Everything you need to know about folate deficiency

Eat folate rich foods to avoid  folate deficiency (Image by Freepik)
Eat folate-rich foods to avoid folate deficiency (Image by Freepik)

Are you suffering from folate deficiency? It is a very common deficit. Folate is the natural form of B9. This vitamin is found in several green vegetables, plants, and meat. These days there are folate tablets. Folic acid is also used as the body absorbs it easily. This helps to fight this deficiency.

Folic acid can help in the production of DNA and RNA, and also increases the red blood cell count in the body to fight diseases. Due to less intake of folate or bad habits like drinking too much alcohol, or doing drugs, folate deficiency can happen.

To check if you have this problem, you need to go for a blood test. Let us get a deeper understanding of folate deficiency.

What is Folate Deficiency: Understanding the term

Folate pills can be taken orally to avoid folate deficiency. (Image by Alexander Grey/Unsplash)
Folate pills can be taken orally to avoid folate deficiency. (Image by Alexander Grey/Unsplash)

Folate aka Vitamin B9 deficiency is a deficiency that is caused by low levels of folate or when folate is not consumed enough in the diet and not absorbed by the body. Folate plays a very important role in the union of DNA, RNA, and protein.

The body does not store much folate at once. Therefore we need to have folate-rich meals, not regularly but often, to replenish the shortage. Often the acid form of folate is used as a supplement because the body absorbs it easily and turns it into folate. Folate is also important for the proper growth of a fetus' nervous system.

What are the causes of this deficiency?

Drugs can lead to this type of deficiency. (Image by Jonathan Gonzalez/Unsplash)
Drugs can lead to this type of deficiency. (Image by Jonathan Gonzalez/Unsplash)
  • Less consumption of folate
  • Less or no absorption of folate
  • Malabsorption disorder
  • Pregnancy
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Doing drugs
  • Certain medications
  • Smoking
  • Age factor
  • Pernicious anemia (The most common cause)


Depression is a symptom of folate deficiency. (Image by Stefano Pollio/Unsplash)
Depression is a symptom of folate deficiency. (Image by Stefano Pollio/Unsplash)

Let us now see what are the common symptoms of this disorder:

  • Tiredness
  • Lethargy
  • Breathing issues
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Weight loss
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Numbness
  • Tingling sensation
  • Cancer
  • Dementia
  • Diarrhoea
  • Fast heart-beat
  • Soreness of the throat

Treatment of folate deficiency

Leafy greens are a good source of B9. (Image by Cole Patrick/Unsplash)
Leafy greens are a good source of B9. (Image by Cole Patrick/Unsplash)

This deficiency won't go away on its own. It has to be treated in the right way. If you are an alcoholic or a drug addict, then rehab and proper treatment will be required to cure the underlying cause of malabsorption.

However, if the cause of your deficit is because of bad food habits or pregnancy, then it can be treated with just supplements.

A balanced diet with fruits, veggies, leafy greens, and meat will contain enough folate. Ask your dietician about how much folic acid you will need to meet your daily needs. It usually depends on your age or BMI. Citrus fruits, bread, rice, and many other daily foods also contain enough of this vitamin.

What happens when you take excess folate?

Excess of folate can damage the brain and its functions. (Image by Robina Weermeijer/Unsplash)
Excess of folate can damage the brain and its functions. (Image by Robina Weermeijer/Unsplash)

It is very hard to reach higher folate levels. If you are having food rich in it, your levels will be normal in most cases. Folic supplements, however, if taken in excess, can be toxic for us. This can hide a Vitamin B12 deficiency from the brain because both B9 and B12 are involved in producing more red blood cells.

A shortage of either causes anemia. A person who is consuming excess folic acid can hide or treat their anemia. But that builds a Vitamin B12 deficiency, which the brain does not understand anymore. This can damage the brain and the CNS permanently.

Note: B12 is important primarily for proper brain and nerve cell functioning and development. A deficit of this can cause severe problems.

Keeping healthy folate levels is easy. So why are you waiting? If you suspect you are suffering from a deficiency like this, get yourself checked and start eating balanced meals. Avoid bad habits like drinking or smoking and take folate supplements orally to avoid folate deficiency.

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