Is baking soda a safe skincare ingredient? Analyzing the benefits and risks

Baking Soda (Image via Getty Images)
Baking Soda (Image via Getty Images)

Baking soda has always been by our side in the kitchen as well as for other supporting applications. But no one really talks about the potential benefits it holds for the skin and how much it can transform the way we look.

Ranging from its alkaline nature to its mild exfoliating properties, this ingredient comes with a complete pack of skin enhancement properties.

The alkaline nature puts a major contribution to balancing the skin's pH levels. The mild antifungal properties help to combat certain types of fungal infections on the skin, such as athlete's foot. These two benefits are just the basic ones the ingredient provides.

Benefits of baking soda for the skin

Baking soda (Image via Getty Images)
Baking soda (Image via Getty Images)

Exfoliation: Achieving a smoother and softer complexion is possible by utilizing the fine and gritty texture of this substance. It gently exfoliates the skin and effectively eliminates dead skin cells, dirt, and impurities from its surface.

pH Balance: The skin's natural pH levels can be harmonized and restored with the help of its alkaline properties, neutralizing excessive acidity due to factors such as harsh skincare products or increased oiliness.

Mild antifungal properties: Benefiting from its natural antifungal properties, this ingredient proves effective against certain skin fungal infections, such as athlete's foot.

Acne treatment: Combining exfoliating and antibacterial effects, this substance can be a valuable asset in treating acne, effectively unclogging pores and combating acne-causing bacteria, thus reducing and preventing breakouts.

Baking soda (Image via Getty Images)
Baking soda (Image via Getty Images)

Blackhead removal: When included in skincare routines, it successfully tackles blackheads by loosening and eliminating them, addressing clogged pores caused by excess oil and dead skin cells.

Soothing irritation: Redness, insect bites, and minor skin irritations find relief through the anti-inflammatory properties of this substance, providing a calming effect and comfort to irritated skin.

Foot care: Offering a refreshing and rejuvenating experience, incorporating this ingredient into foot soaks effectively softens calluses and revitalizes tired feet, making it a valuable addition to foot care routines.

Natural deodorant: Its ability to neutralize odors renders it a potential ingredient in natural deodorants, presenting an alternative to conventional products.

Baking soda (Image via Getty Images)
Baking soda (Image via Getty Images)

Sunburn relief: The soothing and cooling properties of this substance provide relief to sunburned skin when used in baths or as a compress.

Stain removal: This ingredient's gentle abrasiveness effectively eliminates stubborn stains, particularly those left by self-tanning products, leaving the skin clean and refreshed.

Potential side effects of baking soda on the skin

Skin irritation: This can result from the alkaline nature, leading to discomfort, redness, and potential sensitivity, particularly for those with reactive or sensitive skin.

Baking soda (Image via Getty Images)
Baking soda (Image via Getty Images)

Dryness: The impact on the skin's natural moisture balance may cause dryness, making it especially concerning for individuals with existing dry skin conditions.

Increased sensitivity: Regular use on the skin might heighten its sensitivity to other skincare products and environmental factors.

Chemical burns: The high alkalinity of undiluted or concentrated baking soda can, in some instances, cause chemical burns when applied directly to the skin.

Microscopic abrasions: The gritty texture can create tiny skin abrasions, potentially causing additional irritation and increasing the risk of infections.

Baking soda (Image via Getty Images)
Baking soda (Image via Getty Images)

Disruption of the skin barrier: The application may compromise the skin's natural barrier function, making it more vulnerable to environmental pollutants and bacteria.

Allergic reactions: Although rare, allergic reactions are possible, leading to itching, hives, or a rash.

Is baking soda safe to be applied on the skin?

The safety of skin application is scientifically debated. This is just a precaution to not make the situation worse. Its alkaline pH (around 9) can disrupt the skin's natural acidity, potentially leading to irritation, dryness, and compromised barrier function.

Baking soda (Image via Getty Images)
Baking soda (Image via Getty Images)

The abrasive texture may cause micro-tears, increasing sensitivity. Over-exfoliation risks removing healthy skin cells. Allergic reactions are rare but possible. For safe and effective skincare, it's best to choose products specifically formulated for the skin and consult with a dermatologist for personalized advice and suitable alternatives.

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