6 Triceps Exercises to Build Bigger Arms before Christmas

(Image via Pexels/Kool Shooters)
Triceps exercises for bigger arms (Image via Pexels/Kool Shooters)

Triceps exercises are a must-have part of your workout regime if you want to build bigger arms, as triceps make up about two-thirds of the muscle mass of the upper arms.

You should never neglect triceps exercises, as they're quite a lot of muscle to neglect.

Best Triceps Exercises

Here are six best triceps exercises that enable you to build bigger arms before Christmas:

1) Triceps Kickback

Triceps kickbacks are among the best triceps exercises that can activate the muscles and allow you to build bigger arms. It can also help improve the stability and balance of the body.


How to do this exercise?

  • Begin in a good standing position, with your core muscles engaged and spine completely straight.
  • Hinge forward from your hips above till your upper body is almost parallel to the ground.
  • Keep both knees slightly bent while clutching dumbbells in both palms angled towards one another.
  • With your upper arms tucked in towards the body and chin slightly tucked in towards the chest, straighten your elbows to the back.
  • Return your forearms back to their starting position, and repeat.

2) Rope Pushdown

Rope pushdowns can fire up your triceps muscles and promote muscle growth. That will enable you to get bigger arms with greater muscle symmetry.


How to do this exercise?

  • Begin in a tall standing position in front of a cable machine with your feet slightly apart while grasping the rope attachment with both palms.
  • Keep the elbows tucked in towards your body, bending the elbows at 90 degrees.
  • Contract your triceps, and extend your arms towards the ground. Bring your hands back to the starting position. and repeat.

3) Single Arm Cable Kickback

Single arm cable kickbacks can help in building greater strength in the upper body and promoting muscle growth in the arms.


How to do this exercise?

  • Start by standing in front of the cable machine with a single grip handle attached to the low pulley setting.
  • Clutch the handle with your right hand in an overhand grip, and stand with your knees slightly bent and feet together.
  • Bend from your waist to bring your upper torso parallel to the ground. Extend your arms as far as you can with your elbow fixed in one place.
  • With your triceps squeezed, bring the arms back to the starting position, and repeat.

4) Diamond Push-Up

Diamond push-ups are among the most effective triceps exercises that can help build bigger arms through triceps activation without requiring any equipment.


How to do this exercise?

  • Begin by bringing your body into the standard push-up position before bringing your palms closer to creating diamond form with your fingers and thumbs.
  • Complete the desired repetition of push-ups.

5) Close Grip Barbell Bench Press

Besides targeting your triceps, a close grip barbell bench press can activate the chest muscles. This exercise can also enable you to enhance the push and pull movements of the body.


How to do this exercise?

  • Begin in a lying position on the bench while clutching a barbell in both palms.
  • Keep your palms closer to each other than the standard distance, and position the barbell right over your ribcage with your elbows bent.
  • Press the barbell straight towards the ceiling with your triceps contracted.
  • Bring the weight back to your ribcage, and repeat.

6) Rope Cable Overhead Extension

This is a popular triceps exercise that can help in packing the muscles in your upper arms and activating your back muscles. It can also add greater muscle definition in your upper body.


How to do this exercise?

  • Adjust the rope settings on the cable machine that's just above your head, and stand in front of the machine with your back facing it.
  • Clutch the handles with both palms over your head, and assume a split stance with your legs to get better balance and stability.
  • Hinge down at your hips at 45 degrees. With your triceps contracted, straighten your arms to the front with weight before bringing them back to their starting position.
  • Repeat.

Bottom Line

If you want to build bigger arms, inclusion of triceps exercises into the workout routine is crucial.

That's because the triceps contribute to more than half your arm muscles. You can also pair the aforementioned triceps exercises with the biceps exercises for the balanced growth of your arm muscles.

Beginners should avoid overdoing triceps exercises to avoid sustaining muscle injury. Start these exercises with lighter weights, and increase the intensity as you build greater strength.

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