8 low-calorie high-protein lunch ideas for fat loss

Low-calorie high-protein lunch ideas (Image by Budi Puspa Wijaya/Unsplash)
Low-calorie high-protein lunch ideas (Image by Budi Puspa Wijaya/Unsplash)

If you would like to shed some of the extra weight you gained last year, now is the time to switch to a low-calorie high-protein lunch.

Your morning meal should contain the most calories, and dinner should be light and early. A low-calorie high-protein lunch should be consumed in the afternoon to stop our food cravings for the rest of the day till it's time for dinner.

Protein in meals keeps us full for longer periods, so a low-calorie high-protein lunch is even better if you’re trying to cut weight, as it will satiate all your hunger by taking it long for the food to digest.

Moreover, protein helps in faster weight loss and muscle building. Let's now look at the low-calorie high-protein lunch options.

Eight low-calorie high-protein lunch ideas.

Here are the low-calorie high-protein lunch options to make at home.

#1 Salmon and some vegetables

Salmon with some veggies can be a great meal for lunch (Image by CA Creative/Unsplash)
Salmon with some veggies can be a great meal for lunch (Image by CA Creative/Unsplash)

You will need salmon, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, sweet potato, olive oil and salt and pepper to prepare this dish.

Fish is high in protein and also has other minerals and fatty acids. You can add roasted vegetables and consume them along, as the vegetables can enhance the flavor and make you fuller.

You get protein from the fish and a few more calories and nutrients from the vegetables, making it a bang-in-the-buck lunch option.

#2 Grilled chicken with salad

Grilled chicken as a low-calorie high-protein lunch choice (Image by Kirsty TG/Unsplash)
Grilled chicken as a low-calorie high-protein lunch choice (Image by Kirsty TG/Unsplash)

Salads are very easy to make and convenient, but if you’re bored of eating vegetables and fruits only, you can try the grilled chicken salad, as you will get nearly 20 grams of protein from a 100-gram serving of the salad.

It's also typically low in calories and high in good fats, making it the perfect dish for gym goers, athletes and others looking to consume more protein and have fewer calories for lunch.

#3 Brown rice served with tofu

Brown rice with some tofu and avocado (Image by Rebecca Clarke/Unsplash)
Brown rice with some tofu and avocado (Image by Rebecca Clarke/Unsplash)

In case you are tired of eating meat every day or are a vegetarian, this dish is for you, as tofu is a great source of vegan protein.

This meal is high in terms of protein, as you get 25 grams of protein from each serve. Brown rice, meanwhile, has a lot of dietary fibres and will keep you full for longer, but keep the amount of rice in check if you’re looking to shred weight faster.

#4 Cauliflower fried rice

Add cauliflower to your fried rice for a low-calorie high-protein lunch (Image by Rebecca Clarke/Unsplash)
Add cauliflower to your fried rice for a low-calorie high-protein lunch (Image by Rebecca Clarke/Unsplash)

It's yet another easy-to-make recipe that you can pack for lunch, made using cauliflower, onions, carrots, egg and sesame oil, is typically low in calories and carbs.

The eggs or the panner or tofu you add can increase the protein content, keeping you full for longer periods, but remember to use low-fat paneer or tofu to make the most out of this healthy dish.

#5 Tropical chicken salad

Tropical chicken salad (Image by Logan Jeffrey/Unsplash)
Tropical chicken salad (Image by Logan Jeffrey/Unsplash)

With spicy chicken, vegetables of your own choice, grapes, pineapple, shredded coconut, avocados and mango dressing, you can eat tropical chicken salad as a low-calorie high-protein lunch.

This dish is full of lean protein, iron and healthy fats.

#6 Egg salad

Egg salad bowl for a low-calorie high-protein lunch (Image by Anh Nguyen/Unsplash)
Egg salad bowl for a low-calorie high-protein lunch (Image by Anh Nguyen/Unsplash)

Eggs are very popular, and we have eggs for breakfast, lunch and even dinner. Most people avoid the egg yolk and only have the whites to cut down on calories, which can be done even while making an egg salad.

To make this meal, you will need a few hard-boiled eggs, seasonings, sauce and mayonnaise; also you can use Greek yogurt if you are trying to lose weight by consuming fewer calories.

Add the vegetables of your choice to make it filling, and add olive oil to make it an even healthier dish. This is a protein-packed salad and is often an underrated lunch option.

#7 Avocado stuffed with some tunas

Stuff avocados with tuna for a low-calorie high-protein lunch option (Image by Thought Catalog/Unsplash)
Stuff avocados with tuna for a low-calorie high-protein lunch option (Image by Thought Catalog/Unsplash)

This option is loaded with a lot of healthy protein and fats, which keeps your hunger away once you have it, as it's digested slowly and keeps the food in the stomach for a long time.

One serving of this dish has nearly 25 grams of protein. You need fresh avocados, some tuna fish, mayonnaise, bell peppers and other ingredients to add taste.

You just need to season the tuna. Mix all the vegetables and spices in it, and pack it inside the avocado. This dish doesn’t take much time to prepare and can be made even when you have a busy schedule.

#8 Sweet potatoes with beans as stuffings

Take long and thin sweet potatoes to make this dish (Image by Louis Hansel/Unsplash)
Take long and thin sweet potatoes to make this dish (Image by Louis Hansel/Unsplash)

This Mexican dish is made with ingredients from New Mexico and is becoming very popular because it is healthy, gluten-free, vegan and also easy to prepare.

Thin potatoes and black beans, used for the stuffing have a lot of protein in them. You can also add vegetables and lime for taste. The protein in the beans will keep you satiated, while the carbs in sweet potato will satisfy your hunger.

Keep your calories in check with the help of mobile applications available on the app and play-store.

Choose all your meals wisely, and make sure you are consuming the right amount. Apart from that, you should also exercise and sleep well, to have a well-balanced life fueled with a healthy diet.

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