The surprising symptoms of vitamin E deficiency: are you at risk?

Symptoms of vitamin e deficiency. (Image via pexels /  anete lusina)
Symptoms of vitamin e deficiency. (Image via pexels / anete lusina)

If you've been feeling run-down and fatigued, or if your hair is falling out, it could be one of the symptoms of vitamin E deficiency. This essential nutrient plays a crucial role in keeping the body healthy and strong. In fact, most people don't even know they have this condition—until they start taking supplements (or are lucky enough to get diagnosed).

Common Symptoms of Vitamin E Deficiency

1) Fatigue

Fatigue is a common symptom of vitamin E deficiency, but it can also be caused by many other conditions. So it's important to rule out other possible causes before treating fatigue as a result of vitamin E deficiency.

fatigue is one of the common symptoms of vitamin e deficiency (image via pexels / pixabay)
fatigue is one of the common symptoms of vitamin e deficiency (image via pexels / pixabay)

If you have symptoms of vitamin E deficiency and are experiencing fatigue, your doctor may recommend blood tests to determine if you are indeed suffering from the condition.

Vitamin E deficiency can occur when fat-soluble vitamins are not properly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract or if they're excreted too quickly through the kidneys due to excessive fluid loss or dehydration.

2) Weight loss

Weight loss is a common symptom of vitamin E deficiency. The nutrient is necessary for good skin, hair, and nail health, as well as immune function. It also helps to maintain a healthy metabolism and heart.

can cause weight loss. (Image via pexels / ketut subiyanto)
can cause weight loss. (Image via pexels / ketut subiyanto)

If you're experiencing unexplained weight loss or you're concerned about your overall health, visit your doctor for an assessment of how much vitamin E you need each day--and whether that amount might be different now than it was before (for example if they've changed their diet).

3) Muscle pain and weakness

Vitamin E deficiency can cause muscle pain and weakness. This is because vitamin E helps your body make and use the protein collagen, which keeps your muscles strong.

When you have a vitamin E deficiency, your body doesn't get enough collagen to make new cells.

muscle pain and soreness. (Image via pexels / andrea piacquadio)
muscle pain and soreness. (Image via pexels / andrea piacquadio)

This results in your muscles becoming weak and painful as they break down faster than they are repaired by new cells being made with enough collagen in them to keep them strong for longer periods of time.

4) Hair loss, brittle nails, and skin lesions

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects your body from free radicals, which can cause cell damage. It's also important for healthy skin, hair, and nails.

Vitamin E deficiency is rare in developed countries because it's found in many foods (especially nuts) and supplement products are widely available.

also causes hair loss. (Image via unsplash / towfiqu barbhuiya)
also causes hair loss. (Image via unsplash / towfiqu barbhuiya)

However, some people may not be getting enough vitamin E through their diets due to dietary restrictions or other health conditions that prevent them from absorbing fat properly.

5) Frequent infections

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight free radicals in the body. If you're not getting enough vitamin E, your immune system may be less able to fight off infections.

frequent infection. (Image via unsplash / towfiqu barbhuiya)
frequent infection. (Image via unsplash / towfiqu barbhuiya)

Symptoms of vitamin E deficiency can lead to an increased risk of infection because it helps keep your cells healthy and prevents them from aging too quickly. This means that vitamin E deficiency can make it harder for your body's defenses against foreign invaders like bacteria or viruses (which cause many kinds of infections).

6) Dizziness and clumsiness

If you experience dizziness and clumsiness, these could be symptoms of vitamin E deficiency.

Other symptoms of vitamin E deficiency include hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), dehydration, low iron levels in women who have had babies recently or during their menstrual cycle and anemia.

How to prevent low vitamin E symptoms?

The best way to prevent vitamin E deficiency is to make sure you are getting enough of the nutrient in your diet. Foods that are high in vitamin E include nuts, seeds, leafy green vegetables, and vegetable oils.

eating foods that are rich in vitamin e content. (Image via unsplash / mockupo)
eating foods that are rich in vitamin e content. (Image via unsplash / mockupo)

If you have a condition that interferes with fat absorption, your doctor may recommend a vitamin E supplement. It's important to talk to your doctor before starting any new supplement regimen.

In conclusion, vitamin E is a crucial nutrient that plays a role in many bodily functions. Symptoms of vitamin E deficiency can lead to a range of surprising symptoms, including dry skin, muscle weakness, vision problems, immune system dysfunction, neurological issues, anemia, and menstrual cramps.

If you are at risk for vitamin E deficiency, it's important to make sure you are getting enough of the nutrient in your diet or through supplements recommended by your doctor.

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