5 ways Vince McMahon could double-cross Kofi Kingston again before WrestleMania

The Chairman wonders aloud whether Woods and Big E can put Kofi in the WWE Title Match at WrestleMania, and he says Kingston will get his championship match at WrestleMania if they can win a Gauntlet Match tonight!

From the look of things, Kofi Kingston has officially done it. He's cemented his spot at WrestleMania and it seems absolutely out of the realm of possibility that he could be screwed over again.

On the penultimate episode of SmackDown Live before WrestleMania, Vince McMahon continued to berate Kingston along with Daniel Bryan, saying that in his mind, he's always going to be a B+ Player. However, he did give The New Day's Xavier Woods and Big E an opportunity to win it for Kofi Kingston and send him to WrestleMania.

With the third gauntlet match in a little over a month, The New Day did successfully overcome a barrage of teams, sending Kofi Kingston to WrestleMania. Vince McMahon seemingly confirmed that Kingston will, in fact, go to WrestleMania.

However, with the random SmackDown Women's title change, crazier things can happen in WWE and don't be surprised if Mr McMahon pulls another fast one over Kingston and The New Day. Here's how he can still screw them over.

#5 Announce that he's the special guest referee at WrestleMania

WWE Photo

Wouldn't this be a twist, if any? Kofi Kingston's spot at WrestleMania may be cemented, but the fact of the matter is that McMahon can still screw him over in other ways. In storyline, he wants to keep the best possible box office draw as WWE Champion, and it's in his "best interest" to make sure that a "B+ Player" like Kofi Kingston doesn't become WWE Champion.

As a result, he would put on the referee's shirt for the first time in three and a half years, all in an attempt to try to screw over Kingston at the grandest stage of them all. However, WWE being WWE, it would be a great way to make Kofi Kingston's eventual win mean even more.

#4 Make him face someone at the beginning of WrestleMania

Big E and Xavier Woods hit the ring to start the celebration!

Remember five years ago when Daniel Bryan had to overcome all sorts of obstacles thrown at him by the authority just so he could main event WrestleMania and compete for the WWE World Championship?

Wouldn't it be great storytelling if Kofi Kingston too, was made to face an opponent at the start of WrestleMania? The stipulation would once again be that he would need to beat the given superstar in order to secure his place in the match later on.

Granted, the last time something similar happened, Daniel Bryan himself requested the match and the stipulation against Triple H. While this may admittedly be unlikely, it would definitely make it a WrestleMania to remember, with Kofi Kingston having to go through similar obstacles to get that feel-good WrestleMania victory.

It really would be a great bit of storytelling. Who do you think could be good opponents for him?

#3 Make another gauntlet match next week

Xavier tells Bryan that reality is that he’s scared to face Kofi one-on-one and that The Planet’s Champion has turned into a hypocrite.

It's crazy to think that this storyline all happened because of one amazing gauntlet match performance. Had it not been for that, there would be no close call at Elimination Chamber, no fans really getting behind Kofi Kingston the same way and no obstacles for Kofi Kingston to overcome, because he wouldn't be in the WWE title picture in the first place.

Since then, Kofi Kingston had to compete in another gauntlet match, which he won fair and square until Mr McMahon once again screwed him over and made him try to go through Daniel Bryan.

Don't be surprised if McMahon suddenly announces another gauntlet match in the spur of the moment on SmackDown next week. This storyline really has been a story of different gauntlet matches, representing the hurdles that Kofi has had to jump over to try and achieve his dreams. Would it be overkill? Perhaps.

#2 New Day getting banned from ringside

Woods & Big E console Kingston following his heartbreaking loss.

The New Day's Xavier Woods and Big E have been such an underrated part of this Kofi Kingston storyline. They've said it from the start and they'll keep saying it if you ask them - their goal is to ensure that Kofi Kingston becomes World Champion.

We've seen The New Day's incredible unity and teamwork before, but this story has seen them take a whole new direction, ditching the whole pancake gimmick and the dancing and jumping. It's arguably the most serious we've seen The New Day, and they'd make a big difference accompanying Kofi Kingston ringside to WrestleMania.

But what if they were banned from ringside while Rowan is allowed to accompany Daniel Bryan to the ring and even help assist him? This almost seems like a certainty at this point, with Kofi Kingston having to get through not just Daniel Bryan, but his "intellectual peer" Rowan.

#1 Make it a lumberjack match with all the contestants they've beaten

The New Day are under attack!

This seems a bit unrealistic given that Samoa Joe has a United States title match and Randy Orton has a match against AJ Styles, but there's a remote possibility of it happening, especially given that there are absolutely no plans for the SmackDown Tag Team Championship.

There are multiple teams on the brand, but even so, The New Day, including Kofi Kingston, have gone through The Bar, technically went through The Usos and they could even have Samoa Joe and Randy Orton at ringside to make the match all the more dramatic.

This storyline hasn't just been about Kofi Kingston's WWE title pursuits, it's been about the locker room and their respect for Kingston as well. Though getting many superstars would undoubtedly be overbooking the match at its finest (and very unnecessary too), it wouldn't be surprising to see it become a lumberjack match.

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