AEW Dynamite Results August 5th, 2020: Winners, Grades, Video Highlights for latest AEW Dynamite

Eric Bischoff made his AEW debut
Eric Bischoff made his AEW debut

This week's episode of AEW Dynamite didn't disappoint. We had a massive tag match pitting FTR and The Elite against The Dark Order as well as Matt Cardona's in-ring debut. We also saw the debate between Orange Cassidy and Chris Jericho.

The AEW World Championship was also on the line on AEW Dynamite as Jon Moxley defended against Darby Allin. Read on for full AEW Dynamite results.

FTR and The Elite vs The Dark Order kicks off AEW Dynamite

The match started off at a quick pace. Brodie Lee quickly sent in one of his minions, following his own back and forth with The Young Bucks. The Dark Order member got totally destroyed by The Elite and FTR. Omega and Page briefly looked to be in trouble but FTR came in and saved them from being suplexed. Colt Cabana got in a cheapshot on Omega but then backed off and ran. Omega followed him out to ringside but ate a big boot from Brodie Lee for his troubles.

Hangman Page soon tagged himself in. Stu Grayson tried to batter him but it didn't go very well for the Dark Order member. Grayson ended up eating a 4-man Superkick.

Soon after this, Dax Harwood clutched his knee after taking out Five. He was forced to head to the back for medical treatment. With everyone concerned with Dax Harwood, Omega was briefly isolated in the ring with The Dark Order members going after him.

Matt Jackson saw this and soon tagged in. He was met with a Black Hole Slam from Brodie Lee, flattening him. Both teams went back and forth after this as things broke down.

The finish saw Hangman Page almost take out Kenny Omega with the Buckshot Lariat, after Brodie Lee ducked. Lee then hit Page with a Discus Clothesline and pinned him for the win. A massive win for The Dark Order to kick off AEW Dynamite

The Dark Order def. FTR and The Elite


Santana and Ortiz vs Best Friends on AEW Dynamite

Santana and Chuckie T started things off on AEW Dynamite, locking up in the middle of the ring. Proud and Powerful tried to isolate Chuck Taylor in their corner but he managed to tag Trent in.

Trent looked in great form as he took back control of the match for his team. Trent tagged Taylor back in. He briefly worked over Santana before both men tagged out.

Santana and Ortiz had Trent in their crosshairs but he kicked out at 1 after the double-team. Santana followed it up with a suicide dive out to Chuckie T at ringside. Santana continued to work over Trent in the ring.

Trent finally managed to tag out as Chuckie T came in and went after both members of Proud and Powerful. Taylor got a 2-count after a Soul Food/Falcon Arrow combo to Ortiz.

The finish of the match saw Trent hit Santana with a cutter. Ortiz then came in with a Powerbomb. This only got a 2-count. Santana and Ortiz then looked to hit the Street Sweeper but Chuckie T knocked Santana off the top rope. Trent then rolled Ortiz up fo the win.

Best Friends def. Santana and Ortiz on AEW Dynamite


Update from MJF on AEW Dynamite

MJF gave us an update from his AEW Championship campaign HQ:

Matt Hardy calls out Sammy Guevara on AEW Dynamite

Matt Hardy was out next to cut a promo. He said that when he came to AEW he was looking for respect. Hardy then spoke about how he would be going forward on-screen as Matthew Hardy.

Matt then put over Private Party as a top tag-team. He compared the duo to himself and his brother Jeff when they were younger. Hardy then called out Sammy Guevara, saying that he had tried to help Sammy but to no avail.

Sammy Guevara came out from under the ring while Hardy had his back turned. However, Hardy was clearly away of the presence and both men started throwing right hands at each other. The fight spilled out to ringside where they set a table up. Guevara then chucked a chair at Matt Hardy's head which busted him open pretty badly.

Sammy then set up Matt Hardy on the table and leapt off the entrance ramp, taking Hardy out. The segment was short but it got the storyline over very well and set things up for this feud.


We got backstage footage of Santana and Ortiz, still upset from their loss, destroying Trent's mom's minivan with a sledgehammer.

Matt Cardona and Cody vs John Silver and Alex Reynolds on AEW Dynamite

Matt Cardona teamed up with Cody to make his in-ring AEW debut next.

Cody started the match off against John Silver. Cody hit Silver with a delayed Suplex and got a one-count off the cover. He then tagged in Matt Cardona. Cardona looked pretty impressive early on. Silver tagged out and Reynolds came in. Cardona greeted him with a neckbreaker before tagging Cody back in.

Silver and Reynolds briefly isolated Cody in their corner, trading tags and hitting him with everything they had. Silver unloaded on Cody with a series of boots to the chest. Cody replied with a powerslam before tagging Cardona in.

Cardona was all over Alex Reynolds and John Silver. He hit Silver with a powerbomb before he himself got double-teamed. Cody took out Silver as Cardona hit Reynolds with the Radio Silence. Cardona then pinned Alex Reynolds for the win.

A great performance from Matt Cardona on his debut. He looked impressive on tonight's episode of AEW Dynamite.

Matt Cardona and Cody def. John Silver and Alex Reynolds


Following the match, Scorpio Sky appeared at the entrance ramp to greet the AEW TNT Champion.

AEW Super Wednesday Debate: Chris Jericho debates Orange Cassidy (w/Eric Bischoff)

Eric Bischoff made his return to TNT as the special guest moderator for the debate between Orange Cassidy and Chris Jericho. Cassidy and Jericho then came out and headed down to the ring.

Bischoff asked the first question, regarding the beef between Jericho and Cassidy. Cassidy took a shot at Cassidy for not taking anything seriously and not dressing up for the occasion. Jericho then called Cassidy a joke and a flash in the pan.

Cassidy didn't respond when asked for his response.

Jericho said that he had a host of titles. He then said that if he and Cassidy were in the same high-school, he'd have taken out Cassidy in the hallway.

Bischoff's next question was about global sea levels.

Cassidy finally spoke up, and stressed that Fossil Fuel emissions needed to be reduced to counter rising sea levels.

Bischoff's next question was about Orange Cassidy's popularity with the AEW fanbase.

Jericho took a shot at both Orange Cassidy and the fans who loved him. Jericho then reiterated that Cassidy would have to give him $7,000 after he beat him next week. Bischoff then asked about why the rematch meant so much to each man.

Cassidy shut Jericho down, saying that Le Champion was just trying to embarrass him. Cassidy then asked Jericho how it would be like if after all this, he lost to someone like him.

Bischoff then named Orange Cassidy as the winner of the debate. A livid Jericho then unleashed Jake Hager on Orange Cassidy.


Speaking of Eric Bischoff, be sure to check out our own Chris Featherstone interviewing Easy E down below!


Big Swole vs Reba on AEW Dynamite

Britt Baker named Reba as the person who would face Big Swole on AEW tonight. Reba looked surprised at herself as she managed to get in some offense early. Reba then headed to the middle rope and went for a moonsault but missed.

Swole hit Reba with the Dirty Dancing and it was all over.

Big Swole def. Reba on AEW Dynamite


Jon Moxley (C) vs Darby Allin (for the AEW World Championship)

Darby Allin made the mistake of slapping Jon Moxley across the face. The AEW World Champion hit back with a right hand that took Darby down and made him bleed from the mouth. Moxley then took Allin down with a nasty clothesline before tossing the challenger across the ring.

Allin hit back with an arm drag followed by a dropkick. He then hit a suicide dive through the ropes and onto the entrance ramp. Moxley was in no mood to play and he tossed Allin off the entrance ramp and face-first into the ring post as we headed to commercial.

We came back from the break to see Moxley with a single-leg Boston Crab locked in, which he transitioned into an STF.

Darby replied with a Code Red but Moxley kicked out. With the referee distracted, we saw Wardlow come out and hit Moxley with a cheap shot.

Allin didn't see the interference and headed to the top rope and hit a Coffin Drop. The AEW Champion kicked out at the last second.

Moxley was busted open by now and Allin was all over the champion. Allin went to follow up with a second coffin drop but Moxley caught him in a rear-naked choke. Moxley followed it up with a Gotch Style Piledriver but Darby Allin somehow kicked out. Moxley then hit Allin with the Paradigm Shift and Allin failed to kick out this time.

Jon Moxley def. Darby Allin via pinfall to retain the AEW World Championship


After the match, Moxley praised Darby Allin before setting his sights on MJF.

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