5 reasons to believe that Seth Rollins will defeat Brock Lesnar for the Universal Championship

Seth Rollins has been touted as a possible opponent for Brock Lesnar

There has been increased talk lately that Seth Rollins could be in line for a WWE Universal Championship match against Brock Lesnar.

The Intercontinental champion is one of the most beloved Superstars on the entire roster right now and, judging by his recent social media posts, he considers himself to be a more worthy title holder on Raw than “The Beast”.

So, will these posts lead to a rivalry between the two men? Or is Rollins simply making these statements to promote the Intercontinental Championship as Raw’s top title while Lesnar is away from our screens?

In this article, we give five reasons to believe that “The Kingslayer” will face – and even defeat – Lesnar for the Universal title.

#5 There hasn’t been a popular Universal champion for 21 months

Finn Balor was forced to relinquish the title in August 2016

Looking back at the four holders of the Universal Championship so far (Finn Balor, Kevin Owens, Goldberg and Brock Lesnar), only Balor was a popular champion among the majority of fans – and his reign with the title lasted just one day.

Owens was a heel who often cheated to win matches during his time as champion, while Goldberg received negative crowd reactions during his 28-day reign with the title despite being a babyface.

Over the last 13 months, a lot of fans have grown tired of seeing current Universal champion Lesnar compete in repetitive matches, and they would much rather see a full-time babyface, such as Braun Strowman or Seth Rollins, finally dethrone “The Beast”.

Out of the two fan favourites, Strowman would be a popular champion but he has already failed in three attempts to defeat Lesnar, so Rollins – Raw’s most ‘over’ Superstar since his incredible performance in a gauntlet match in February – looks to be a more likely contender right now.

#4 WWE appears to have moved on from Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns

Brock Lesnar defeated Roman Reigns at back-to-back PPVs

In fairness to WWE, as underwhelming as the Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns storyline was, at least they sprung two surprises on us by having “The Beast” retain the Universal Championship at WrestleMania 34 and the Greatest Royal Rumble.

Reigns has since complained in promos that he is the “uncrowned champion” following the controversial finish to the steel cage match in Saudi Arabia, but no rematch appears to be in sight and the four-time ‘Mania main-eventer is now feuding with Jinder Mahal.

Assuming Reigns doesn’t receive another match with Lesnar in the near future, WWE has to find somebody else to challenge – and possibly defeat – the Universal champion, which opens up the possibility of Seth Rollins finally getting another one-on-one match against the man he previously faced at Battleground 2015.

#3 Seth Rollins hasn’t been The Guy for three years

Seth Roll
Seth Rollins was in seven main events in 2015

Seth Rollins has been one of the featured Superstars on WWE television ever since he made his debut as a member of The Shield in November 2012, with his most successful run coming when he was WWE champion in 2015.

During that time, the former Money In The Bank winner main-evented seven pay-per-views in a six-month spell between March 2015 and September 2015, which is in stark contrast to the six PPVs he has headlined in the 24 months since he returned from injury.

Those stats don’t tell the whole story, but they are a good guide to show how Rollins really was the guy in 2015 and how he hasn’t reached that main-event level over the last couple of years.

However, with fans supporting him now more than ever, it wouldn’t be a surprise to see WWE propel “The Kingslayer” back into the main-event spotlight in the near future. And to do that, he would surely need to hold Raw’s top title, the Universal Championship, which would mean defeating the mighty Brock Lesnar.

#2 Seth Rollins keeps aiming digs at Brock Lesnar on Twitter

Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar are yet to respond to Seth Rollins

In modern-day WWE, we should probably take a lot of things that are said on Superstars’ social media accounts with a pinch of salt.

However, as we alluded to earlier, Seth Rollins’ recent tweets about Brock Lesnar are difficult to ignore and they certainly appear to hint at a future rivalry between the two men.

The Intercontinental champion has tweeted “fighting champion” and “proper champion” on multiple occasions recently, which is a clear dig at part-timer Lesnar not defending his Universal Championship often enough, while he even added a “#brockwho” hashtag to a tweet last week about the next IC title Open Challenge.

#1 The Money In The Bank theory

Seth Rollins walked away from WrestleMania 31 as WWE champion

All four Raw spots are currently taken in the men’s Money In The Bank ladder match but, WWE being WWE, it wouldn’t be all that surprising if somebody was forced to miss the event due to ‘injury’ as a way to let Roman Reigns enter the match.

After all, he was attacked by Jinder Mahal during his qualifying match against Finn Balor and Sami Zayn on the 7 May episode of Raw, so if anybody is deserving of a second chance to get in on the match, it’s certainly “The Big Dog”.

Now, this is pure fantasy booking, but what if Reigns was to win Money In The Bank and cash-in during a match between Seth Rollins and Brock Lesnar, just like Rollins did to win the WWE title at WrestleMania 31?

It would be a truly epic way to make Rollins look stronger than he already is, provided he defeats the departing Lesnar before the cash-in, and it would be the most memorable title win of Reigns’ career so far.

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