Easy Diet and Exercise Tips to Lose Face Fat

Diet and Exercise Tips To Lose Face Fact (Image via Pexels)
Diet and Exercise tips to lose Face Fat (Image via Pexels)

There is nothing that makes you appear more attractive than losing face fat and revealing your jawline.

While people are blessed with different facial structures from birth, it's possible to modify and make the best of what you've got. In this article, we will go through the best and easiest way to lose face fat and uncover your facial aesthetics.

Diet and Exercise Tips to Lose Face Fat

Diet Tips to Lose Face Fat

1) Optimize your body fat percentage levels

Spot reduction is impossible. For men, the 10-15% body fat range is ideal for appearing more attractive. The 15-17% range is ideal for women who are aiming for a defined jawline.

If you're overweight, the best way to enhance your facial appearance is by losing weight. That will require a regimented workout routine and calorie deficit.

2) Increase your water intake

Adequate hydration is crucial for maintaining healthy, supple skin. Drinking water before meals can reduce calorie intake and temporarily boost metabolism. Although it will not directly reduce face fat, it can give you younger looking skin and reduce fluid retention.

3) Monitor your sodium intake

Increased salt intake is the number one culprit behind a bloated facial appearance. Increased sodium intake can cause fluid retention, which can lead to facial puffiness. To reduce your sodium intake, cut off processed and packaged foods.

Check out this article for a detailed outlook on adequate daily sodium intake.

4) Limit sugar and refined carbohydrates

Refined carbs and sugary foods are a major cause of obesity and unwanted weight gain, which directly affects facial appearance. As they have low fiber, they can also cause massive insulin spikes and crashes in blood sugar level.

Instead, go for complex carbohydrates that provide a long-term, sustained energy release and have a better glycemic index.

Exercise Tips To Lose Face Fat

1) Increase cardiovascular activity

Perform at least 30 minutes of cardio daily. That can be low intensity cardio like walking or hitting the treadmill. However, HIIT routines can burn more fat and increase your metablic rate to enhance weight loss.

Sweating during intense cardio can compensate for increased salt intake and help with limiting bloating and facial puffiness.

Here are some excellent cardio routines to get you in incredible shape.

2) Do facial exercises


The face has over 57 muscles that can be trained just like any other body part. Strengthening facial muscles can give you a defined, toned face even at slightly higher body fat levels.

Here's an article on the best exercises to add to your facial exercise routine.

3) Start lifting weights

Lifting weights can help develop the muscles around your face, as well as the trapezius, neck, and upper back. That can greatly enhance facial aesthetics in men.

Let's compare two men with the same facial structure. One has a wider neck and yoked upper back, while the other has a pencil neck and underdeveloped traps. The first will appear significantly more masculine and attractive. However, the opposite is usually true for females.

Read about some of the best upper back exercises to add to your workout plan.

Bonus tips

  • Sleep for 7-8 hours daily to boost fat loss and prevent facial bloating
  • Limit alcohol consumption
  • Reduce binge eating


It's impossible to lose face fat through spot reduction. However, facial exercises and a well-balanced diet can work wonders. Combine them with regular resistance training and cardio to reap immense benefits.

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