5 useful tricks to beat Sweats in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3

Fortnite keeps getting sweatier every season (Image via Twitter/SkyruTiger)
Fortnite keeps getting sweatier every season (Image via Twitter/SkyruTiger)

The only thing more annoying than being third-partied in Fortnite is sweaty players. These individuals flex their skills when not required and go the extra mile (uselessly) to secure a simple kill. While it's all fair in Battle Royale, at times, they do manage to pinch nerves wherever they go.

Thankfully, they are not immortal or immune to damage and death. With a bit of planning and counter-strategy, players can take on sweaty players and beat them in their own game. However, things may not always work out.

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Simple tricks to beat and outsmart sweaty players in Fortnite

1) Do the unexpected


When engaged by a sweaty player in Fortnite, the chances are that they expect their prey to behave in a certain manner. They look for patterns and wait for the perfect opportunity to strike.

Such being the case, players should behave sporadically and unexpectedly. Most of the time, simply standing ground and fighting back is a great way to confuse sweats. In certain scenarios, they may even think twice before pushing.

2) Stop them from advancing by using Firefly Jars or Shockwave


Sweaty players in Fortnite like to get in close to the action. After firing a few shots from their SMG or AR, they like to seal the deal with a shotgun. Given their hours of practice in-game, they are unlikely to miss a shot. Engaging them in a shotgun duel would end badly.

The best way to stop them from rushing in and closing the gap is to use Firefly Jars or Shockwave Grenade. Fire can be used to deal damage and set the environment ablaze, while Shockwave Grenades can be used to push them away. This buys players precious time to either prepare to fight or flee.

3) Hunker down and use Cow Catchers for safety


When it comes to sweaty players in Fortnite, most rely on pushing with the help of builds. Given the flexibility of this skill, they can build right until they are on top of another player. The only way to stop this from happening is by fighting back. However, it's not safe to shoot in the open.

Using Cow Catchers and natural terrain, players can hunker down and return fire at approaching sweats. If ARs and DMRs are insufficient to counter-build, Heavy Snipers will have to be used. Since sweats don't usually push without excessive building, the Sniper will hold them in place for some time.

4) Force them to waste ammo


When engaged in combat, having a large reserve of ammunition is essential. Based on the number of rounds available to players, that's how much damage they'll be able to inflict. Once the ammo is over, so is their capability to fight. Using this simple logic, players should try to force sweats to spend as much ammo as possible.

This can be done by running from cover to cover, placing down builds to soak up bullets, and even deploying Cow Catchers. Given their aggressive playstyle, they will keep pushing and shooting until they run dry of bullets. Once this occurs, players can fight back and improve their odds of winning.

5) Escape by using a vehicle, mount, or a Rift-To-Go


At times, sweaty opponents in Fortnite will get the upper hand in combat. This is something that has to be accepted. In these situations, the only thing left to do is run. Given their willingness to go the extra mile to hunt down players, sweats will initiate a chase. While the new sprinting mechanic is powerful, it will not be enough.

Players must find a vehicle or mount to escape the sweaty opponent. Rotating to safety or high ground will be the utmost priority. Alternatively, having a Rift-To-Go in inventory is also a good idea. With the click of a button, Loopers can cover vast distances and escape to safety.

Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.

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