9 Rumored events for Wrestlemania 35, and 1 that is confirmed

Is Becky Lynch going to be in the ring with Ronda Rousey at Wrestlemania 35?
Is Becky Lynch going to be in the ring with Ronda Rousey at Wrestlemania 35?

Ah, WrestleMania season. For wrestling fans and sports entertainers, it's like Christmas, Fat Tuesday, and New Year's all rolled up into one. The vertical suplexes are held for just a little longer, the body slams hit with just a bit more impact, and the shots seem a little crisper as the WWE's roster strives to stand out among the herd.

Understandably, the card for Wrestlemania 35 is one of the most discussed items on the internet wrestling newsgroups, social media, and sports websites. There are huge matches that are completely confirmed to take place, and a number of others that are strongly rumored to happen.

This list will help separate the wheat from the chaff, the rumor from the real, and give fans the perspective they need to put parameters on their excitement levels. Here are five matches that are rumored to happen at Wrestlemania 35, and five that are confirmed to happen.

Rumored Event #1: An appearance by The Rock

Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson

Last year, rumors began to circulate that The Rock would be taking on his real life cousin Roman Reigns in a dream match at Wrestlemania 35. Sadly, Reigns' recurrence of leukaemia nixed those plans, but there are still signs that the Rock could be a part of the biggest sports entertainment show of the year -- even if it's in a non-wrestling capacity.

Two names have been circulating as to his possible opponent/straight man; Bobby Lashley and Elias. Of the two, we'd say Elias would be a better bet for the Rock. A non-wrestling segment featuring the two men could be quite entertaining, and fans would probably enjoy the put-downs that Rock would customize just for Elias.

Nothing is set in stone as of yet, but don't be surprised if the Great One makes his way to Wrestlemania 35.

Rumored event #2: Kofi Kingston vs. Daniel Bryan (C) for the WWE Championship

Kofi's counter wrestling catches up to Daniel Bryan's Yes kicks
Kofi's counter wrestling catches up to Daniel Bryan's Yes kicks

Is Xavier Woods right about 2019 being the 'year of the Kof?'

Kofi Kingston was placed in the Elimination Chamber event mainly because Mustafa Ali was injured an unable to compete. However, WWE made the wise decision to not just toss Kofi into the mix; rather, he was given a tremendous 'micro push' on Smackdown Live, defeating three tough opponents in a gauntlet match to earn his spot at Elimination Chamber.

WWE's plans were more successful than anyone could have hoped for; the WWE Universe placed themselves squarely behind Kofi with a show of massive support. He was cheered wildly both on Smackdown and at the Elimination Chamber itself, though he failed to win the gold his reaction may have earned him a coveted WWE Co-main event spot at Wrestlemania 35.

Could Kofi finally achieve what he has failed to for twelve long years as a main roster star, and win the big belt? Fans will find out at Wrestlemania 35, because this match is confirmed.

Rumored Event #3: EC3 will win the Andre the Giant Battle Royal

EC3 was recently elevated to the main roster from NXT.
EC3 was recently elevated to the main roster from NXT.

The Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal has become a tradition at WrestleMania, even though many of the winners have failed to do anything impressive since, such as Mojo Rawley.

There has been a great deal of criticism of the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal over its brief existence. For one, there seems to be no real prize for the winner other than a nice trophy. Some believe that adding in a title opportunity to the winner might generate more interest. The other major criticism is that often times the winner of the battle royal is either someone uninteresting (like the aforementioned Rawley) or a personage who doesn't need the win to get over (like last year's winner, Matt Hardy.)

One man who has been rumored among the names who might win in 2019 is EC3. WWE is very, very high on the veteran performer, and he might be the one to break the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal curse and actually go on to do great things afterwards.

This event is still in the rumor phase, but could happen.

Rumored Event #4: Triple H vs. Batista

The Game has never beaten The Animal--will that change at Wrestlemania 35?
The Game has never beaten The Animal--will that change at Wrestlemania 35?

As early as midsummer of 2018 rumors began to circulate that former world champion Batista would be returning to the WWE for a Wrestlemania match.

The match was first teased during the Evolution reunion at Smackdown Live's milestone show, where Batista pointed out that Triple H has never pinned him. The two would not come to blows on that occasion, but there was plenty of tension even if they ostensibly made up before the segment was over.

WWE pulled off the nigh impossible, keeping Batista's presence a secret until the last moment during Ric Flair's birthday celebration on Raw. When The Animal attacked Flair and dragged his bloody body through the backstage area, fans were both shocked and titillated. Triple H has previously said that he 'worships the ground' Ric Flair walks on, so of course he took no exception to the Animal's actions.

Will Triple H finally beat one of the few stars he's never been able to get the best of, or will The Animal leave him in ruins? Fans might find out at Wrestlemania 35.

Rumored Event #5: AJ Styles vs Randy Orton

Randy Orton struggles in the grip of the Phenomenal AJ Styles.
Randy Orton struggles in the grip of the Phenomenal AJ Styles.

The feud between these two industry veteran heavyweights has continued to build, thanks to both their in-ring performances and some of the best mic work Randy Orton has done in years.

Randy Orton is the type of character that does best in 'slow burn' storylines, such as his long feud and eventual alliance with Bray Wyatt. AJ Styles can adapt to any situation, and has put on some of the best matches of his life since joining the WWE.

While this match has not been confirmed, and is still in the rumored stages, it's quite likely to take place. Every Wrestlemania needs a good grudge match, and it looks like Orton vs. Styles could fit the bill for Wrestlemania 35. With all signs pointing toward Styles re-signing with the WWE, their feud could even spill over after the mega event.

Confirmed #1: Brock Lesnar vs. Seth Rollins

Seth Rollins has a massive challenge ahead of him--literally and figuratively--when he takes on Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania 35 for the Universal Championship.
Seth Rollins has a massive challenge ahead of him--literally and figuratively--when he takes on Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania 35 for the Universal Championship.

When The Shield first debuted, there's little doubt that Seth Rollins was the number three guy on the team. Roman Reigns was bigger and more muscled, and Dean Ambrose's smooth delivery on the microphone made many fans believe he was the leader despite WWE's insistence that the group was a collection of equals.

The Hounds of Justice split up (then reformed and then split up...) and Rollins was suddenly elevated to the main event, cashing in his money in the bank briefcase and screwing his former Shield mate Roman out of a title victory. Rollins has been up and down the card since, but his Royal Rumble victory earned him the right to challenge for either the WWE Universal title or the WWE championship, and he went with the arduous task of taking down the Beast Incarnate.

Will Seth Rollins be able to take down Lesnar, or is an F5 and a trip to Suplex City in his future? Fans will find out at Wrestlemania 35 because this match is confirmed.

Rumored Event #6: Lacey Evans will win the Women's Battle Royal

Lacey Evans
Lacey Evans

Lacey Evans was recently elevated to the main roster from NXT, but hasn't had any real storyline or angles to work with.

She made a surprise, and somewhat puzzling, appearance at WWE Elimination Chamber in which she merely walked out on the ramp, did a turn like a runway model, and walked back out. Obviously, WWE wants its fans to keep Evans firmly in mind as a future star.

With no real angle, and the title shot picture already crowded up with potential challengers for Asuka, Lacey Evans both participating in and winning the women's battle royal seems like a good bet. The former Marine and swat team member has been very, very high on WWE's list for a long time, and this would give her both a Wrestlemania moment and a chance to shine in the eyes of the Universe.

Rumored Event #7: Sami Zayn vs. Mustafa Ali

Sammi Zayn
Sammi Zayn

Last year, Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens were inseparable as they taunted Smackdown general manager Daniel Bryan with their "Yep" Movement t-shirts and catchphrase. Unfortunately, both men were sidelined with injuries which required surgery; Owens had his knees worked on, while Zayn had to have a double rotator cuff surgery.

Owens returned recently, and challenged Daniel Bryan as a babyface for the WWE championship. Mustafa Ali came out to assist KO when he was suffering a beat down at the hands of Bryan and his lumbering minion, Erick Rowan.

Zayn could possibly come back and be jealous of the burgeoning relationship between Owens and Mustafa, and WWE could maybe believe that a match between the two stars would be top notch. This match has not been officially confirmed by the WWE as taking place, but all signs are pointing toward it being a reality.

Rumored event #8: Trish Stratus and Lita will challenge the Boss N Hug connection for the Tag team titles

Could Trish Stratus and Lita come out of retirement to challenge Sasha Banks and Bayley for their tag team gold?
Could Trish Stratus and Lita come out of retirement to challenge Sasha Banks and Bayley for their tag team gold?

One of the more pleasant surprises during the first ever Women's Royal Rumble match was the appearance of some much loved and much missed WWE alumni, namely Trish Stratus and Lita.

The duo were so impressive in their performance that WWE became interested in using them further. According to the rumor, their next match is going to be a dream bout against the Boss N Hug connection of Sasha Banks and Bayley--and the tag title will be on the line.

While we don't see Trish Stratus and Lita walking out of Wrestlemania 35 with the women's tag team belts around their waists, this rumor has been gaining a lot of steam lately.

Sasha Banks and Bayley have stated on social media that they would love to face the WWE legends, and given the nostalgia factor is always high around Wrestlemania season we see this rumor as being quite likely to come true.

Rumored event #9: Ronda Rousey vs. Charlotte vs. Becky Lynch for the WWE Raw Women's championship

Three superwomen; Charlotte Flair, Ronda Rousey, and Becky Lynch.
Three superwomen; Charlotte Flair, Ronda Rousey, and Becky Lynch.

Yes, the Fastlane stipulation states that Becky Lynch must defeat Charlotte if she wants back in the main event of Wrestlemania 35, despite the Royal Rumble victory that Lynch gained guaranteeing a title shot.

However, given the enormous amount of heat this match has garnered on social media, there's simply no way the WWE is going to keep the Lasskicker off of the Wrestlemania 35 card. Becky Lynch is arguably WWE's breakout star of 2018, after years of languishing on the main roster she was able to become a no questions asked main event talent.

Many have criticized Becky Lynch's harsh social media posts, but the Lass Kicker has done a great job of getting her character over and energizing the fan base around the bitter rivalry with Ronda Rousey. Expect Lynch to join the event and go over huge, probably capturing the Women's championship in the process.

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