5 Tailbone Pain Exercises for Coccyx Pain Relief

Tailbone Pain Exercises For Coccyx Pain Relief (Image via Pexels)
Tailbone Pain Exercises for Coccyx Pain Relief (Image via Pexels)

If you're looking for the best tailbone pain exercises to reduce pain in your lower back and coccyx, read on.

Tailbone pain can be caused by a variety of reasons, including:

  • Wear and tear due to age
  • Poor posture
  • Injury from falls, accidents
  • Obesity
  • Gender - Women are five times more likely to be affected
  • Pregnancy

This condition is typically accompanied by sharp, aching pain in the coccyx, which becomes more severe when standing up from a seated position.

This pain may also manifest during sex, physical activities, and bowel movements. In this article, we will check out the a few best tailbone pain exercises you can add to your daily routine for enhanced pain relief and muscle strengthening.

Top Tailbone Pain Exercises for Coccyx Pain Relief

Here's a look at five such exercises:

1) Glute Bridge


This exercise is a must-add to your arsenal of tailbone pain exercises. Not only can this move help strengthen the glutes and lower back, it's also good in alleviating lower back pain and improving posture.


  • Lie down with your back against the floor.
  • Bend your knees while keeping your heels under the knees.
  • Raise your hips slowly till it forms a straight line from your knees to your head.
  • Squeeze your glutes at the top end of the movement. Hold for a second or two.
  • Return slowly to the starting position. Repeat.

2) Figure 4 Stretch


Tightened piriformis and glutes can cause lower back and tailbone pain. Add this move to your list of tailbone pain exercises for both temporary pain relief and long-term stretching.


  • Lie down on your back.
  • While keeping your feet flat on the ground, raise your knees towards the ceiling.
  • Bend your left leg closer to the body. Rest ypur left ankle across the right knee.
  • Loop your hands across the right thigh.
  • Gently pull it in towards your chest for 20-30 seconds.
  • Repeat on the other side.

3) Kneeling hip flexor stretch


The illiopsoas muscle can become stiff with prolonged sitting, which contributes to coccyx and lower back pain. Tailbone pain exercises should include some variations of illiopsoas and hip flexor stretches for best results.


  • While kneeling upright on the floor, move one leg in front, and place that foot flat on the floor. The thigh should be placed at 90 degrees to the shin.
  • The shin and knee of the back leg should be on the floor, with the toes pointing backward. Place a towel under the back knee for more comfort.
  • Rest the hands on the hips, with the chest held upright.
  • Tuck the pelvis underneath. Lean forward slightly, and avoid overleaning.
  • Hold the stretch for half a minute. Repeat on other side.

4) Cat Cow (Chakravasana)


Tailbone pain exercises often cross paths with traditional yoga poses. The cat cow pose is ideal for developing thoracic mobility, improving posture, and reducing lower back pain.


  • Kneel down on a mat. Extend your hands forward and legs backwards to adopt a tabletop position.
  • Keep your shoulders in line with your wrists, with the hips aligned with the knees.
  • Inhale while bringing your stomach towards the floor. Keep your gaze up during the cow pose.
  • Exhale while moving your spine up towards the ceiling. Bring your gaze and head down into the cat pose. Repeat for 8-12 reps.

5) Child's Pose


This yoga move helps stretch the spine and relieves pressure off the lower back and coccyx. Adding it to your list of tailbone pain exercises can help tone the pelvic muscles, stretch the lower back, and improve blood circulation.


  • Kneel on the floor, with your knees held hip-width apart.
  • Sit with your hips back between your heels.
  • Slide forwards and down till your chest touches the thighs. If possible, bring your head towards the ground.
  • Keep looking forward, as that will help you keep your spine in a lengthened position.
  • Hold for 20-30 seconds. Repeat 3-5 reps.


The aforementioned tailbone pain exercises can be incorporated into your morning mobility routine for a good start to the day. Pick one or two of these exercises, and perform them after every two hours of sitting to enhance spinal decompression and reduce lower back pain.

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