8 effective tips for cutting weight after bulking

Tips for cutting weight after bulking (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by ella olsson)
Tips for cutting weight after bulking (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by ella olsson)

There are many tips for cutting weight after bulking. So, you've gained some weight over the winter months by feasting and lifting more weight than you ever had previously. But summer is quickly approaching, and you don't want to hit the sandy shores without your abs.

Losing weight after weeks of bulking up isn't supposed to be difficult. All that's required is a strategy and the will to follow it. Every aspect is important, from meal timing as well as macronutrient ratios to exercise intensity and duration.

Bulking and cutting phases are vital because they help you break through plateaus, resulting in stronger and more consistent increases in the long run.

When you're regularly lifting weights to develop muscle mass, the absolute last thing you would like is to lose the muscle that you worked so hard to build. Hence, it is important to embark on your cutting-edge journey with care.

Tips for cutting weight after bulking

1) Calorie deficit

Just as the purpose of bulking is to end up in a caloric excess, the goal of cutting is to remain within a caloric deficit. This places people in a “catabolic” condition—one where tissue breaks down in the body.

Reduce your calorie intake to less than maintenance, but not too low. Finding the number of calories you need to have is the key to achieving this.

Tips for cutting weight after bulking (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by pixabay)
Tips for cutting weight after bulking (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by pixabay)

2) Don't run away from carbs

They are sometimes maligned when discussing fat loss, but they are also a vital component of your diet. Getting skinny does not require you to sacrifice carbohydrates, so you should not have to.

Carbohydrates supply you with the glycogen you need to fuel your workouts, allowing you to maintain as much muscle development as possible. However, timing is important.

Your body breaks down carbs differently across the day, depending on which tasks you’ve been performing. The ideal opportunity for carbs is shortly following your workout when the body must replenish its energy stores.

Tips for cutting weight after bulking (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by total shape)
Tips for cutting weight after bulking (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by total shape)

3) Track macros

Tracking your macros can help you stay on track with the amount of calories you consume while also ensuring that you're getting enough protein, carbs, and fats to fuel your high-intensity workouts.

Essentially, it will assist you in prioritising a nutrient-dense diet that will support your muscle-building efforts while simultaneously assisting you in meeting your fat loss objectives.

4) Keep lifting weights

You could be tempted to switch to lightweight, isolated workouts throughout the cutting phase. This is a common error. Instead, you should keep lifting heavier weights. Muscles need a challenge to retain their mass. That does not mean you cannot make changes.

Tips for cutting weight after bulking (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by karolina)
Tips for cutting weight after bulking (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by karolina)

5) Choose a diet that works for you

Dieting will be much easier if you plan it. If you are hungry and have not planned the next time you eat, you may cheat on your diet. Planning your meals ahead of time significantly reduces the likelihood of straying.

Intermittent fasting, carb cycling, and keto diets are just a few of the many options available for weight loss. However, it is vital to note that diets only function if they result in a calorie deficit.

Tips for cutting weight after bulking (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by total shape)
Tips for cutting weight after bulking (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by total shape)

6) Track overall progress

Cutting requires laser-like attention, and tracking your behaviours is one of the most effective methods of remaining on track with your plan. There are numerous fitness and food tracking apps and gadgets on the market. Choose one that works most effectively for you and stick to your plan.

If, after a couple of weeks of following your plan, you're not seeing outcomes that you believe you are supposed to be observing, it’s a wonderful opportunity to revisit the strategy and make tiny tweaks.

Tips for cutting weight after bulking (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by ella olsson)
Tips for cutting weight after bulking (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by ella olsson)

7) Focus on protein

Protein is essential for muscle healing and repair. Increase your protein intake to maintain muscle mass while decreasing weight. Strive for 1.2–1.5 g of protein per kg of body weight. Include lean protein sources such as turkey, chicken breast, fish, Greek yogurt, and tofu in your daily diet.

Tips for cutting weight after bulking (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by jane doan)
Tips for cutting weight after bulking (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by jane doan)

8) Plan your cheat meals

If you're going to indulge in a cheat meal, aim to do it while your body is primed to direct the extra nutrients towards muscle cells and strength-building processes rather than fat cells.

The optimum time to indulge in a mouth-watering treat is right after a hard weight-training session. The second ideal time is at the beginning of the day after a six- to nine-hour fast while sleeping.

Tips for cutting weight after bulking (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by ella olsson)
Tips for cutting weight after bulking (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by ella olsson)

No matter what position it is on your list of desires, losing fat quickly may not be a long-term solution to weight loss. If the diet is excessively tight, you will most certainly lose weight rapidly, but you will also set yourself up to regain it.

Instead, consider a healthier strategy for weight loss that lasts: make some smart choices right now that have the most impact and will help you drop weight quicker and for good.

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