Benefits of basil seed drink and how to prepare it

Basil seed drink (Image via Pexels/ Ruandom Zhong)
Basil seed drink (Image via Pexels/ Ruandom Zhong)

Basil seed drink has recently gained popularity due to its amazing benefits. Basil seeds look similar to chia seeds in appearance, but these are slightly bigger than the latter.

The two most noticeable dietary variations are that chia seeds have less fiber and over twice as much omega-3 fat as basil seeds. When soaked, the seeds of chia and basil swell and gel.

Soaking basil seeds in water yields a drink called basil seed water, sometimes called a basil seed drink or beverage. To make a cool, flavorful beverage, basil seed water is frequently combined with different fruits, sugars, and sometimes herbs.

Basil seed drink benefits

Basil seeds look similar to chia seeds. (Image via Pexels/ Castorly Stock)
Basil seeds look similar to chia seeds. (Image via Pexels/ Castorly Stock)

Basil seeds help with constipation, offer a steady energy boost, and facilitate the body's detoxification process. The basil seed drink is perfect to make when you're hot, rushing around, or on the go. The seeds provide you with nutrition, and the cleverly supplemented drink provides you with electrolytes.

#1 Digestive health

Mucilage, a gel-like material found in basil seeds, expands when submerged in water. This texture, which resembles gel, facilitates regular bowel movements and keeps constipation at bay, which helps with digestion.

#2 Good for skin

Regular consumption of basil seed drinks can potentially enhance skin appearance because they are a good source of vitamins and minerals that promote healthy skin.

#3 Rich in antioxidants

Antioxidants found in basil seeds can aid in shielding cells from harm brought on by free radicals. This could contribute to maintaining general health and preventing chronic illnesses.

#4 Good for heart

Basil seeds contain antioxidants called polyphenols that have been linked to a lower incidence of cardiovascular illnesses. They support normal heart function and aid in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.

Basil seeds are good for digestive health. (Image via Pexels/ Miguel Á. Padriñán)
Basil seeds are good for digestive health. (Image via Pexels/ Miguel Á. Padriñán)

#5 Weight management

Basil seeds' high fiber content encourages feelings of fullness, which lessens cravings and overindulgence in food. It also promotes effective nutrition absorption and a healthy digestive system, all of which are critical for keeping a healthy weight.

#6 Provides hydration

Basil seeds produce a gel-like covering around them when soaked in water, which can aid in maintaining bodily fluids. This makes them a well-liked garnish for beverages in the summer.

How to prepare basil seed drink?


  • 1 tablespoon of basil seeds
  • 1 cup of water or your choice of liquid (coconut water, fruit juice, or plain water)
  • Sweetener (optional)
  • Lemon or lime slices (optional)
  • Mint leaves for garnish (optional)


  • Transfer the basil seeds into a cup.
  • Stir thoroughly after adding the water.
  • Give the seeds fifteen to twenty minutes to soak. Water will be absorbed by them, creating a gelatinous layer.
  • Add extra water or your preferred liquid to the seeds once they have swelled and gelled to the correct consistency.
  • Use honey or agave syrup, or any other syrup to make it sweeter.
  • For a zesty twist, add slices of lemon or lime.
  • Garnish it with mint leaves and serve cold.

It is noteworthy that there has been little scientific investigation into the precise health advantages of basil seed drinks. Consuming it in moderation as part of a balanced diet is always preferable, just like with any other food or beverage. It's best to speak with a healthcare provider before making any dietary adjustments if you have any particular health issues.

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