Caring for coily hair: Tips and tricks for healthy curls

Coily hair also known as springy hair is a unique hair texture that is characterized by tightly coiled, springy curls (lucas da miranda/ Pexels)
Coily hair is characterized by tightly coiled, springy curls. (Lucas da miranda/Pexels)

Coily hair also known as springy hair, is a unique hair texture that's characterized by tightly coiled, springy curls.

This hair type is common among people of African descent, but it can also be found in people of other ethnicities. Coily hair is also known as type 4 hair on the hair type classification scale, which ranges from type 1 (straight hair) to type 4 (coily/kinky hair).

Springy hair vs curly hair

Springy hair and curly hair are hair types characterized by their curls, but they have some key differences.

Springy hair is typically much tighter and more coiled than curly hair. Springy hair is often referred to as type 4 hair on the hair type classification scale, while curly hair is typically classified as type 3 hair. They also tends to be more fragile and prone to breakage, as the tightly coiled curls can be easily damaged if not properly cared for.

Curly hair, meanwhile, has looser, more defined curls that range from wavy to spiral-shaped. While curly hair can also be challenging to manage, it generally requires less moisture and can be easier to style. There are many subtypes of curly hair, ranging from type 2a (wavy) to type 3c (tight, corkscrew curls).

While both springy and curly hair types require specific care and attention, coily hair often needs more moisture and gentler products to keep it healthy and vibrant. Curly hair, meanwhile, may require different techniques and products to enhance and define its natural curl pattern.

How to take care of coily hair

Springy hair can be challenging to manage. (Nataliya Vaitkevich/Pexels)
Springy hair can be challenging to manage. (Nataliya Vaitkevich/Pexels)

Springy hair can be challenging to manage, but with the right techniques and products, it can be healthy and beautiful.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when caring for coily hair is that it needs a lot of moisture. As the curls are so tightly coiled, the natural oils from the scalp have a difficult time making their way down the hair shaft, which can result in dry, brittle hair. To combat that, it's essential to use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner and to regularly deep condition the hair.

Another important aspect of caring for springy hair is to avoid using products that contain harsh chemicals, like sulphates and alcohol. These ingredients can strip the hair of its natural oils and exacerbate the damage. Instead, opt for natural, gentle products that are specifically designed for coily hair.

Styling techniques for coily hair

It's important to note that springy hair is not just a hairstyle. (Cottonbro studio/ Pexels)
It's important to note that springy hair is not just a hairstyle. (Cottonbro studio/ Pexels)

Springy hair can also be a challenge, but there are many techniques and styles that work well for this hair type.

One popular style is the twist-out, which involves twisting sections of hair and allowing them to dry before unraveling the twists for defined, bouncy curls. Braid-outs and bantu knot-outs are also popular styles for coily hair.

It's important to note that springy hair is not just a hairstyle, but a reflection of culture, identity and heritage.

For many people, springy hair is an important part of their cultural identity, and they take great pride in caring for and styling it. Despite its beauty and significance, springy hair has often been stigmatized and even considered unprofessional in certain settings.

It's important to challenge these harmful attitudes and celebrate the beauty and diversity of all hair types.

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