Anabolic steroids and its side effects

Did Conor Mcgregor use steroid to heal from his leg injury?(Image by thenotoriousmma/Instagram)
Did Conor Mcgregor use steroid to heal from his leg injury?(Image by thenotoriousmma/Instagram)

Seroids are of two kinds, corticosteroids and anabolic. Both have different uses. Using steroids for a short period is not harmful, but using them for longer can damage the body and brain.

Many bodybuilders, including Ronnie Coleman and Arnold Schwarzenegger, have used it to win competitions, like Mister Olympia, helping them attain their dream physiques. Steroids have also been a cause of suicide and premature death. Let us know more about it.

What are steroids?

Steroid injections (Image by Sam Moghadam Khamseh/Unsplash)
Steroid injections (Image by Sam Moghadam Khamseh/Unsplash)

They are artificial hormones made in the lab and can reduce inflammation and help in faster recovery.

These hormones are used in cases when the body does not recover fast from injuries or does not have enough resources to do it at a rapid rate. They act on behalf of the immune system and help us to heal quickly. These hormones are of two types:

Corticosteroids: These are medicines used to reduce inflammation.

Anabolics: Artificial testosterone (To cut weight, gain mass and improve physical performance.)

Side effects of Steroid (Anabolics)

They come in many forms, including injections and pills, and are mostly used by athletes and bodybuilders. They can be used to improve muscle definition, gain weight and achieve a Hercules-like physique.

However, all this will cost you a lot in the future. Let's look at the side effects.

#1 Insomia

Anabolics can affect sleep (Image by Sander Sammy/Unsplash)
Anabolics can affect sleep (Image by Sander Sammy/Unsplash)

Anabolics can cause sleeping issues. People dependent on them may find it very difficult to sleep.

They can feel nauseous, which can prevent them from getting sleep or rest. Sometimes the energy levels of the body also increase, and you feel like you do not need rest.

However, that's a response caused by artificial hormones and can affect your health in the long run. If you are using steroids, take your dosage in the morning so that you can sleep at night.

#2 Increased libido

Increased libido because of anabolics (Image by artursafronovvvv on Freepik)
Increased libido because of anabolics (Image by artursafronovvvv on Freepik)

There are cases of increased libido and long and abnormal erections due to steroid use. However, there's no pleasure even though the duration of intercourses is longer and often, which can be because of the increased testosterone levels.

#3 Acne

Back acne because of steroid use (Image by Freepik)
Back acne because of steroid use (Image by Freepik)

Using these drugs can cause back acne and other skin diseases. To prevent acne, you will have to adapt to a healthy skin care routine and use products that suit your skin.

Moreover, hygiene is important while in the gym or working out at home. When you are sweating during a workout, do not forget to wash your body.

#4 Depression

Depression when you stop using (Image by jcomp on Freepik)
Depression when you stop using (Image by jcomp on Freepik)

People who have been using anabolics get too used to it. When they quit, they see changes in themselves drastically. Most of them don’t like these changes and beging to have low body confidence, which causes depression. This happens at the beginning of PCT too.

#5 Erectile dysfunction

Erection issues because of steroids (Image by stefamerpik on Freepik)
Erection issues because of steroids (Image by stefamerpik on Freepik)

It can happen when you’re discontinuing this drug and can even persist for several months or years after stopping.

When on anabolics, there's an excess of testosterone. Stopping its use can cause this hormone to decline. Estrogen levels peak, and there's an imbalance, which causes ED.

In many countries and competitions, uses of anabolics or steroids are banned. There are several testing agencies like USADA that test athletes for these substances.

Recently Conor McGregor, the mega UFC star, got involved in a controversy with the USADA and UFC because of steroid use but was later cleared, as he was found clean.

You always need a prescription to buy these drugs. Do not take them without expert supervision. Remember that you can look better by just working hard and eating healthy.

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