5 Beginner Yoga Poses to Get You Started

(Image via Pexels/Elina Fairytale)
You can adopt a few easy Asanas in your workout routine to get started with yoga! (Image via Pexels/Elina Fairytale)

When you start off, yoga poses might make you feel overwhelmed due to their odd names and twisted movements. However, yoga poses are not always so complicated. There are several simple beginner poses that people can include in their regular routine without getting overwhelmed.

These beginner yoga poses entail conscious breathing with gentle movements and can provide a multitude of benefits. These include better strength in the body, increased coordination, improved balance, greater stability, and more.

Here, we have curated a list of five easy and simple beginner yoga poses that you can include in your regular routine to get started.

Simple and Easy Beginner Yoga Poses to Get You Started

1. Mountain Pose or Tadasana

Mountain poses are the simplest and easiest yoga poses that will help in building greater body awareness along with significantly enhancing the posture of your body. This yoga pose will also help you ground your body along with stretching your muscles.


To do this yoga pose, follow these steps closely:

  • Bring your body into a standing position with both your toes touching one another.
  • Create a solid base with your lower body and ground your legs to the floor with engaged quads.
  • Slightly draw in your belly with your spine tall and chest lifted.
  • Bring both your shoulder blades to the back with arms hanging at the side and naturally bent elbows.
  • Take deep breaths before gently releasing.

2. Warrior Pose I or Viparita Virabhadrasana

Warrior Pose I can be considered a foundational yoga exercise that will help in building better alignment as well as balance in the body. It will also help in enhancing the overall core strength as well as increasing the strength of your arms and legs.


To do this yoga pose, follow these steps closely:

  • Bring your body into the standard downward facing dog position before bringing your one foot forward inside your hands.
  • Bend your front knee directly above the ankle until the same thigh is angled parallel to the ground.
  • Bring your hands above your head in the prayer position with your gaze towards both your hands. Hold and release.
  • Swap sides and repeat.

3. Half Forward Bend or Ardha Uttanasana

Half forward bending will help in bringing better spinal alignment along with encouraging good digestion by stimulating your inner organs. It tends to be a great way to increase the overall flexibility of the body and calm your mind.


To do this yoga pose, follow these steps closely:

  • Assume the standard forward bend position before raising your torso while keeping your spine flat.
  • Raise your head to look in the front with your shoulder blades rolled back together.
  • You can slightly bend your knees so that they do not get locked out.
  • Focus on breathing deeply and becoming more aware of the flow of your body movement. Hold and release.

4. Tree Pose or Vrikshasana

Tree poses tend to be excellent yoga poses that help in building significant balance in the body along with strengthening both your physical and mental health. They also help in building greater focus and concentration for your work.


To do this yoga pose, follow these steps closely:

  • Begin by bringing your body into a tall standing position while maintaining a good posture of the body.
  • Ground your left leg before raising your right foot and bringing the soles of your right foot towards the inside of your left thigh.
  • Adjust your body to try and find a comfortable position while keeping a good posture.
  • Bring your hands over your head and hold. Swap sides and repeat.

5. Raised Hand Pose or Urdhva Hastasana

Raised hand pose is also a simple yoga pose that is added to the foundation of the mountain pose. This will help you stretch your entire body along with relieving tightness from the muscles of your posterior chain.


To do this yoga pose, follow these steps closely:

  • Assume the standard mountain pose before bringing your arms straight towards the ceiling and parallel to one another.
  • Make sure not to hunch your shoulders and bring your gaze towards your hands.
  • Bring the crown of your head to the back and your navel towards the spine.
  • Hold before gently releasing.

Bottom Line

The yoga poses listed above are some of the best and simple ones that beginners can include in their routine to get started. To effectively perform these yoga poses, you should give your body time and practice every day with dedication.

Simple movements along with deep breathing while performing yoga exercises will enhance your overall health and mental well-being. Regular practice of these yoga poses will also enable you to perform more advanced yoga with greater ease.

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