WWE Raw 2nd June 2014 - 5 Promising Developments

It wasn’t the best of raw and it wasn’t the worst of Raw. Somethings always defy logic but somethings always bring you back. Raw began on a less shocking note but piled up the shock level by the end of the night. For a hardcore wrestling fan will looking forward to next Monday for some answers or will they get them my Friday’s Smackdown? Here are the five promising developments for the near future.

#1 The Break Up

Batista quit for the second time on Raw. This finally brought an end to a less than stellar return. This gives him and the Creative enough time to redeem themselves from their shortcomings, if this is just a short time off. Batista, afterall, appeared regulary on Raw and Smackdown and every single Pay Per View since his return in January 2014. He was rusty in the ring initially but picked up his game soon enough. But for the most part, his return has been surrounded by boos and the discussion on his skinny jeans and lately all blue avatar at Payback. But he put things forward as they were and say what you may, he was effective as a heel, even though awkward sometimes.

Batista broke up with Evolution and the WWE universe. And just like many break ups go, at the time, this one is for the best.

#2 The possibilities for MITB 2014

Stephanie McMahon made an announcement- if Daniel Bryan does not forfiet the titles, he will have to face Kane at MITB but that was not the most exciting news. The exciting part was that if Bryan fails to compete, the MITB match will be for the titles. I hope there are two MITB matches this time too. Thye should really separate the titles. Two new Champions means two new feuds and that means more things to do for more superstars.

#3 The fight for the tag titles

They had one of the most memorable spots last night at Payback when they crashed on tables outside the ring and on raw they had a stellar match and this might just be signs of them facing off for the tag titkes. This gives Usos the best test they hav had since they won the titles. The promo work by the Usos was good and given that the Wyatt Family is plenty creepy during promos too, this feud should gain some momentum in teh coming weeks.

#4 The Road to a Rhodes feud

So Cody Rhodes did not exactky turn heel at Payback. He felt that he wasn’t good enough to team up with his brother and took the blame for the losses, sardonically or not. Monday, he chose Sin Cara as his brother’s teammate and they suffered a loss. So what does this say? Is Goldust the weak link. Now that Cody has some proof, could this lead to a bitter feud? It sure can.

#5 The Break Up- Part 2

I always thought Seth Rollins would be the first member to leave the Shield but when this finally happened, I was shocked. This sets up two quite interesting feuds possibly- Roman Reigns Vs Triple H and Dean Ambrose Vs Seth Rollins. The main roster should get to see what Ambrose and Rollins can do if given the right opportunity. Randy Orton might finally get a rematch for his former titles.

Or, maybe the Shield might just add a new member. But I don’t think that’ll happen because nothing really is better than the original and anyway it looks like the time has come for them to find their own way.

The match that the WWE will want you to pay ample attention to will be Reigns against Triple H but don’t expect Rollins and Ambrose to be anything less than spectacular. I still wish, Ambrose was the heel in this case. But, oh, anyway. . . let’s wait and watch and have fun while watching it.

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