6 Plank Exercises That Will Help You Get a Six-Pack

Regularly performing planks can assist to improve your posture, warm up your core for other workouts, and reduce the risk of injury. (Image via Pexels/ Elina Fairytale)
Regularly performing planks can assist to improve your posture, warm up your core for other workouts, and reduce the risk of injury. (Image via Pexels/ Elina Fairytale)

Plank exercises have been scientifically shown to be a very efficient way to strengthen, tighten, and tone your core. It's not just a trendy exercise. When you incorporate plank exercises into your regular exercise routine, your entire core will work from front to back.

However, doing a simple plank every day will likely become tedious and may even lose its effectiveness over time. That's why you need to mix it up and incorporate new plank exercises into the cycle, and that's why we're providing you with a variety of options to help you build a strong midsection. These exercises can be performed indoors, outdoors, or at the gym.

What are the best Plank Exercises for a Strong Core?

Plank exercises have a reputation for working the abs, but they can also be beneficial for the lower back. A solid core will protect your spine, which can help avoid or lessen any back discomfort you may already be experiencing.

Regularly performing planks can assist in improving your posture, warming up your core for other workouts, and reducing the risk of injury.

Here are some of the best variations of plank exercises you can try:

1) High plank

If you're new to plank workouts, start with this variation and work your way up until you feel comfortable supporting the weight on your forearms in the basic variation.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Start in the top push-up position. Don't slouch; keep your back upright and your arms and legs parallel. Maintain a neutral neck.
  • Once you are in this position, contract your glutes, quads, and core.
  • Maintaining as much length in your physique is something you should consider.
  • As long as you can or for the desired amount of time, maintain this position.

2) Side plank

This plank exercise is great for beginners. Even though it puts a little more strain on your shoulders, this variation is simpler to balance.


Instructions to follow:

  • To begin, lie on your side.
  • Ascertain that the two feet are stacked directly on top of one another.
  • Once your body is fully straight, gradually lift your hips off the floor while obliques are tightened.
  • Maintain a straight back and shoulders.
  • The abductors, delts, and lats are all worked out during a side plank in addition to your obliques.

3) Hip dips

This plank exercise works wonders to trim your waist, get rid of muffin tops, and tone your love handles. It hits your lats, obliques, and even core muscles.

Check out effective exercises for love handles.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Set yourself up in a side elbow plank and steady yourself.
  • Lift once more after dipping your lower hip towards the floor.
  • Perform ten dips on each side.

4) Starside Arm Plank

This plank exercise is an extremely complex motion that calls for great balance. It is also among the best exercises for building strength.


Instructions to follow:

  • Your right hand should be flat on the mat and your fingers should be pointing forward.
  • The left femur and shin should be at a 30-degree angle with one another as you flex your left knee and place your left foot in front of your right leg, close to your belly.
  • Raise your hips upward, extend your left hand, and rest your torso on the outside of your right foot and right hand, both fully extended. Put your left foot up now and put it on top of your right foot.
  • As though you were about to offer someone a massive hug, lift your left leg to make your body completely open.
  • Repeat on the opposite side after releasing the stance after 15 seconds of holding it.

5) Plank with leg lift

Your entire upper body is strengthened by a plank with leg raises. Additionally, your core stabilizers work harder when you elevate one leg.


Instructions to follow:

  • Put yourself in a traditional plank stance. Keep your abs taut and your arms rigid.
  • As high as you can or until the leg is parallel to the floor, raise one leg.
  • Lift the opposite leg while lowering that one.

6) Plank with oblique crunch

Your obliques and abdominals will be worked hard by the plank with an oblique crunch. You can use either a mat or a Bosu ball.

Check out the best Bosu ball exercises for full-body workouts.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Keep your abs firm, and assume the standard plank position.
  • Your left knee should be bent, turned to the side, and brought up to contact your elbow. your left obliques together.
  • Reverse the process with the opposite leg after straightening your first one.
  • For one set, perform 8-10 repetitions on each side.


Regularly performing plank exercises has a variety of advantages. This posture-correcting exercise is more than just a static workout; it can also help you get a flat stomach and boost your mood.

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