Top 8 stress-busting yoga poses

Let us choose the top 8 stress-busting yoga poses.(Image by Alex Shaw/Unsplash)
Top stress-busting yoga poses.(Image by Alex Shaw/Unsplash)

Stress-busting yoga poses are what we need after a very tiring day. We come back from work and suffer from back pain, stress and tension, and the body responds to the stress we endure.

It's best to relieve ourselves from this stress, as it will not only make us more productive and efficient but also help us to be rejuvenated. Yoga can be our lifestyle. It can help calm the body and mind.

Your focus, memory and breathing will improve. Many consider yoga as a spiritual practice and believe that it can help them to be pure and close to god. Let us now look at the top stress-busting yoga poses.

Best stress-busting yoga poses

There are a lot of yoga poses to choose from. Here are the top eight stress-busting yoga poses to get you away from the stress. Go stress-free with them.

#1 Lying down as a corpse

Keep a straight body while lying down (Image by Wesley Tingey/Unsplash)
Keep a straight body while lying down (Image by Wesley Tingey/Unsplash)

It's a very easy pose. To do it, you can use a mat or you can lie down on the grass or your floor. Lie down on your back. Make sure your legs are straight and close but not touching each other.

Keep your hands on the sides and palms facing the sky. Close your eyes, and breathe deeply. That will help you to forget all your worries and relax all your muscles and organs.

#2 Child pose

Child's pose (Image by Conscious Design/Unsplash)
Child's pose (Image by Conscious Design/Unsplash)

To do the child's pose, you need to start on your hands and knees and sit back over your heels. Your hands should be in front and out.

Slowly start folding or bending till your forehead is resting on the yoga mat. This exercise is good for the nervous system. It helps boost blood flow and stretches the joints, knees and ankles.

#3 Legs up the wall

Move next to a wall for this exercise. Sit sideways and a bit away from the wall. While your shoulders and head rest on the ground, close your eyes, and keep the arms free on the sides.

When you exhale, swing your hips, and put your legs on the wall. Hold the position for 8-10 minutes, and keep breathing. To get back to the normal pose, use your hands, and slowly sit back.

#4 Easy pose

The easy pose//Stress busting Yoga Poses (Image by Надя Кисільова/Unsplash)
The easy pose//Stress busting Yoga Poses (Image by Надя Кисільова/Unsplash)

Sit with your spine straight on a yoga mat. Keep your left foot under your right knee and right foot under the left knee. Make sure that your head, neck and spine are in the same line.

Close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. After some time, switch your legs. This exercise will improve your posture and help you concentrate more.

#5 Surya namaskar or sun salutation

One of the stress-busting yoga poses: Sun salutation (Image by Kike Vega/Unsplash)
One of the stress-busting yoga poses: Sun salutation (Image by Kike Vega/Unsplash)

This pose consists of 12 types of poses. It starts with the standing mountain pose and ends with the mountain pose too.

It's a good warm-up exercise and is done by many early in the morning, paying their respect to the sun.

#6 The bridge

One of the top 8 stress-busting yoga poses: The bridge(Image by Alex Shaw/Unsplash)
One of the top 8 stress-busting yoga poses: The bridge(Image by Alex Shaw/Unsplash)

This is a relatively easy pose. Some find it difficult to hold the lift in the pelvis, so they can use support to do this yoga form.

To do this exercise, you need to lie down on your back. Palms should be down and arms by the sides. By pressing your upper arms and feet, lift your hip. This pose stretches the neck, hip and spine and also strengthens the body. It will also help your legs feel fresh.

#7 The cobra

The cobra pose (Image by Olivia Bauso/Unsplash)
The cobra pose (Image by Olivia Bauso/Unsplash)

In this pose, you can extend your upper body entirely. This form strengthens the back, glutes, hamstring and many back muscles. It's a very accessible pose and can be done every day.

#8 Standing forward bend

Top 8 stress-busting yoga poses: Standing forward bend(image by Junseong Lee/Unsplash)
Top 8 stress-busting yoga poses: Standing forward bend(image by Junseong Lee/Unsplash)

For this yoga form, you need to stand straight and bend forwards. Stretch your body, and make your palms touch the ground.

Take a few deep breaths. Hold the position, and return to the normal stance. This stretching will have a positive impact on your knee, hamstring glutes, brain and many other muscles and organs.

If you are looking for an alternative therapy for your body, the aformentioned stress-busting yoga poses are for you.

They will help you to have a better posture and better mental and physical health and unite your body and mind. The stretching in many of the exercises will ease muscle soreness and help you get rid of the knots. So instead of waiting, start doing yoga today, and make it a part of your life.

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