5 things that shouldn't have happened on SmackDown Live - 22nd May, 2018

Big E was the one who needed the win this week
Big E was the one who needed the win this week

This week's WWE SmackDown Live, as usual, played out much better than its red colored counterpart on Monday nights. It was good to see the tag team division getting some attention after a drought of tag team matches on the show in the past few weeks.

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The Miz always makes SmackDown Live the must-watch show with his hilarious segments and The New Day's presence made this segment of Miz TV even more entertaining. While the match between Jeff Hardy and Daniel Bryan stole the show, these five things could have been avoided or should have happened differently.

#5 Still no Sanity

It has been too long
It has been too long

Another week of SmackDown Live goes by and yet there is no sign of this NXT call-up. The SmackDown tag team division at the moment seems to be stacked, but Sanity's presence on the show can lead to many possible scenarios and a mix of matches.

Sanity can take the blue brand by storm and pulverize any team that comes their way. This build makes them the perfect team to give the Bludgeon Brothers a run for their money. The SmackDown Live's tag team division was expected to be on fire after the Superstar Shake-Up, but it has gone so cold now that the presence of Sanity will be welcomed with a huge ovation.

The feud between The Bar and The New Day is going nowhere right now and the match between The Usos and The Good Brothers just had zero build to it. It remains a mystery as to why this team has not yet made its presence felt on SmackDown Live. Here's hoping, like every week, that Sanity makes its main roster debut next week.

#4 No build for the Good Brothers

The Good Brothers' victory was very cold
The Good Brothers' victory was very cold

It's good to see another tag team getting the push instead of the usual Usos, New Day or Bar. That being said, the Good Brothers were inserted into the title picture right out of nowhere. There was zero build for them which made their victory not very appealing to the viewers present.

If them winning right out of the blue with very less offered for the fans to get behind them wasn't bad enough, the verbal exchange between them and The Usos didn't really help their cause either. The Good Brothers couldn't really match the enthusiasm and the energy portrayed by The Usos, which really didn't help their cause.

The match on its own was nothing great and didn't have enough for the crowd to be vested in it which in turn affected The Good Brothers' victory. WWE have three more weeks to push the Good Brothers in a way that the crowd gets behind them. Right now their match against the Bludgeon Brothers comes off as a heel vs heel match and in such a situation, it won't be surprising if the crowd cheers for the current tag team champions come MITB.

#3 No Asuka-Carmella faceoff

Asuka didn't make her presence felt this week
Asuka didn't make her presence felt this week

Asuka was missing in action this week. Her absence really hurt whatever momentum she had gained last week when Paige made her the No. 1 Contender for Carmella's SmackDown Women's Title.

This week Carmella stated how she is better than Asuka because Charlotte beat Asuka at WrestleMania and Carmella has beaten Charlotte twice. According to Carmella, this makes her twice as better as Asuka.

This week, neither Asuka nor Carmella were seen in the ring. After Carmella's comments, Asuka should have put on a dominating performance against Peyton Royce with Carmella ringside. Now that Carmella has gotten a worthy opponent, this match should be gaining heat and the two should be part of the Blue Brand every week.

#2 Big E losing to The Miz

Big E really needed a win this week
Big E really needed a win this week

The New Day beat The Bar last week to secure a spot for one of them in the MITB Ladder Match. The WWE Universe was quite excited to hear from them as to who would be the chosen one of the group to take this prestigious spot.

During the Miz TV segment, The Miz tried to get an answer out of them only to be pitted against Big E in a single match. Big E really needed a win in this set up to establish himself as a legitimate contender for the MITB briefcase.

The interference by The Bar was unnecessary during the match, they could have ran down after the match and beat up New Day. The Bar vs The New Day is losing its relevance and including them in matches against each other is going in no direction.

Hopefully, next week we get a clearer picture about the member who will take part in the MITB Ladder match. Among The New Day members, either Big E or Kingston seem worthy enough to pull this off and have a lot to gain by this push.

#1 Jeff Hardy tapping out

This marks two consecutive losses for Hardy in successive matches
This marks two consecutive losses for Hardy in successive matches

In a dream match, we saw Jeff Hardy take on Daniel Bryan for a chance to face Samoa Joe in a qualifying match for the MITB briefcase. This match definitely stole the show with no contender coming out weak until the end. In the climax of the match, we saw Jeff Hardy tap out to Bryan when he applied the heel hook.

While Bryan winning is expected and is well and fine, the finish hurt Jeff Hardy's credibility as the US Champion. Losing his previous match against The Miz two weeks back and losing another one to Bryan this week clean is bad enough, him tapping out just makes things worse.

It really seems like WWE is hurting most of its Superstars' credibility just to give Daniel Bryan a push. Last week, Daniel Bryan destroyed Big Cass, a man almost twice his size and this week he beat the current US Champion.

Will we see Daniel Bryan go through Samoa Joe next week? One can only hope not. But given the current scenario, don't be surprised if that happens. Maybe Big Cass can cause a distraction next week and allow the Samoan to pick up a much-needed victory.

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