5 Best Lower Body Exercises for Women to Lose Thigh Fat

Here are the best exercises for women to get rid of stubborn thigh fat! (Image via Anastase Maragos)
Best exercises for women to get rid of stubborn thigh fat (Image via Anastase Maragos)

The legs are a common area for women to store fat, which can make the thighs look chunky.

To get rid of thigh fat, it's important to focus on exercises that target this area in particular. Here are a few lower body exercises you should do to lose fat in the thigh region:

Lower Body Exercises to Lose Thigh Fat

Here's a look at five such exercises:

#1 Hip Thrust

The hip thrust is one of the best exercises you can do to build up the glutes and hamstrings. It's a great exercise for people who want to build muscle in their lower body.

To do this exercise:

  • Place a bench or box behind you, and place your upper back on it so that it supports your entire bodyweight.
  • With both feet planted firmly on the floor about shoulder-width apart (or wider), drive through your heels till all the weight is on your hips.


The key is to keep driving till there's no slack left in the band or tubing. That ensures maximal tension on both groups of muscles throughout the set’s duration, which will help them grow stronger more rapidly than they would if they were under-tensioned at any point during each repetition’s range of motion (ROM).

#2 Leg Press

The leg press is a great way to target the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Here's how it's done:

  • Sit down on a leg press machine, with your back straight and feet flat on the platform.
  • Push through your heels as you straighten your legs till you're standing up with them fully extended.
  • Slowly lower yourself back down to full extension.
  • Try not to bend at the hips; keep them parallel to the ground throughout this movement.
  • By keeping good form, you can minimize injury risk and maximize the results.


#3 Squat

Squats are one of the best lower body exercises you can do to help burn fat and build muscle.

Squats work the entire lower body, including the legs, hips, glutes, and core muscles. If you're looking for a good full body workout that can help you lose weight and tone up the thighs, squats are a great exercise to include in your fitness routine.

You don't have to use any equipment for this exercise. All they require is some space and motivation. If you're looking for an extra challenge (and more calories burned), try doing lunges with weights or weighted barbells on each side of the body.

To do squats:

  • Stand with your feet at hip-distance.
  • Lower down till your glutes are parallel to the floor.
  • Drive through your heels, and thrust back up.
  • Repeat for reps.


#4 Deadlift

Deadlifts are a compound exercise, meaning they target multiple muscle groups. The deadlift primarily targets the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. It can be performed with a barbell or dumbbells.

If you have never done this exercise before or it has been a while since your last session in the gym, start with lighter weights till you feel comfortable enough to perform a full set of 15 reps.

You should not try to max out on your first time performing this exercise, as that could lead to injury or discomfort in the body if you're not used to lifting heavy weights.

To do a deadlift:

  • Grab hold of a loaded barbell with an overhand grip.
  • Place your feet at shoulder width, and lower down.
  • Drive through your heels as you drill your feet into the ground, and lift the weight up till your body is fully extended.


#5 Lunge

Lunges are the best lower body exercises for women. They help tone the thighs, reduce knee pain, and increase muscle strength in the lower body.

You can perform lunges anywhere with just your bodyweight or dumbbells in your hands. When done regularly, they can help burn excess fat from the thighs and sculpt them into a more toned shape.

To do a lunge:

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding weights straight down by the sides (or arms extended if using no weight).
  • Step forward with one leg as far out as possible.
  • Bring back to the starting position before stepping forward again, and repeat on the other side of the body.



We hope you’ve found this article helpful. Remember that the key to losing weight is consistency and dedication. With enough effort, the pounds will come off even if they don’t melt away overnight.

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