Top exercises for scoliosis to do at home

Scoliosis is the name given to a condition in which the spine curves sideways (Image via Flickr)
Scoliosis is the name given to a condition in which the spine curves sideways. (Image via Flickr)

This article covers the best exercises for scoliosis to help build core and lower back strength, which can imrove the positioning of the spine.

Scoliosis is a condition in which a person's spine becomes curved sideways in an unnatural way. It typically manifests itself in the pre-pubertal years, and the cause for that is not known. However, diseases like cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy can cause it to develop at any age.

Mild cases of scoliosis typically don't call for any sort of intervention. People with these mild forms of the disease can lead normal lives. However, a back brace or surgery may be necessary for moderate to severe cases. Compression of the lungs and chest may make breathing difficult in extreme cases, though.

Scoliosis patients may suffer from back pain and exhaustion. Exercises for scoliosis can help you correct the posture of the spine and alleviate the pain. Certain stretches for scoliosis can strengthen the core muscles and improve overall posture.

Stretches and exercises for scoliosis

Scoliosis affects a lot of people in the United States (Image via Flickr)
Scoliosis affects a lot of people in the United States (Image via Flickr)

Check out the following stretches and exercises for scoliosis that you can do.

1) Upward and downward dog

Upward and downward facing dog are two of the best stretches for the back. (Image via Pexels/Elina Fairytale)
Upward and downward facing dog are two of the best stretches for the back. (Image via Pexels/Elina Fairytale)

This is one of the best exercises for scoliosis but should be performed after advice from your doctor. It's most suitable for mild or moderate scoliosis.


  • Put your hands on the floor in a plank position, and extend your arms straight above your head; thrust your hips as far back and as high as you can.
  • Keep the position for two seconds, and return your hips to a floor-hugging position.
  • You should get as low as you can without hurting yourself.
  • Make sure to get in your 2-3 sets of 5 to 10 reps.

2) Sitting rotation stretch

Seated twists are great for releasing muscle tension from the back. (Image via Pexels/Cliff Booth)
Seated twists are great for releasing muscle tension from the back. (Image via Pexels/Cliff Booth)

The flexibility gained through the sitting rotation stretch can help alleviate some of your back pain. This is one of the best exercises for scoliosis you can do.


  • Sit down on the floor or on a mat on the floor.
  • Simply cross your right leg over your left knee. The sole of the right foot should touch the floor.
  • To stabilize yourself, put your right arm behind your back. Turn your upper body so that it faces the right leg.
  • Stretch further by pressing your left elbow into your knee.
  • Increase the intensity of the stretch by looking over your right shoulder.
  • Maintain the position for the time specified by your fitness professional, physiotherapist, or healthcare provider.
  • You should also perform this stretch on the opposite side of the body.

3) Pelvic tilt

This is one of the best exercises for scoliosis and also for those who sit a lot. Sitting weakens the entire posterior chain, epecially the lower back and glutes. This exercises serves to remedy that.


  • Put your feet flat on the floor and knees bent, and lie on your back.
  • Specifically, they should contract their abs and arch their back down to the ground.
  • Keep your breath even for the full five seconds.
  • Release, and perform two sets of ten reps.

4) Cat-Cow Stretch

Cat cow stretch is also one of the best exercises for scoliosis you can do. (Image via Pexels/Miriam Alonso)
Cat cow stretch is also one of the best exercises for scoliosis you can do. (Image via Pexels/Miriam Alonso)

Cat-and-cow stretches are great for increasing overall flexibility. One of the best exercises for scoliosis, this stretch promotes blood circulation all along the spine and works out the muscles on either side.


  • Drop to your hands and knees. In a neutral posture, the elbows should be in line with the shoulders and knees with the hips.
  • While engaging your core, round your back till you feel a stretch in the lower back. This is the 'cat' position.
  • Raise your chest and back. Stretch your back and torso as you look skyward. You're in the 'cow' or 'camel' position.
  • Do the stretch ten times, twice a day.

5) Scroth method

Scoliosis patients can benefit from the Schroth method, an exercise regimen designed for people with the condition. All three anatomical planes of the spine (sagittal (front-back), transverse (rotation) and frontal (side to side)) are taken into account in this method.

The objectives of the Schroth method:

  • Increase postural awareness in patients
  • Build muscular strength and endurance
  • Improve breathing and lung capacity
  • Improve posture
  • Decrease the pain due to muscle imbalance
  • Prevent progression of the spinal curve

Patients undergoing this treatment approach are urged to use the skills they acquire while performing common activities like sitting, standing, and walking.

To surmise, exercises for scoliosis are being recommended more and more by doctors for mild to moderate cases. It's possible that by taking preventative measures and doing these exercises, you will be able to slow the progression of scoliosis and lessen the pain it causes.

Pain relief can also be achieved through the use of pilates and yoga regimens modified for people with limited spinal mobility.

Before beginning any treatment for scoliosis, even if it consists of just a few simple exercises, you should seek the advice of your orthopedist or physical therapist. That will ensure that the exercises you're doing are safe for your bones.

Some scoliosis exercises to avoid are weightlifting, long distance running, long jump and horseback riding.

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