Instant Noodles and Health: 4 Reasons to Avoid Eating Too Much Instant Noodles

Instant Noodles are extremely popular food products in the market presently (Image by Jcomp on Freepik)
Instant Noodles are extremely popular food products in the market presently (Image by Jcomp on Freepik)

A warm, flavorful bowl of instant noodles can uplift our mood in seconds. Instant noodles are available in so many different flavors and variants, and there’s probably no end to the type of instant noodles you can find in your nearby supermarket. The urge to try all of them is truly inescapable.

Noodles are very easy to prepare and come at a cost that doesn’t burn a hole in our pockets. These reasons made it a staple food option for many people who are looking for a quick and easy meal, like college students, working professionals, etc. But no matter how much tempting instant noodles might be, their consumption beyond a limit can have detrimental effects on our health.

In this article, we’ll be discussing why noodles or ramen noodles became so popular and delve into four important reasons why you should limit your instant noodle consumption.

Why Instant Noodles Became So Popular?

There are innumerable brands and variants of noodles available in stores worldwide (Image by Jcomp on Freepik)
There are innumerable brands and variants of noodles available in stores worldwide (Image by Jcomp on Freepik)

Instant noodles are consumed in all parts of the world and their popularity is immeasurable. They are available in many different flavors, which are even specially catered to the taste of the region in which they are being sold.

From seafood-flavored noodles in coastal regions to Kimchi-flavored ramen in Korea, to masala-flavored noodles in India, they come with a whole new level of experience depending on the part of the world where you are present.

Instant noodles have the ability to blend with different tastes and flavors, from cheese to chicken to vegetables. People have their own way of preparing their noodles as per their own taste and using the type of additives that they want like sauces, meats, eggs, or spices.

You can even prepare the noodles using different methods like boiling, stir-frying, etc. They have a really good shelf-life, so there’s also the ease of buying the whole month’s stock all at once to avoid repeated thoughts about what to cook for dinner. All these qualities of noodles along with their affordability make them the ultimate go-to meal for many people.

4 Reasons Why Instant Noodles Aren't Good for Your Health

Occasional consumption of noodles doesn’t seem to cause any potential health issues. However, it is well said that excess of anything isn’t good. This proves to be the case with noodles as well because eating too much of them can lead to numerous health complications that you definitely don’t want in your life.

Here we have enlisted four reasons why you should keep your consumption of instant noodles within a strict limit.

1. High Sodium Content

The seasoning given with noodles has a high amount of salt and other additives (Image by KamranAydinov on Freepik)
The seasoning given with noodles has a high amount of salt and other additives (Image by KamranAydinov on Freepik)

One of the most significant health concerns associated with noodles is their high sodium content. The seasoning packets included with instant noodles which give them their distinct flavor and aroma, are a major source of this excessive sodium.

Eating too much noodles can lead to increased sodium levels in the bloodstream, which trigger skin issues, hypertension, and even cardiac arrest.

2. Deficiency of Nutrients

You may have seen noodle companies advertising their product containing “vitamins and proteins”. No matter how compelling the advertisement may seem, it is important to note that instant noodles are highly deficient in essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Thus, they should never be a substitute for a proper diet.

3. Harmful Additives

To have a good flavor and longer shelf-life, additives and preservatives are added to almost every noodle out there. These additives include Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), artificial food coloring, artificial flavoring agents, and trans fats. All of these additives have their names associated with being the potential causes of various health complications.

4. Lack of Satiety

Excessive consumption of noodles can cause skin breakouts as well due to the high amount of salt and spices present in it (Image by Jcomp on Freepik)
Excessive consumption of noodles can cause skin breakouts as well due to the high amount of salt and spices present in it (Image by Jcomp on Freepik)

You may have observed how you find yourselves roaming around the kitchen at midnight when you had noodles for dinner. Even though they have a high-calorie content, noodles don't have the capability to make you feel full or satisfied for longer periods of time, like a balanced diet can. This leads to snacking between meals, overeating, and subsequently, an unhealthier lifestyle.

Therefore, even though instant noodles come with a lot of advantages like good taste, different flavor options, and low cost, it is important to keep in mind that regularly eating them comes at the risk of severe health issues. While occasional eating is considerable and normal, you should never make them a substitute for a proper meal.

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