The Boss
The Boss

One of the more intriguing matches that will take place at this year's WWE Royal Rumble is the WWE Raw Women's Championship match between 'Rowdy' Ronda Rousey and 'The Boss' Sasha Banks.

It is not a match most fans saw coming - Rousey has been a main-event player all year, and Banks has been stuck in the mid-card.

However, it is also not a match most fans will complain about as Banks is one of the best wrestlers in the world, and almost all of Rousey's matches have been wildly entertaining.

Irrespective of who wins, the fans will be the real winners.

Most pundits believe that 'Rowdy' Ronda Rousey is going to win this match, and some fans hope that Banks can somehow prevail.

This article breaks down the case for and against Sasha Banks dethroning Ronda Rousey at the Royal Rumble.

The case for Sasha Banks

Proven pedigree
Proven pedigree

Sasha Banks is one of the most popular superstars on the roster - irrespective of gender, and despite her booking. Imagine how popular she would be if the WWE actually got behind her?

Sasha Banks has proven that she has what it takes to be a focal part of Monday Night RAW - she was arguably the hottest babyface in the entire company when she was battling Charlotte Flair in the latter portion of 2016.

Ratings were constantly higher for segments featuring Banks, and the crowd regularly chanted "we want Sasha!".

Sasha Banks would certainly be a worthy RAW Women's Champion. Indeed she was the horsewoman with the most potential when she debuted. Big things were expected, and it is not too late for her to meet those expectations.

Speaking of the four horsewomen, Ronda Rousey almost certainly has a date with one or both of Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch at WrestleMania. They both have a score to settle with Rousey - she cost them the WWE SmackDown Women's Championship at TLC.

Interference from either one of them would not only add more intrigue to the WrestleMania match, but would also set up a future Four Horsewomen of WWE versus Four Horsewomen of MMA feud.

The case against Sasha Banks

What about Bayley?
What about Bayley?

Ronda Rousey is undefeated in the WWE, Sasha Banks has failed to ever defend the RAW Women's Championship, failing on four separate occasions.

Ronda Rousey is the most protected superstar in the entire company, Sasha Banks had a very mediocre 2018 apart from her Royal Rumble match showing.

Ronda Rousey is regularly the focal point of whichever show she is on, Sasha Banks has seemingly spent the entirety of 2018 fighting the Riott Squad.

Given her booking this past year, it does not make sense for Sasha Banks to defeat Ronda Rousey at this time.

Moreover, Sasha Banks and Bayley are presumptive favourites to be the first WWE Women's Tag Team Champions when the titles are re-launched. Winning the RAW Women's Championship would likely preclude her from being able to do that.

Verdict: Sasha Banks will give Ronda Rousey her best match yet, but lose unless Charlotte Flair or Becky Lynch interfere.

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