6 Yin Yoga Poses for Mindfulness

(Image via Pexels/Marta Wave)
Yin Yoga poses (Image via Pexels/Marta Wave)

Yin yoga poses entail reflective and quiet movements along with holding the poses for a greater duration. This type of yoga is very handy for people who need to balance their intense workout sessions.

The common benefits of yin yoga poses involve balanced emotions, greater relaxation, better flexibility, lesser chances of injury, improved sleep schedule, and more.

Best Yin Yoga Poses for Mindfulness

Here's a list of the six best yin yoga poses you can incorporate into your lifestyle for mindfulness:

1) Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose (Supta Padangusthasana)

It's one of the best yin yoga poses that not only help develop mindfulness but also help in releasing tension.


How to do this yoga pose?

  • Bring your body into the laying down position on your back, with your legs extended to the front.
  • Bend your right leg, and bring your right knee to the chest.
  • Press through the heel of your left foot, and drive both toes to your shin.
  • Straighten your right leg up to the ceiling, with the sole of your foot angled towards the sky.
  • Make sure to keep a slight bend on your knees so that they do not get locked out.
  • Extend your right leg to the front on the ground. Hold on before swapping sides, and repeat.

2) Wide Knee Child Pose (Balasana)

This yin yoga pose helps release tension and strengthen the back muscles.


How to do this yoga pose?

  • Bring your body into the tabletop position on both palms and knees.
  • Keep both toes together while opening the knees by bringing them to their sides.
  • Lengthen your body along the ground while keeping your hips square and pressing them to the ground.
  • Breathe deeply before gently releasing from this pose.

3) Twisted Root Pose

It involves gentle rotating movements that help in releasing tension from the lower back, neck, and spine along with activating the obliques and glutes.


How to do this yoga pose?

  • Begin in the lying down position on the ground, with the soles of your feet pressed and knees bent.
  • Cross your left leg over your right leg while snaking your left foot under your right ankle.
  • Drop your knees towards the right side, and let them rest on the ground.
  • Stretch your arms out with your head turned to the left side.
  • Hold before gently switching sides.

4) Supported Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

This pose entails gentle backbend movements that help in working on the flexibility of the hip flexors, core, and back. It can also help in alleviating bad mood.


How to do this yoga pose?

  • Begin in the seated position with both legs straightened in front of you.
  • Create an inclined support for the base of your back using either blocks or cushions.
  • Lean back, and position yourself in the support.
  • Keep your neck in a neutral position while tilting your head to the back.
  • Hold this position before gently releasing.

5) Shoelace Pose

This pose can rejuvenate your mind and body. It can also engage your back, arms, hips, and shoulders in a deep stretch.


How to do this yoga pose?

  • Begin in a seated position on your hip bones, with your feet pressed onto the ground and knees bent.
  • Position your right foot at the outer edge of the left hip.
  • Position your left foot at the outer edge of your right hip such that the knees are stacked over one another.
  • Hinge forward from your hips above, and hold for a few moments. Gently release.
  • Swap sides, and repeat.

6) Seated Forward Bend

Besides developing mindfulness, seated forward bends help in lengthening the spine and stretching the back and legs.


How to do this yoga pose?

  • Begin in the seated position with both hands extended in front.
  • Fold forward from your hips above, and bring your upper torso towards the ground with your hands reaching the front.
  • Hold before gently releasing.

Bottom Line

The aforementioned yin yoga poses are great to promote mindfulness, helping you get a meditative and relaxed state of body and mind.

Other benefits of yin yoga poses include boosting energy level, alleviating stress, enhancing flexibility boosting blood circulation, and releasing tension. Regularly practicing these poses can transform your life with both long-term and short-term benefits.

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