5 times Seth Rollins amazed us with spectacular moves

Seth Rollins has been the WWE World Heavyweight Champion since Wrestlemania 31.Its been no secret that Colby Lopez, known as Seth Rollins in WWE action but as Tyler Black in other promotions, has quite the moveset. Even though his Rollins character has been somewhat limited by his heel status, fans everywhere await the times when he will unleash one of his spectacular spots.Still, WWE has not completely caged him, as hes had several opportunities to show fans what hes capable of. Heres five times that Seth Rollins has amazed the crowd with his in-ring ability.

#1 Taking the leap


At the 2014 edition of Payback, The Shield was reeling during their matchup with Evolution. It seemed the older, more experienced talent was going to come out on top as they were beating Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns all over the arena.

Then Rollins climbed atop the set pieces around the entrance, and he jumped off from about 12 feet in the air onto Evolution. He took out Reigns in the process, but it turned the match around. There was a time when such spots were common, but not during the PG era, and it solidified him as a star in the company.

#2 Phoenix Splash


Like its mythical namesake, the Phoenix Splash is tough to photograph properly, but it was incredibly impressive when Rollins nailed one on John Cena at the 2015 Royal Rumble. The move was impressive enough on its own, but Rollins’ versatility adds to how noteworthy it is.

Other men can do such high-flying, acrobatic maneuvers, but Rollins can follow it up with a power spot like his turnbuckle powerbomb, which makes him a unique talent within the WWE roster.

#3 Wrestlemania RKO


Before his historic cash-in of the Money in the Bank briefcase to take home the world title at Wrestlemania 31, Rollins actually lost in a match with Randy Orton. And while the move technically belongs to Orton, the RKO that “The Viper” put on Rollins to win the match was as much about Rollins as it was Orton.

Rollins set up the move like his former “Curb Stomp” finisher, but Orton countered him by lifting Rollins in the air with his neck. Rollins went as high in the air as possible before coming down in perfect position for the RKO, a sign of his selling and match-working ability.

#4 Cena Superplex Combo


Rollins has put together a variety of noteworthy combo moves during a feud with John Cena, but none more than the superplex combo he unleashed in a match a couple months ago on Raw.

Starting with a traditional super plex from the top turnbuckle, he rolled through that and stood up to start a sit-out front-facing vertical suplex. That may not be the official name, but it’s an accurate description for the finish to a really impressive move.

#5 Elbow to the Beast


A couple months before his cash-in, Rollins was in a Triple Threat match with Cena and Brock Lesnar for the world title at the 2015 Royal Rumble. Lesnar came out victorious, but Rollins used his acrobatics to show that he was ready for the main event.

At one point in the match, with Lesnar out on the Spanish announce table – as would be expected – Rollins mounted the turnbuckle in the nearest corner, which was still 10-12 feet away. He took to the sky from there, crashing down on Lesnar’s sternum with an elbow that could’ve meant serious injury for either of them if done wrong.

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