Manuka honey benefits for skin: Reasons to add it to your skincare routine

Manuka honey benefits for skin includes reducing acne and preventing aging. (Photo via Pexels/Pixabay)
Manuka honey benefits for skin includes reducing acne and preventing aging. (Photo via Pexels/Pixabay)

Manuka honey benefits for skin are plenty. From soothing acne and preventing signs of aging to reducing inflammation and helping with eczema, this honey can be used for all kinds of skin problems for its therapeutic benefits.

Manuka honey is produced by bees that pollinate the manuka bush, also called the tea tree. The honey’s higher levels of antibacterial and antioxidant properties make it even more beneficial than traditional honey.

This honey contains an additional and very active component called methylglyoxal that's likely responsible for its antibacterial and antioxidant properties. It also gives the honey a distinctive flavor.

Manuka honey benefits for skin

Here are some of the top benefits of using manuka honey on face:

Prevents dryness

Manuka honey benefits for skin includes preventing dryness and providing nourishment. (Photo via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)
Manuka honey benefits for skin includes preventing dryness and providing nourishment. (Photo via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)

One of the best manuka honey benefits for skin includes preventing dryness and providing nourishment. It works as an amazing natural moisturizer that helps increase water content in the skin.

When applied to the skin regularly, it helps lock in moisture and prevents roughness and dryness. So, if you're someone with flaky and dry skin, adding manuka honey to your skincare routine can be really beneficial.

Fights against free radicals

Manuka honey benefits for skin also include its ability to fight off free radicals. This honey is rich in antioxidant compounds like flavonoids and phenols and also contains essential vitamins and minerals, including zinc, vitamin B3 and potassium.

These compounds can help eliminate free radicals and prevent skin issues like premature aging and sun damage. Using manuka honey can reduce wrinkles and age spots and also keep the skin looking younger and brighter for longer.

Can treat acne

Manuka honey benefits for skin include treating and preventing acne. (Photo via Pexels/cottonbro studio)
Manuka honey benefits for skin include treating and preventing acne. (Photo via Pexels/cottonbro studio)

Manuka honey benefits for skin include treating and preventing acne. As it contains antibacterial properties, it fights against acne-causing bacteria and prevents breakouts.

It also reduces sebum production and improves skin texture by providing proper moisturization. The methylglyoxal ingredient in manuka honey helps reduce redness and swelling of acne while also preventing scars.

Reduces inflammation

Acne can lead to inflammation, redness and even cause scars on the face. Thanks to manuka honey’s anti-inflammatory properties, it can easily reduce inflammation and calm the skin.

Good for eczema

Manuka honey for eczema can be a good option for people suffering from this skin issue.

Eczema is caused due to lack of moisture in the skin. As manuka honey nourishes the skin by locking in moisturization, it can offer relief from the irritation and dryness associated with eczema.

Studies have even shown that manuka honey works great on inflamed skin and reduces uncomfortable symptoms of eczema.

Prevents aging

Manuka honey benefits for skin includes preventing signs of aging. (Photo via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)
Manuka honey benefits for skin includes preventing signs of aging. (Photo via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)

Preventing and reducing signs of aging is also one of the top benefits of manuka honey for skin. Regular usage can reduce wrinkles, fine lines and dark circles, and keep the skin visibly healthy-looking.

How to use manuka honey in your skincare?

There are several ways to use manuka honey in your skincare routine. You can apply it directly, or mix it with other ingredients like yogurt. You can also opt for skincare products that contain manuka honey.

If you're applying it directly, simply put a thin layer on a clean face, and wash it off after ten minutes.

Here’s a DIY manuka honey face mask you can try at home:

Take 1 tablespoon of manuka honey, and add a few drops of vitamin E oil to it. Apply the mixture to your face, and let it sink in for a few minutes. Massage gently, and wash it off with lukewarm water.

Manuka honey can also be mixed with yogurt and applied to the face and neck as an excellent face pack. Before you try these DIYs, though, make sure your face is clean and dry. If you have pimples, avoid rubbing the face pack; just wash it off very gently.

Is manuka honey safe?

Manuka honey can be mixed with yogurt. (Photo via Pexels/ROMAN ODINTSOV)
Manuka honey can be mixed with yogurt. (Photo via Pexels/ROMAN ODINTSOV)

For most people, manuka honey is safe for topical application and consumption as well. However, if you have diabetes or are allergic to bees and honey, consult a doctor before using it.

As with any new skin care product, always do a patch test before applying manuka honey to your face. Also, if you're considering it for eczema, it's best to seek doctor's advice and follow their instructions.

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