Dirty Bulking: Does It Work And Should You Be Doing It?

Dirty bulking is a debatable fitness regime (Image via Pexels/Alexa Popovich)
Dirty bulking is a debatable fitness regime (Image via Pexels/Alexa Popovich)

For many fitness enthusiasts, dirty bulking could be the new game of this season. With the winter and new PRPRs hit, it’s the perfect moment to opt for a bulking period. Yet, this gets a bad rep with “dirty bulking” undertaken by so many influencers, bodybuilders or fitness enthusiasts on social media. So, is dirty bulking an issue? Does dirty bulking work? Most importantly, will dirty bulking work for you?

In this article, we will tell you all about dirty bulking, so that you can have a clear idea before you choose foods best for your goals.

What Is Dirty Bulking?

Dirty Bulking (Image via Pexels/RDNE Stock project)
Dirty Bulking (Image via Pexels/RDNE Stock project)

Dirty bulking refers to an intense period of weight gain to enhance strength and size. It also includes high consumption of calorie-dense foods, protein amounts and fats. Dirty bulking is also paired with high-intensity resistance and lifting programmes.

Yes, it's true, sometimes fitness enthusiasts can push the dirty bulking period to extremes having little or no healthy control over eating but hey, it is called “dirty” for a reason. So, does dirty bulking work? Is it faster than a lean bulk?

Dirty bulking is a pretty convenient way to gain noticeable results within the desired time. So, the answer is one hundred per cent yes! Dirty bulking will help you gain the desired weight within a short period of time. It is significantly faster than lean bulk and can help gain more weight too.

Should Skinny Guys Dirty Bulk?

Dirty bulking comes with a lot of weigh gain (Image via Pexels/Ketut Subiyanto)
Dirty bulking comes with a lot of weigh gain (Image via Pexels/Ketut Subiyanto)

Well, given that dirty bulking can help you gain a good amount of weight from all the caloric surplus, should skinny guys dirty bulk? Being skinny is not an issue, but you might desire to do something regarding your weight. Hence, the answer depends solely on your goal. It also depends on your patience.

If you are patient about your fitness goals, you can lean bulk and still see results within a good amount of time. However, if you feel the need to increase weight as soon as possible, dirty bulking might just be the best solution.

Yes, dirty bulking can be an effective way for you to gain weight. But given your patience and health, we’d always recommend going for lean bulking.

So, Does Dirty Bulking Have No Issues?

Dirty bulking isn’t without problems, but here are some that you can expect on a dirty bulk:

1. Excessive fat

Excessive belly fat can be exhausting (Image via Pexels/Towfiqu barbhuiya)
Excessive belly fat can be exhausting (Image via Pexels/Towfiqu barbhuiya)

Dirty bulking's “dirty” comes not from the year-round lean bulk but from fats. The excessive, additional mass is more relative to the fat you put on during a dirty bulk.

While in the bulking stage, especially when we are going dirty bulking, we often tend to make the habit of eating a lot more than our body needs. This can inhibit the later shedding the excessive fat which can be demotivating for body builders.

2. Blood vessels at risk

Taking care of blood vessels should be the priority (Image via Pexels/Edward Jenner)
Taking care of blood vessels should be the priority (Image via Pexels/Edward Jenner)

Dirty bulking comes with too much consumption of carbs and saturated fats. They are associated with high blood pressure levels, high cholesterol and high blood sugar levels.

This is one of the biggest potential health risks if you are dirty bulking. The consumption of too much carbs throughout the day can often increase the risk of strokes and heart disease. Hence, it is important to regularly work out to keep the blood vessels in check.

3. Too much food?

Too much food can cause stomach aches (Image via Pexels/Horizon Content)
Too much food can cause stomach aches (Image via Pexels/Horizon Content)

Dirty bulking comes with a lot of food items. Are you sure to gulp all that food down the throat till your tummy aches?

Dirty bulking is not the ideal plate for everyone. Consuming too much food can often make our taste buds get tired of all these delicacies. If persisting for a long time, this can also lead to eating disorders.

4. You feel lazy?

Fat gain can cause laziness (Image via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)
Fat gain can cause laziness (Image via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)

Our body changes with the composition of proteins, carbohydrates, and fat, and so does our mind. Excess fat can often affect your mental health and make you feel sluggish. Dirty bulking increases the chances of getting overweight, which can lead to obesity.

This can affect your workout routines and also disturb your lifestyle and work, which is harmful.

5. Not for a long run

Dirty bulk shouldn't be a long time plan (Image via Pexels/Pixabay)
Dirty bulk shouldn't be a long time plan (Image via Pexels/Pixabay)

Dirty bulking is not a prescribed option at all, and it shouldn't be done for a long time at all. Though it can show some results, it can be too much risky for the body. Hence, it's better to do it in “off-season” or short periods.

So, is dirty bulking your next journey? We don’t know. However, we will mostly prescribe you to go for a clean bulk, which is much more safer and effective. "Good things take time," this old saying completely goes for bodybuilding.

Yet, if you are still eager enough, give it a try with a proper workout regime, and always consult a health professional when in need. Keep the period short and manageable for a dirty bulk. We wish you luck in the journey.

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